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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1899)
III THE NKBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. l! ir H i r , k , 4 ) r I , r f t I M !' n i' it LOCALS. Gregory the Goal Man. New books. University Book Co. At tho sign of "The Co-op.," 322 N. 11 fh. The original and only "Co-op.," 322 N.llth. History notebook covers at Univer sity Book Co. Pull line of writing tablets. Univer sity Book Co. if he oldest students' book store, The Co-op, 322 N. 11th. Everything you need in school. Unl vorslty Book Co. Use our pencil sharpener; it's free. University Book Co. Chemistry aprons, towels and sleeves at University Book Co. Agency for the Best Laundry Co. at The Co-op, 322 N. 11th. Sigma Chi has secured two pledges, Messrs. Arends and Ustlck. Second-hand books bought, sold, ex changed. University Book Co. A good second-hand bicycle for sale cheap at University book store. Botany, zoology, biology sets and In struments. University Book Co. The Y. M. C. A. studies and supplies only at The Co-op., 322 N. 11th. The elocution classes under Mrs. Manning began work Monday. Whotman, Crane and Weston's draw ing papers. University Book Co. The PI Beta Phi society has pledged Miss McPheely and Miss Burruss. Lowncy's chocolate bon bons at Hanna's drug store, corner 14th and 0. University letter paper with en velopes to match at University Book Co. Messrs. Price, Rogers, Rain and Roth have been pledged by Beta Theta PI. Sigma Alpna Epsilon has pledged Messrs. Mills, Persel, Davidson, Daw and Mills. Kappa Sigma announces the follow ing now pledges: Messrs. Bryan, Denny and Carver. Largest stock of second-hand univer sity text books in Lincoln at The Co-op., 322 N. 11th. We expect our university pins this week. Thoy will bo beauties. Univer sity Book Co. Students desiring to study music no tice G. C. Monzondorf's advertisement in this paper. A now consignment of Waterman pens in this weok. Inspect them. Uni versity Book Co. Fred Lamar. M. S. Moore and Charles Poyntor will attend tho Omaha medical college this year. All history and political economy outlines are handled exclusively at The Co-op, 322 N. 11th. Students should hoc ChailesB. Greg ory (class of fl1) at Elovonth at"! 0 for coal and wood Miss Emily Weeks, '!)!), will Jnavo for Boston Thursday. She will spend the winter thoro. Clifton .1. Piatt has resigned from tho library staff and will lake up work In the collogo of Jaw. W. Claude Reed loft Thursday for Kansas City, whore he boos to attend a reunion of rolatlven. E. II. Krlng, 'Hit left Friday for Woodruff, Kan., whore he takes charge of tho Evangelical church. C. M. Skilos, '!.-!, law )&, lM iJCon nominated for county judge on the fu sion' ticket in Butler county. The Phi Iietes have pledged throo new men this year, Mossrs. FaniB worth. Kennedy nnd Johnson. Miss Kenny, Miss Moggie Honeywell and Miss Daniels arc wearing the pledge colors of Delta Gamma. Perfect comfort and beauty com bined in Jonnoss Miller shoes for ladles. Price $3.50. Mayor Bros. Manager Collett is superintending which will be built across the south and east lines of the foot ball field. Messrs. Kimball, Mann, Cunning ham, Adams and Sitfter are wearing the pledge colors of Phi Gamma Delta Miss Whiting entertained a few of her fraternity friends a't her home on South Thirteenth street Friday even ing, September 29. Cameron's cafe Is the best place In town for students to board. Open at nights the year round. 118 South Eleventh street. The Best Laundry Co. has an agency at Tho Coop, 322 N. 11th. Laundry bundles left at the store will receive prompt attention. When you get your books visit the University Book company. Thoy carry new and second-hand books, history paper and supplies of all kinds. The surplus stock of botany, biology and zoology instruments will be sent back this week. Buy now. University Book Co. Miss Hagoy, '08, left Monday for Sa vannah, Ga., where she accepts a posi tion as instructor In the Beach Insti tute. A. A. Gllman, '98. was on the cam pus a few days last week. He will con tinue his studies in New York this year. The now secretary of the city Y. W. C. A., Miss Kyle, was formerly a mem ber of the Swarthmore chapter of Pi Beta Phi. Phi Gamma Delta entertained at its chapter house last Saturday evening, September 30, a large number of its friends. Factory to feet University shoes, $3.00; Regent shoes, $3.50. No better shoes on earth. One price, one profit. Mayor Bros. Oliver Chambers, who has been tenching school in Montana for the past year, has. returned and will take up his work in the university. Tho class in political economy has an enrollment of over one hundred stu donts for this year. Last year it was about twonty-fivo less than this. Some new sheds have been built at the plant houses and a few partitions have boon put In. This will allow an Increase in tho number of plants kept there. Chancellor Bossey has received an Invitation to attend tho laying of tho corner stone of the new government building in Chicago. He has not yet accepted. Misses Blendino and Blancho Em mons and Misses Burt, Salle, Edmun ston, Jenkins and Tarbach have pledged thomsolves to Kappa Kappa Gamma. O. W. Chambers, one of the charter members of tho Delta IDpallon frater nity, has roturnod to Lincoln and ox poets to take work at tho university th's year. Tho library of tho college of law is now In placo In tho room formerly oc cupied by the Dolian lltornry society. Recent additions swell this library to 1.400 volumes. P. W. Popoon. manager of the soph omoro track team, is bringing out all the available men possible for tho track moot and is quito confident of a victory for his class. Professor L P. Roberts of Cornell univorHity, an old friend of Acting Chancellor Bossoy visited the univor Hity a short tlmo.ago. Ho Is Interested In tho agricultural work. H. B. Alexander, president of tho English club, has departed for Phila dclphia. Mr. Alexander is a fellow in the department of phlldsophy In the University of Pennsylvania. Harvey E. Hcnth of Omaha has been appointed the delegoto from the Industrial college and the experiment station to the national farmers' con gress, held in Boston this "week. Leroy P. Sawyer, '99, is in Lincoln for a short visit with old. university friends. He expects to leave in a few days for Chicago, where he has a. position os an electrical engineer. I The organization of about eight bible classes is an important feature I of Y. W. C. A. work this year. Each class meets once a week. The work I will consist mainly of tho study of d'f . feront authorities on the bible. ! Emory Brace, a graduate of the Uni , vorotty of Minnesota, spent several j days in th's city last week. Mr. Brace is a member of Theta Delta Chi and has a large number of friends 'n this city, which ho has made in fornfer visits. Dr. Charles B. Newcomes, 'S9, has been appointed assistant professor of Latin in the University of Missouri. He has recently returned from several I years' study in Germany, where he re ceived the degree of doctor of phil osophy. The registration this fall in the physical training classes is the largest the construction of a high board fence in the history of this department. Physical examinations have now nearly been completed and the classes will begin work on Monday. Claude Reed was elected the student membor of the university book com pany at a mass meeting of tho stu dents after chapel Thursday morning. G. A. Johnson was the other man nom inated for the position, but was' de feated by a small majority. Alvln Pope, an old university stu dent who has been attending a govern ment school in Washington, D. C, is In the city shaking hands with old friends. Mr. Pope has fitted himself for teaching the blind nnd will be em ployed this year in the Omaha insti tute. The growth of the library for the year ending September 1 was greater than in any previous year. During this time 3,200 bound volumes and 1,200 pamphlots have been added to tho library. Tho figures for the year juot begun bid fair to exceed any former record. Acting Chancellor .Bessey. accom panied by Mrs. Bessey, left Thursday for Iowa City to attend the Inaugura tion of President George E. MacLean of the Iowa state university. Dr. Bes sey will give a few words of greeting from tho Nebraska university to tho University of Iowa. Acting Chancellor Bessey has been appointed collaborator In tho division of forestry u. die United States depart ment of agriculture. Dr. Bessey has made a special study of the treeless condition of the prulrie and will con tinue th's Investigation In connection with his now duties. Tho freshmen-sophomore athletic contest to bo held In the near futttro Is causing considerable training on the part of both classes. This ovont is dne of tho features in university athletics. A $25 Avator sot will he given to tho winning cluss. Tho prize is producing the needed spirit of rivalry. D. C. Hall, E. E., '98, formerly In Company F First Nebraska rogimont, !h?m!u n ?nn FrTuncl8t5 Sunday from r ,,.;Tihlm)!),ln0H-, LaBt Murch h0 trans, toned to tho signal corps, which was mL tt ll! ''I?.1 louvo u, T'hlllpplnoH. ..... iiui win 1,0 cnsonargod n about two weeks and will then return to 52 coin. THE BOOK ifi DeDflilr Has been known for years 'to Universitj- students as the best place in Lincoln to buy the right kind of goods at the right price. The department is stocked with a complete line of Foun tain Pens, Student's Note Books, History Paper, Tab lets, Pencils, and all other school and college supplies. You can buy a fourteen karat gold Fountain Pen for 69c; History Paper as low as 5c. per 100 sheets; History Covers from 9c. to 15c. each, and all other supplies at equal ly low figures. Our miscellaneous book stock contains all the latest publications as well as the standard works by -well "known authors, text books, diction aries, translations, etc. Music and Pictures.. Wo sell all the latest music at one -half the published' price. We also carry a com plete line of vocal and instru mental sheet music contain ing 4,000 pieces at 5c. per copy. Pictures framed from 25c. upwards. jem