MMMHRMJUliMMi THE NEBRA8KAN-HHSPERIAN. IN SOCIETY. 4itr&&E-&f&&e&MrCCfr&&CtlrftfrefrCfefrfrttfj V UfSSB Friday evening Miss Adelloyd Whit ing entertained in honor of the pledged members of Kappa Kappa Gamma, the occasion being the birthday of Miss Emily Jenkins. At 6:30 the young ladles sat down to dinner, which was hardly dispatched when they wore sur prised by the arrival of a number of gentlemen who had been invited for tho evening- The following were tho guests: Misses Jenkins and Sarbach of Fuirbury, Emmons and Blanche Em mons of Denver, Colo.; Saole of Beat rice, Burt of Superior, Edmiston, Har greaves, Outcalt, Whedon and Ham mond; Messrs. Hayes, Wehn, Klllian, Williams, Sanders, Shedd, Mudge, Mc K.llup, Crandall, Westerman, Reed, Whedon, Edmiston, Kind and Hansen. Miss Estella Douglas had a pretty birthday party Thursday night at her home, 1100 Q street. Tho merry com pany of young folks played high fivo and danced with the greatest enjoy ment. A pretty and artistic color com bination of white, chocolate and pink was carried out in all tho arrange ments. The refreshments wore of the three shades, and Miss Douglas' fluffy birthday gown was of the pink tone. The young hostess received many beau tiful gifts from her friends. Tho guests were: Misses Hattle Lawlor, Dode Bennlnghoff, Kate Benninghoff, Mollle Benninghoff, Myrtle Condon, Kate Wol tomado, Zella Martin, Elsie Herming haus, Minnie Peters, Bertha Peters, Helen Peters, Martha Hashonborger; Messrs. Sam Bolshaw, George Benning hoff, James Stewart, Clifford Trcaver, Arthur Hermlnghaus, Bert Spencer, Robert Lawlor, Montlo Lum, James Lawlor, Ed Hashenborger, George Barr, Max Peters. Miss Bonnell and Miss Winifred Bonnell entertained tho members of Delta Delta Delta fraternity Saturday afternoon, September 30, at kenslng ton. Tho fraternity include onsidor able musical talent In its membership and music was one of the pleasant di versions of tho afternoon. The guests were: Mrs. James Manahan; Mioses Paddock, Elizabeth Paddock, Lumery, Koehlor, Reeves, Stewart, Grimson, Palmer, Poyntor, Mamlo Miller, Voro, Koch, Lillian Thompson, Cady, Lasch, Grace Lasch, Clara Smith, Ames, Gund, Mansfelde, Steele and Du Toll. SPALDING'S TRADE MARK. foot JBall Supplies for 1899 , Tho bpaldlng Official Intercolleglato Foot Hull, used exclusively by Yalo. Prlncoton, Har vard, Pennsylvania, Cornell, University of Chicago, Michigan, and every leading foot ball team, unirorms, snoes ana every requisite for the game. Spalding's Official Foot Hull Guldo i edited by Walter Camp 1890 rules with Index and explanatory notes, records, photographs of leading teams, postpaid, ICc. Handsomly i illustrated catalogue of all sports mailed free. A. G. SPALDING O HRO. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. DENVER. A Word to the Wise, THE "Odell No, 2" TYPEWRITER, Will do work which cannot be sur passed by any $100 machine and COSTS ONLY $20, Any one can learn to operate it in a few minutes. It is strong, dur able and portable, and does not get out of order very readily. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Write for catalogue, samples of work, etc Favorable terms to agents and dealers. DELL TYPEWRITER CO. 358364 Dearborn St. CHICAGO, CHEAP RATES VIA THE BURLING TON. Chicago, ?9.40; St. Louis, ?10.50. Sale dates Oct. 2nd to 9th, inclusive Cheap rates to all eastern points, New York, Boston, Washington, Philadel phia, Buffalo, Pittsburg, etc. Portland, Seattle and Tacoma, ?50.00. Round trip tickets on sale Oct. 14th, lGth and 16th. Limit Nov. 10th, 1899. Stop-ovorB in either direction. Cincinnati, 0 1 1-3 faro on the cer tificate plan. Date of sale Oct. 10th to 19th. Limit Oct. 23rd. St. Louis, Mo 11-3 faro on the cer tificate plan. Tickets on sale Oct. Cth to 9th. Limit Oct. lGth. Kansas City, Mo., Priests of Pallas parado, ?C,75 round trip. Tickets on huIo September 27th to Oct. 7th. Limit Oct. 9th. St. Louis fair, 112,55 round trip. Tickets on sale Oct. 1st to 0th, inclu sive. Limit Oct. 9th. Apply tit tho B. & M. depot or city omco, cor. 10th and O Sts for full in formation and tickets, G, W. BONNELL, G. P. & T. A. Mi Mi Mi Mi it Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi w i i Mi Mi Mi Mi Ml l Mi Mi Mi Mi Ml Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Ml Ml Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi 1&i&aUam V 1&. READY-TO-WEAR GOODS. Proper styles, properly priced J and properly selected for present and near-future needs, sider these values. . .the . . I IfliVili STAR COUJRSB 1899-1900 Ten Magnificent Attractions FOR Only One Dollar Cb,c Course. 1. Uev. Tliomus Dixon, subject "Backbone," October 133, 1800. 2. Hon. J. P. Pollivor, Bubject, "Tho Nation of America," November 10, 1800. .'!, Loudon Gloo Slngoro (CoHtuino Concert), November 24, 1800. 4, Bofiton Ladles Symphon OrchoHtra, December ft, 1800, ft. Fred Emerson Brooks HumorlHt, January 11, 1000. e. Oxford Mimical Club, February 13. 1000. 7. Dr. Frank Bristol, Hiibect, "BralnH." February SO, 1000. 8. Mr. S. II. Clark, February i!0, 1000 0. Dr. A. A. WUlltB, subject' "SuiiBhlno." March 10, 1000. 10. Thallan Club. March 20, 1000. Single udnilHHlon, itto, Mo, M)c, and 81 00, KeHurved HcutB, lOo, lfto, mid liOo. Seats on sale ut Oliver Box Onice throe days In advance of euch entertainment. mi B wulfttw Bk Mt KQ(v iff iHLHi Mi SW".- Mi -Z Mi r Jf Mi L " Mi SvCA III I s l Mi I ' A . t it 7 . JU U Afft mi wMhIvx Mi , WW W 5 JL- PM- T -"" ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 5.00 7 1.83? t Wo give notice right now that wo don't want any ono to return from a Hiimmor vacation and look at ub with pity hocatuio wo hnvo novor ollmhod Pilto'n iioak at HimrlBo. Wo havo had to got up at nunrlso ovory morning thlB Hummer and go to work, and aro enjoying a fooling of contempt for tourlotH that heats tho hoast of having soon Pilco'fl poalc at iJunrlBO. Intercollegiate Bureau. Cottrell & Leonard I7U-178 II rod way Albany, New York Makerit of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods To tho American Colleges and Univer sities. Illustrated manual, samples, prices, etc., upon request. Gowns for the pulpit and the bench, Moufloon Collarettes like cut with electric seal under col lar and yoke, satin linining, sold everywhere else at $1.50, our special price $ Coney Collarettes, metallic lining, each Electric SealCollarettes, satin lining, 8 tails, 25 inch tabs, our special price 4.50 JJ French Flannel Waists lined throughout, tucked and braided, all sizes and colors each Other exquisite values in waists of brilliantine, merce sized Italian cloth and serge, upward from $1.47 to These waists are excellent for school wear the proper things with which to bright en up a suit or to wear with odd skirts. Make selections while assortment is complete. Dressing Saques in all sizes and colors, upward from 60c to Don't fail to see the $7.50 Plaid skirt we offer for All-wool Camel's Hair plaid Skirts 3.97 We bought a manufacturers' entire lot of piece goods, consisting of all-wool Vene tian Cloths, Cheviots, Invis ible Plaid Suitings and Cov erts, providing he would make for us therefrom a line of perfect fitting, perfectly made suits, the most correct styles. We procured them at a figure that enables us to offer them for just two-thirds of their real value. They come in all the new shades, JJ tight fitting (like cut) fly front or box jackets, jackets lined throughout with silk, a perfect fit guaranteed in Or every case, worth every cent of $15.00. lhere are just JU 50 of them and while they last our price is Ask to see the latest things in Taffeta and Satin Waists all colors and sizes, our price, each 5.00 4.50 Herpolsheimer ....&CO.... bM.iiiii'' & 1 3.50$ p t i p 5.00 J 1 n TV TV n m 5.003 1 n m 10.00 5 VH Ji- i "l Wc carry a stock of goods valued ut $1,500,000 (X) We receive from 10,000 to 25,000 letters every day M u 0r II !!!!!!!!! It ctaaaa littmupasa I! ;;:osa 0 & HJiiijC7 We own and occupy tho tallet mercantllo bulldlne In tho world. We havo over 3,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly encaged Mllnc out-of-town orders, OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of the peopleIt quotes Wholesale PrlccH to Everybody, has over 1,000 paces, iG,ooo illustrations, and 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 73 cents to print and mail each copy. We warn you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. JMONTGOMERY WARD & CO Michigan Avo. and Madison Strret fAy Ti ft l ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft m m