The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 03, 1899, Page 3, Image 3
MHKS!sC3S THfi NEBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. If f n n ix ft M mjiij Fast Time on Steel The Burlington make all their fast time ON STEEL. Its much easier, however, to make fast time on papc but the Burlington prefer the steel as they can place more dependence in it. Leave Lincoln 4:55 p. m. arrive Chicago 8: Ifi p. m. only 15 hours and 20 minutes and always on time. Cltv Ticket Office, Cor. lOtli ami O Sis. Telephone 2.V. Hurling ton Depot, 7tlt St., Hct. I ami Q. f ilp.llllriill 2.Y 3et-tff8l-frg-C-33-3-9a'3-3-3-J3-3 f n f ft m f ft f TIE POPULAR RODTE - FOR ALL WESTERN POINTS rjM i i rrsi mm -- - 't vsat- 5 PinTOH Denver and Salt Lake, San Francisco and.Portland. The only direct route the fastest route The best equipped route the safest route. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra versed, call on E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. OTHER INSTITUTIONS. Harvard has at least fifty candidates for foot ball honors. The first line-up took place Friday. Bannard, head coach for Cornell, has given up his position In order to help Princeton. Oborlln has good prospects for a strong team this year, though weak at both guards, the positions formerly held by the famous Fauvor twins. Oberlln has games scheduled with Pud dus, Chicago, Cornoll and Carlisle. The University of California has eighty men out for foot ball practice. Princeton has decided to enter a full track team in the Olympic games at the Paris exposition. Harvard is particularly strong at tennis this year. Of the crack eastern team that played at Del Monte, Whit man, Ward and Davis are Harvard stu dents, and Wright, the interscholac.tic champion, expects to enter this fall. Circulars are being sent to students in Wisconsin colleges for answers to questions concerning exorcise, food, habits of sleep and study. This is done for comparison with other colleges and determination of the results on study. Northwestern university is said to be taking strong measures against cheating in examinations. Guilty stu dents are to be expelled and their names sent to the faculties of other colleges through the medium of the college papers. Princeton university received about $500,000 in gifts during the last col legiate year, including $100,000 for a new dormitory, $100,000 for a new pro fessorship in English, $100,000 for a chair in politics, ar 585,000 towards a chair of history. By decision of the board of regents, approved by the library committee, the library of the University of Kan sas will hereafter be open at night until 10 o'clock. This commenced with the first of this week and a good many students have been availing themselves of the privilege this week. Only the reading room will be open and books wanted from the seminary rooms must be reserved before supper. ceGee& Put Your Best Foot Forward j' ,M .,.,,,-,,, "f'JUW. i By having it clad in a pair of our styl ish, handsome and exquisitely fitting Shoes. The foot that is fitted with a pair of our up-to-date women's fine $3.50 Shoes, or a pair of our men's S3. 00 or S3. 50 Shoes, is a foot that is handsome to look at, comfortable to the owner, and will not need a new pair for many a day. Our shoes are unsurpassed for Beauty, Style and Durability. Perkins, Sheldon & Chamberlain Company, 1129 O Street, LINCOLN. )&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& GLOBE GIGHTS. Short line and quick service to Nebraska City, Falls City, St. Louis and all points South, East and West City Ticket OHIce, 1039 "O" St. H C. Townsend, G P. & T. A. D Cornell, C. P & T A B Hj JWBIBiBBJB HUbBl L Completely Parsed Caesar Gallic War, Book I. V KEV. JAMES H. FINCH, M. A., l.l. CLOTH-$1.SQ Postpaid -4"Q''AOL The Latin words hi the Latin order ju't ; i Caoar wrote tlicni: with the cxtti-t litetal Hngluh equivalent of each Latin woid ditcul) iiiideriuMr;aiidwlthajvwi.eltKm translation tit the tiiutxin; aU i wjth Fuohwti t i i which eveiywordi completely parjsed, allconsi ructions explained, litferencct to the leading IitiriKrammars. Each page coii.-plete-the Lathi text, the interlinear ll'eral translation, the marginal flowiiw translation, the parsing all at a jjlauce without tum:ng a leaf) 'O BIBDS & nOBLE, Publisher!, 4-5-6-I2-U-U Cooper Institute, K. Y. City HtUaoUm of all julthlu r at vne (orc It is a cheap compliment to tell peo ple they are overdoing their strength, but it always hits the bull's-eye. This is the season to remind the women that the winter is nevor long, with Damson plum jam in the house. When a little girl is encored as often as three times at a concert her mother is so happy that she can't sleep all night. A good woman who thinks it her Christian duty to "talce chances" at a church fair regards gambling as one of the unpardonable sins. A grocer has the advantage of other men; whenever ho wants to take the conceit out of a woman he lets her pick out her own cantaloupes. There is nothing more discouraging to a girl than to return homo from a big town with a new wrinkle In style and find that it has preceded her. Don't talk about it, hut an Atchison man is said to have once delayed going to the deathbed of a relative in a dls tant state until excursion rates were in force. If a preacher eatfl too much spring chicken or cake sent in by his women church members, and gets sick, they start the story that he is being worked to death. The custom of calling a woman by her husband's name saves many a woman from being foolish, who would pthorwise sign herself "Mrs. Pearllno Mayme Smith" instead of "Mrs. Bob Smith." How rarely you hear anything sensi ble! When girls ge.t together they gab ble and giggle, and if they drop a sensible. Intelligent remark in the course of a half hour it is purely acci dental. It seems that a girl has to get married and have trouble before she can talk upon any subject but dresses and parties and her longings for some thing her father can't afford. M MILLER & PAINE sj W04? s vm wm Dry Goods uii. outuiulveiKiiouaaud L J (Pi RS . wewlllMmdyouoUHHIOH UaKitBQO) lb I ISS HHtuut lrfouDdfa. J UJZ 111 icblprtatbrwwIlUP JaajJHlij " bQoJpntHHHHhIBV j UES tj fl"r"KM Special Offer Price $15.59 anil freight flitti ires, llttotilne welirli 12U noMiiUuiid tlmfriHtrht will nvvmuoli cent for each WOiiiIIm. QIVE It THREE MONTHS' TRIAL I" your own home, and we will return yuur!B.w any ifuyyou urn not KHIItfliea. nf Kll nrrri nr. wiu irivnn, new, ug uwuuirv ai ei.itu, Slo.ou, fll.uo, li!.00ndui, all fully (lexcrilxHl in our Vrte hewla UubUvUuloKUV, liUtU.tO for till tUtUl MM filllMCT IIUUUIl'K ) tue tsreulvtt value ever anerea ay uny uouae. BEWARE OF 8rV8TATION8 tVoourW tlnementi, offering uultuuwu uxlilnn under varloim tinmen, with turlomla dirrmrnU. Wrll Mu frltod ia t'blr;o and tnru whv arr rflUblt aad obu ira uul, iai nuntmiBkiu iiu every MODKiis mvnow.nv.w. I nc aamrtaBtV ku:iiv uooii i'mmiw kifiiv mmi aaBypwgigWggg UIUIIK BitllliK JliUK. WITH TIIK KtrwTH vv oae, ilude ny tbe- brat tuuLrra In Anirrleu. from the beat material mouey tun buy. SOLID QUARTER SAWED QkKmmjmOlSiSA cIommI thtaddronJliitffriiin aluht) to reused an a eraUr labia, U4 rdnk,th oilier oiwnwllh full length tahlo and bead in plate for aewinir 4 faurrdrairrrt. lalnt IttUU tbtltlaarruaa. nnrfil. fiannlod. em- linntj-d and decorated colilnet lltilah. llueat nlekul drawer nulla, toata on four cattem, adjuatallu treadle, KeuulneKmytli Iron atand. yianl Itrp illfb Arm brad, poiltivu four motion feed, aelf threading vlhratlnir shuttle, automatic Ull Will liiwci.wyu.Miuii' w..h, I'Mwim frvii,ill liutmwi iHUJJIwiimiwvw wheel, adJUKtuble nrevaure foot, imnroved ahutth' carrier, paten t needle bar, patent drewilfuard, bd la fcandaonulr drroratrd aad ersanratrd and baaalirally alebrl Irlmawd. GUARANTEED ( Htblrat ruaolar, muil durablt aed atartat BuUclrfcauarblaaiaadr. Kirry bauva alUtliMmt la furalibrd and our ITrCO Zo- traction Book telli Juat how anyouo ran run It and do either plain or any kind of laney work. A XUYrar' IlladlairduaraaUala aentwlth erery inaehlne, IT iin&Tt Yflll NOTHING '4u"llblaiatLlaa. compare It with II UUaiS IUU liUininu t) ilorekeener aella at B40.00 to COO. 00, and then li" onvlnoed that you are arliir fiiM to 1100, pay your freight agent the 810. CO. WK 10 UKTl'US YOL'U U.bU If at any time within three luomhrjou aay you ar not aattlfled. OUUEK TO-DAY. DON'T DELAY. (Beara, Hoehnclc C Co. are th'irouchly reliable. Kdltor.) Address, SEAS, ROEBUCK c CO. (ino.) Chicago. III. Bfafci T "tTgy.naa''aaaaaaaaaWaWlHiaff a s BnMunra mm lum i