The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 03, 1899, Page 2, Image 2
THf 1! il THE NKBRASKAN-HESPERIAN. i f ' i ' WHAT WORRIED HIM. Earthly shadows round mo hover, Clouds of grief nro on my brow, Roseate tints of sunset linger, But they cannot charm mo now. And my vexed and troubled features Toll the tale of Inward pain, Woeful as tho old-time monarch When he "never smiled again." Sorrow and humiliation Mlnglo In my cup of woo, For a fair and gentle maiden's Was the hand that struck tho blow. Pew her words, and softly spoken, Yet they cause my heart to grlove, And have turned to gall and worm wood All tho pleasures of the eve. Twas no fair and fickle charmer Who hath spurned my tender tale Made me feel as cheap as remnants In some "inventory sale." Twas the girl that "waits the tables In the lunch room where I sup, And her words were: "Late, as usual, For the pie is all et up." "My gowns are quite au fait, I think," The Boston maid avowed. "And mine are really very swell,'- The New York girl allowed. "My fit-out's just about the stuff," Chicago's damsel cried. "There ain't no kissing bugs on mine," - The Deadwood girl replied. HOW THEY FEEL. The editors of tne Nebraskan-Hes-perian desire the sentiment of the alumni and friends of tho university and the attitude with which they view the combination of tho wo college papers. For this reason a few letters will be published from time to time as they are received. Below are some examples: "To the Editors: Please send the Ne-braskan-Hesperlan to me. It is the only way to keep track of the univer sity and its people. Yours truly, "J. L. CONGER, ''Principal of Schools, Exira, la." Lincoln, Sept. 29, 1899. Messrs. Stewart and Garrett, City: Gents 1 am pleased to note the appearance of the paper, the Nebraskan-Hcsperlan, as indicative of a united effort on the part of the students of the university to produce one college paper of a high order. The marked improvement in the typographical work and the gen eral business-like appearance of the first Issues -are cause for congratula tion. It deserves success, and doubt less will find it Very truly yours, J. S. DALES, Secy. Omaha, Sept. 29, 1899. University Publishing Co., Lincoln, Neb.: Gen tlemenI am very glad to see that the Nebraskan and Hesperian have con solidated. It means that you will have a truly representative paper and will be able to print something besides newspaper family "scraps." Take spe cial pains with your editorial and local columns and you will produce a paper that will be Interesting to alumni, par ticularly to those who have not been so long gone as not to still have a speaking acquaintance with some of the students and professors. Even those who have been struggling for existence for years since they left the old halls like to see and read how tho later generations conduct themselves, and all, I think, prick up their ears when they read of a good joke perpe trated or a piece of legitimate work well done. I hope you will keep the paper up to the standard set by the first two issues at least and always keep your eyes open for Improve ments, Wishing you a successful year, I remain, Yours very truly, PAUL PIZEY. HAVE YOU CALLED AT THEm University.... Book; Store? l You will find a complete line of school supplies, text books, note paper, his tory covers, drawing, botany and zoo logy instruments, Waterman's Ideal fountain pens, and in fact, everything that a student will possibly use COME IN.3 , UNIVERSITY HALL, DOWN STAIRS. I). 1). DAYTON. A. D. DAYTON. $ ...MEALS, 5c... AND UP. Utopia Dining fHallfr 131 SOUTH :llth STREET, A Thoroughly Up-to-Date Re sort for Hungry People... .jexo and Original Features Open All Night. Newly Furnished, and Operated in First Class Style. THE MODEL Dining HalL- ' L. C. HOLADAY, Prop. Special attention given to students. We maVe a specialty of Sunday dinners. SKI So. 12 Hi St., Lincoln, Neb. We Want Student Boarders Fwn Uh crt Rooms in ( 'onnectton THE PALACE. 1 130 N St. Good Work Popular Prices. Students Especially Invited to Call. R. & G. BARBER SHOP 1144 O Street. Francis Bro's Capital Cafe 121 NORTH Mil STREET. Oysters, Fisli and Game in Season. 15c. Meals our Specialty. Open All Night. 5 You Want the Finest We Have it -Mr- larkson Laundry Company 330 - 332 - 334 South Eastman Kodaks Premo Cameras... Cyclone Cameras D. Room 6.... BOYS P vir -ww wiv -, -w -fft. 7fr '-:PIP?.IFi;;jj Cut to Heasure. Try oj: before Finishing. Cadet Uniforms A good place to buy good Clothes. The g - 336 - 338 - 340 11th St. Photo Supplies of all Kinds. E. DePUTRON. 1041 O Street. IN BLUE B. L Paine Clothing Co. '"Anww h