The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 03, 1899, Image 1

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    ' ' .T01niiiiliiwtiiiiiilwU
Vol. 8-29, No. 3.
Five Cunts.
Game Saturday Troves Hard For
University Men Weak Points
Brought Out.
The first game of foot ball for the
'99 university team took placo on the
university grounds Friday, September
The game was between the Lincoln
high school team and a mixed eleven
of the first and second team of the
university, which ended in a victory
for the university, the score being G
to 0.
Tho game started by a "kick-off"
from the high school and during the
greater part of the first half the ball
was carried scarcely twenty-five yards
from center.
During the latter part the university
succeeded, by successive center rushes,
in gaining ground until a touch down
was made by Williams just as time for
tho first half was called.
After time was called a goal was
kicked by Ringer. The last half was
played with a new line-up by the uni
versity, but neither side succeeded in
The h.'gh school played a steady
game throughout. The men played to
gether and made several good gains
by end runs. The" -"university eleven
was ot so well organized and tho
trnm wnvlr wns nnnr NiiTrmrnim 'film.
1 . - TP
bles and thoughtless plays occurred
throughout tho game.
The game as a whole was of little
benefit to either side except as a cri
terion as to future playing. Upon the
whole, tho students of the university
had little reason to feel encouraged.
Several times they proved to be . ex
tremely weak, especially in the center
of the lino. The absence of Stringer,
Bencd'ct, Carver and Tyson from tho
game weakened the playing of the men
The high school boys played well to
gether. Raymond, Eager and Shedd
carried off the major portion of tho
honors. "With a little more develop
ment and steady practice there should
be no doubt as to the outcome of the
high school game with Omaha, -which
is to be played In a short time.
The univers.ty team will necessarily
need a great deal of development be
fore the game with Ames the latter
part of this week. The Ames team has
been in training for the past two
months and is now in the pink of con
dition. With this they have tho ad
vantage of their home grounds, thus
giving thom a very good chance tt add
another' victory to those already gained
over the university.
The lineup Saturday was as follows:
High School. University.
Kyle C Plowhead
Martin L. G Wallace
Hubbard R. G Ringer
Harrison L. T Brew
Micklo R. T Poarso
Johnson L. E Drain
Shedd R. E Cortolyou
Cobb Q Tukoy
Eager L. H Williams
Reynolds R. H Sedgwick
Raymond F Bell
The university team in tho second
half was as follows: Plowhead, C;;
Koehler, L. G.; Dasonbrock, R. G.;
Yont, L. T.; Voss, R. T.; Llobmann, L.
E.; NIolson, R. E.; Crandall, Q.; Gor
don, L. H.; Hooper, R. H.; Boll. F. B.
Officials: Allen, referee; Emmons,
umpire; Carvor, White, timekeepers.
At Champaign Illinois, G; Wes
loyan, 0.
' At Ithaca Cornell, 12 '-Hamilton, 0.
. At Cambridge Harvard, 29; Wil
liams, 0.
At Galesburg Knox, 10; Iowa Wes
leyan, 0.
At Worcester Brown, 17; Holy
Cross, 0.
At Philadelphia Unlvorslty of
Pennsylvania, 20; Lehigh, 0.
At Now Haven Yale, 23; Amherst,
At Madison University of Wiscon
sin, 43; Lake Forest, 0.
At Chicago Chicago, 12; College of
Physicians and Surgeons, 0.
The English club met for the first
time this year at the home of Miss
Harriet Cooke, Thirty-sixth and Hold
rege streets, on Saturday evening.
Versos were read by Miss Elsie Blan
don and Miss Jessica Morgan. Later
In tho ovonlng tho club elected officers
as follows: Edwin Ford Piper, pros!-
Society Function in Fremont Last
Week. Roth J'artios Known
in University Circles.
The Evening Fremont Tribune of
September 27 describes tho marriago of
Miss Marietta Gray to Elbert O Jones.
Both are former students and well
known to a largo number of people In
this city. The Tribune speaks as fal
lows: "At high noon today the nuptials of
Miss Marietta Gray and F-lbort O.
.Tones were solemnised at the fine homo
of the bride's parents, Mr. and MrsrE.
F. Gray, on East Sixth street. It was
a very quiet wedding, very few guests
being present. The ceremony was per
formed by .Judge Hollenbeck
"The front parlor in which tho cere
mony took placo was decorated with
green vines, wh'to flower's, ferns and
palms. The judgo stcod in the alcove
in he northwest corner of tho room
and precise" at 12 o'clock the bridal
party came down the stuirway, while
Nebraska's Groatest Poet.
dent; Miss Annette Abbott, vice presi
dent; Miss Jennie Fox, member of the
executive committee; Miss Elsie, Blan
don, delegate to the students' council.
The club will hold meetings every two
weeks at tho 'homes of the different
FIfty-ono students were registered In
the law school Saturday, of whom
forty are new studonts in that depart
ment. This is twice as large a number
as registered on Saturday before the
opening last year. Most of the seniors
and'many juniors will register Monday
and it is believed that the enrollment
will reach one hundred and fifty dur
ing tho year.
The onrollment at the University of
Iowa to date Is 150 ahoad of what it
was at this time last year. Dean Cur
rier is confident that within ten days
It will exceed the entire enrollment of
last year, which was 1,850. There 'Is
a gain of about thirty in the law de
partment and forty in the medical.
The exact figures at present are: Col
leg'ato, G09; law, 20G; medical, 233;
dontal, 127; homeopathic, G2; phar
macy, CO; total, 1,287.
the wedding march was played by Miss
Helen Gray. The ushers, R. C. Roper
of Lincoln and Frank Hollenbeck, cuno
first, followed by the bridegroom and
his best man, C. E. Abbott. The brides
maids, Misses Irene Sloane of Omaha
and Lova Jones of Sioux Falls, S. D.,
preceded, and tho bride and her maid
of honor. Miss Sloano was hand
somely gowned in a shell pink taffeta
silk, while Mltss Jones woro pearl blue
lansdown. Both carriod pink roses.
The maid of honor, Miss Vesta Gray,
was dressed in a brocaded ivory silk
and carried pink roses. Tho bride
looked charming In a white liberty
silk over white satin, made with a
slight train. She carried white carna
tions. "Tho judge usod tho beautiful ring
coromony and when tho final words
were pronounced the couple was con
gratulated freely by tho guests. A
bountiful wedding luncheon was
sorvod, to which all sat down. Many
beautiful gifts woro received by tho
t "Tho bride is a young lady widely
and favorably known to, Fremont peo
ple. She was born and "brought up
here and has won for herself many sin
cere friends, who will wish hor all hap
piness. "The bridegroom is a young man ot
excellent standing in his community.
He Is an attorney at Sioux Falls, S.
D., with a very good practice. Mr. and
Mrs. Jones loft this afternoon for Sioux
Falls, whore they will at onco begin
"Those in the wedding party from
out of town woro: Mrs. J. O. Sloano of
Omaha, Miss Gertrude Marsland of
Lincoln, Misses Phyllis and' Edith
Wyatt of Chicago; and George Cody ot
Grangorvllic, Cal."
Now that tho second edition of
"Corn Tassels" Is about to appear, it is
well to know how tho former ono was
received. Among tho favorable com
ments that was received at the time
was tho following from tho Woman's
'tribune of Washington, D. C:
"The dedication of this little volume
of poems gives the keynote to the book,
'To '.ho state I love, Nebraska, and to
her people.' It is fairly redolent of tho
breath of the prairies and the corn
fields, whose distant horizon leads tho
thought out to tho inflnlto as does the
sea. The bright young face of the poet
appears as tho frontispiece. Mr.. Dun
roy is proud to bo known as a Ne
braskan, whose Inspirattton is the di
roct outgrowth of its fields and skies,
and wlnt'Tio ono who has ever lived in
tho slate can help but feel he has ex
pressed in this little volume In fault
less rhythm.
"The first poem, 'Nebrasky,' pic
tures the level land, the broad, flat
rivers, tho bluest sky, the loving winds,
the fields of 'emerald bladcd corn that
swishes In the breeze, the little clumps
of supple wilier trees,' that .make 'Ne
brasky. "And this is not all that our poot
finds to inspire his muse. There are
tho prairie night, the lullaby of the
corn, tho dawn, the grasses waving in
stormless tides, tho flower which 'The
sun has photographed upon the' field, a
myriad golden pictures of his face;'
the river 'with shifting isles of shal
low sand,' which made it seem 'like a
silver ribbon blotched with gold;' tho
prairie view where tho boundless
levels lie 'beyond the aching eye's deep
straining, and then farther still tho
floor which meets the bonding sky;"
tho amber autumnal robes; these and
tho wind and flowers and bird songs
are the rich material for our poet's
"Nor although happiness hero, has
he limited himself to these; there are
homely poems of life, of love and ot
heroism, all showing a poetic sense
and an appreciation of the good and
the true."
Students desiring private instruc
tion in music will find it to their ad
vantage to call on G. C. Monzendorf,
former Instructor of music in the Unl
vorslty of Nebraska. Tho following
branches are taught: Piano, violin,
cello, mandolin and other strlnced in-
strumorits; also harmony and theory.'
Price of tuition moderate., Studonts
studying music with Mr. Menzendorf
are not barred from taking such stud
ies in tho university as they are prop
erly prepared and qualified for. For.
further " mil of r,t,'wit
Brace bldg., room 405, cor. Fifteenth
and O streets.