IpPE?WWwcaei THE NEBRASKAN-HUSPKRIAN. mm, i iTWMMIt.tLjjlm(WMW'iiiiilffiit,ij jiijww HHHBEBE9BJ Fast Time on Steel Tho Burlington make nil their fnst time ON STEEL. Its much easier, however, to make fast timo on paper but tho Burlington prefer tho steel no they can place more dependence in it. Leave Lincoln 4:55 p. m arrive Chicago 8:15 p. m. only IB hours and 20 minutes and always on timo. Cltv Ticket Office, Cor. Wilt and O Sts. Telephone 'J.1ft llurlliifrtoii Depot, 7 lit St., llet. V and Q. xuicpuonc w.i. frr4SS334- T POPULAR ROUTE -FOR ALL WEST&RN POINTS 'Ckt NW a. X - W $ PlCTO Salt Lake. San Francisco Denver and and Portland. The only direct route the fastest route The best equipped route the safest route. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra versed, call on E. 11. SLOSSON, Agent ... i Short line and quid: service to Nebraska City. Falls City. St. Louis and all points South, East and West. City Ticket Ottlcts, 1039 "O" St. F H C. ToWNSEND, G P. & T. A. D. Cornell, C. P & T. A rcmi THE DRINKING HABIT A BAR TO EMPLOYMENT. JUSTICE TO INDIVIDUALS. A bill rotating to tho discharge of railway employes hoa boon Introduced in Iho Texas legislature, which pro vides as follows: "That when any employe ifl discharged with or with out cause, that tho wages of such cm ployo shall bo paid so far as duo on tho day of jllschargo, without abatement or deduction, and If tho samo bo not paid on such day, thon, as a penalty for non-payment, tho wages shall con tinue at tho samo rato until paid; pro vided, such wages shall not contlnuo moro than GO days, unless an action thoroforo shall be commenced within that time. That whon such omployo secretes or absents himself or rofusos to receive his pay ho shall not bo on titled to tho benefit of tho act. That any servant or omployo engaged for a dofinlto period of time who is ells- charged without causo boforo tho timo i expires may, in addition to tho pen- altlcs prescribed by this act, have an action for any damages ho may have sustained by tho breach of tho con- j tract of employment, and such action may be joined with an action for un paid wages and ponaltles. Railway Ape. "To train tho hand means to train the powers of tho eye, and to bring tho muscular and nervous systems Into working accord. Some kinds of man ual training give tho whole body useful exorcise. All kinds rest tho brain and relieve tho body after purely Intellect ual work, while cultivating them in another fashion and developing tho creative instinct. And they teach di rectness of purpose, concentration or effort, accuracy of observation, and also mental and moral precision and honesty. The teacher, and even tho pupil himself, may think that a book lesson has been learned when it has not been, or that an idea has'been mas tered, when it has been only half grasped or wholly misunderstood. But this cannot happen with manual work. A tangible thing Is done, and rightly , done, or it is not. A stitched seam is straight, a leaf is correctly drawn, a carpenter's joint Is true, or It is not. Neither deception nor solf-dece'ptlon is possible in tho workshop, and the spirit of accuracy, system, conscien tiousness, self-reliance and helpful co operation that it develops is carried over into the other class rooms. More over, the workshop may cultivate taste as wjell is skill; and, although It does not teach trades, It celebrates the dig nity of manual labor, and often de velops individual likings and aptitudes for it. The same is the case with the lessons in "domestic science" given to girls. They aro not taught to oe pro fessed" cooks or dressmakers. But thfilr flncers. eyes and palates aro trained; the importance of cleanliness, neatness, order and exactness is im pressed upon them; respect for house hold work and interest in it aro awak ened ; and these great benefits are aug mented by such instruction in hygienic imi niimontarv laws as could hardly bo I mono to seem nraetieal and important 1 without tho help of tho cooking stove." 60 YEARS' te!A:' f:TO&4S:4 'are " $ i M. v;r i A Judge Of Shoe Leather 5 And superior make in SHOES will be de $ lighted when he examines the good points in jj our stock of fine box-calf, enamel or Russian T leather, in all the new toes, either laced or 0'; buttoned, that we are selling at $5.00, 3.50 f ; and $3 00 . vac . .' Perkins, Sheldon & Chamberlain Oo ? tjfe: jr. SI 5!?; ftS? AM? itt'JB i ."'-" . 1 $? 1129 O STREET. MILLER & PAINE . U s 1 Dry v Goods. School Books in a hurry And at New York prices, singly or by the dozen, may be obtained second-hand or new, by any boy or girl in the remotest hamlet, or any teacher or official anywhere, and Delivery prepaid Brand new. complete alohabetical cataloEue,rrt,of school books of alt fuotttneri, it you mention tms aa, ENDS & UOBLE Cooper Institute Hew York City h!4Ali . ' feSIHKf r-vnrDICMOn . 1 jpiB6 P H vtf llnkul mm -HHR RgMD NO MONEY &&&& jUU J i&BBsmssg&BiSSisr 'S S lOundBttiul tho freight will Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyono sondlnff n sketch and doscrtntlon tnay lions fltrictlyconndontlal. nundbookon PatenU Patents taken throucb Munn & Co. recetye neciat notice, without obarRO, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. &"wjst clr- MUNN &Co.361Broadwayi Hew York "Branch Offlco. C25 V St, WashlnBton. D. C. iliio. 1 ou emi uxuinllie ll at your nuuruoi iicikiiv u . nrrrrr(lTatlrarlur. exactly as represented, routl .o nuirliln SriuhM S00.00, and Tub (ikkatkst iuuoaIn you KVMiiiiMuiiur, pj special uiicr rncc 5io.ou murfrflglit Bft cmr .r " " ' lr , ,T.rni-Vtnoli 600 miles. niVE it THREE MOHTUS TRIAL in your own home, and wo wil return your 15...u u ny lay you are not BiitlBllod. WfelllHTrrntiaalirnuil gradnor SfwlnR Jlarlilnea at J8.SO, in ou I ill. 00, $12.00 and up, all full doi-crlbed In our lire Srwlng ,1.. frreutciit value ever offered by any houae. ffiSwkW. OF IMITATIONS TX tiunments oITerlnc unLnown maelilnra under various iminra, wlthvarlouslD THEBUKPBUK jtJ5iV7-""r ?- y iiP" liajttayiiiBWBLIIILgaigfyLBLMri iM has every IIODKUN UM'ItOYKIIUNT, tu:itY (looii roiMOP kvimiy men (I1UIIK IIACIIINK JIADi:, V1T1I TIIU UEFELTN Ut MIAK. J11U11C IiyillC lioat miikcm In America. rrani the beat mntcrliil money can buy. SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK mmm$W?lffli$i closed tliead dropnliiB f rum slcht) to be used as a nauriwwi awnu ordrtt, the other open with full length table and head In place lor ....., a r.n..4.ni.BFB. i.Ih( itinii siltAn frsniA. iArvnd. ti&nelea. cm bossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer nulls, rests on four head; positive four motion feed, self thrcadinc vlbrnUnc shuttle, uutomatlo bobbin winder, adjustable boarlnRi, patent tension llberator.lmprovcil loose wheelVadJustallejiressure 00t- improved shuttl carrier, patent needle bar, natont dress KUard, Urad U hand.oraelr drmratrd and ornammtfd nil beautltully lltkfltrlmmfdr GUARANTEED the llBlilr.triii.iili.it, moat durable and warrat SolatlVaamiflilDemadi.. Krrrj known atlacbmt la furnl.hfd and our Froo In Btructlon Book tells just how anyone can run It and do either plain or any kind oftancy work. A KO-Yrars' IllndlnB (luarantt els sent with every machine. it nnPTC vnil WflTHIWR toteeandeiamlnelhlaiuaeliUe, compare it with IT COSTS? TUU NUIHIriU tllos0 your Btorekeoper sells at $i0.0O to . . ., jt n..ir. sol. nil t iuii iMi. nnv vniir iriirfit nirfirit 1110 uo.oj BC0.00. and then eonvinceq inas yuui " ---.'"1 '-- Ai iin7.a: nuiiKlt TO-lilY . DON'T DELAY! , (Somb, noebuelc i Co. aro thorouuhly rollable.-Edltor.) Address, 311 HP? ,VJI3Iuu:iCK ' 2 S JVJKH . I J IjiOM 2 a (MOarS, JlOt'llUUK ; w. iu m".""".--- "V " ' - !- Mil SEARS, ffUCDUuiv w. imc; winvdguy in