The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 19, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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    the; nebraskan-hesperian.
issued Evory Tueuday Noon by the Unlvor
slty Publishing Company.
Enter id as Second-Class A tail Afater.
M. I. Stbwakt,
II. W. Garkbtt,
The Nebraskan-Hesperian will be
sent to any address upon receipt of the
subscription price, which Is one dollar
a year.
Contributions are solicited from all.
News Items such as locals, personals,
reports of meetings, etc., are especially
desired. The Nebraskan-Hesperian
will bo glad to print any contribution
relatlvo to a general university subject,
but the name must accompany all such.
Address all communications to the
University Publishing Co., Box 219,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
The opening of the present school
year gives the students of the univer
sity a chance to show their loyalty In
a new way. Acting Chancellor Bessey
accepted the position which he now oc
cupies after a vigorous protest, at the
time of the summer meeting of the
board of regents. The fact that he was
persuaded to take, the position undei
any circumstances is most highly com
mendable and should gain for him a
&tlll warmer place In the hearts of the
students than he already occupies. With
combined support from students of all
classes a successful year should be as
sured to all.
It is hard for the management of a
paper to apologize to the subscribers
upon any subject. Above all, it is hard
to tell how it all happened, why it all
happened, and why the paper did not
come oui on time. Perhaps this is es
pecially hard when it Is the first issue
of the college year. However, in this
case, we feel that wo will receive no
censure from the studont body. Our
contract for the year had been awarded
to the principal losers In Friday morn
ings Are. A large amount of our copy
had already been put into type and
everything united to make us believe
that the paper was about to enter upon
Its most successful year. Although we
are a little late for the first Issue, and
although wo had to hire new firms to
do our work, wo feel that all of our
readers will see our position and not
attach any blamo to us.
The foot ball Beason Is again at hand
to absorb the minds of the students and
to afford recreation to all who desire.
The financial condition of athletics is
good. Hard work at the close of last
year put all debts out of the way, and
for the first time in years It is possible
to start a team with the statement that
It Is out of debt. This 1b something
that ought to be impressed upon the
minds of new students. From the
troubles of the past, it Is now the
ardent desire of every student of sev
eral years' Btanding in the Institution
to keep the teams on their feet and
place them where they can bo of the
moat honor to the University of Ne
braska. The Nebraskan-Hesperian
wishes to urge upon all the necessity of
proper support to athletic teams. Let
the day of season tickets bo past; it is
too much of a sacrlflco to the manage
ment. Let each man come to the gate
on the day of the gamo and pay the 50
cents that will be asked, and In this
way much more will be valsed than has
over boon bofore.
It will bo a surprise to many of the
students to see the names Nebraskan
and Hesperian combined. At the same
time, any who havo given tha matter
thought will see that it is one of the
most important stops ever taken In
college journalism in this Institution.
For some years past the papers have
been the source of constant dlsscntlons;
tho troubles stirred up In this manner
have been a constant detriment to the
good feeling that would otherwise ex
ist. The union of tho two papers was
brought about after a thorough discus
sion of the -situation by tho men In
charge of each. Many members of tho
Alumni association, faculty and stu
dont body wore consulted In the mat
ter, one and all agreeing that it was
tho most advisable thing that could bo
done. Simultaneously to the beginning
of the discussion the use of the college
Journalism class was offered on condi
tion that the combination bo made.
How to run the editorial comment was
a point hard to settle In the minds of
all. It was conceded that It must nec
essarily be neutral. With this as a
basis, the joirnallsm class, a column
for signed communications and the
public sentiment as necessary auxil
iaries, the Impossible was accomplish
ed. Both papers have lost their orig
inal size, and this with the union of tho
names puts in the background tho
Identity of each paper and starts an
other, which, with the combined efforts
of all of the students, faculty and
alumni of the institution, will be an
honor to the university and an organ
to express the true feeling of each and
every student. The column of signed
communications is open to every one,
regardless of sex or class. If anything
comes up in the university that does
not meet with the approval of any lit
erary society, fraternity or class organ
ization, any representative may express
his views and may have the guarantee
that whatever he says will appear in
the columns exactly as ho desires it.
The new management desires to print
a paper that will excel any college
paper in tho United States. For this
reason an invitation is extended to all
to send in suggestions as to how any
matters should bo dealt with. We trust
that all will give us hearty support.
Last year many desired that steps
be taken toward the erection of a mon
ument of some kind In honor of Colonel
John M. Stotsenburg and the students
of the university who lost their lives
in tho Spanish war and In the Filipino
struggle that followed. However, it
was thought that the time was not then
ripe to do anything. At present the
other side of tho case is to be consid
ered. The regiment has returned home;
a sat'sfactory settlement of all difficul
ties is looked for at an early date; It
Is evident that wo are soon to have
other probloma with which to deal. A
man whom all of tho university honors
has written and asked that steps be
taken to erect a memorial tablet in the
institution, and In order to see that
his remarks are heeded he encloses a
check for a goodly amount. Letters
are given below which explain Major
Pershing's Idea on the subject:
"Washington, D. C, August 28,
1899. Chancellor University of Ne
braska, Lincoln, Neb.: My Dear Sir
I beg to enclose herewith a copy of a
letter addressed to tho president of tho
board of regents, respecting the erec
tion of some memorial In memory of
tho students of tho university who
havo participated in the Spanish war
and the war In tho Philippines. I hope
that active steps may be taken to carry
out this idea, and I can think of no
better way than starting it off in this
"I am very much interested in every
thing that tho university does, and you
may bo assured that I shall always
have a tender feeline: for her. "VSTith
sincero regards. Yours truly,
The enclosed copy to tho regents,
mentioned by Major Pershing, follows:
' "Washington, D. 0.. August 28,
1899. Tho President of tho Board of
Regents, University of Nebraska, Lin
coln, Neb.: Dear Sir It Is with great
satisfaction that I see, In perusing tho
annual reports of tho University of Ne
braska, the names of so many, of its
students enrolled as volunteers in vari
ous Nebraska reglmonts. Such a rec
ord speaks as well for the univorslty as
for tho individual. It clearly demon
strates the fact that patriotism and
education go hand in hand fn that in
"In view of the services rendered tho
country in times of need oy university
boys, many of whom havo given up
their lives in her service, it has oc
curred to me that some fitting and last
ing memorial should be erected to their
memory. Whilo I make ihis only ac a
suggestion, It seems to mo that a me
morial tablet or tablets might be
placed upon the walls of the chapel;
and, I should think, this memorial
should comprlso lists of names of tho
university boys by companies and regi
ments, and should recount the battles
In which they participated.
"I very much regret that I shall not
be present upon tho return of the last
of the Nebraska volunteers to their na
tive state, for it would give mo much
pleasure to again meet these young
men, who are now veterans.
"Thl3 seems to be an opportune time
to present the question of a memorial
of the nature suggested, and in order
that a subscription for the purpose may
be started I have placed at your dis
pbsal, according to the accompanying
m'emorandum, the sum of fifty dollars
for that purpose. Very sincerely,
It will be seen at a glance that some
systematic plan must tw devised in
order to fulfill the suggestion here
offered. The management of the Nebraskan-Hesperian
has decided-to take
jp the matter and if possible see it to
a successful completion. To place all
of the names of the university boys in,
the war on the tablet, together with
their regiment and the battles in which
they were engaged, as suggested by Ma
jor Pershing, would be a task too great
for the university at the present time.
It seems advisable that subscribers to
tho fund should bo either students,
alumni or members of the faculty. We
wish to suggest, considering these
things, that a tablet be erected to tho
university dead only; that the list bo
headed by the name of Colonel John M.
With this end in view, tho Nebraskan-Hesperian
desires to raise the
sum of ?500 for the commencement of
such a memorial. Let this sum be out
side of the amount given by Major
Pershing, although combined with it
for use; let the total amount be raised
among tho students, alumni and fac
ulty; let all make it a matter of thoir
personal interest; let the work bo done
harmoniously, and let it-begin at once.
Plan's upon the subject will bo gladly
received by the Nebraskan-Hesperian.
Any who have thought upon tho matter
should have some idea of how the
money ought to be raised. Ideas in re
gard to the form and material of the
tablet would also be welcome. Let tho
student body, with their friends, unite
and do honor to the men who were for
merly in our midst, but who gladly
gave up their lives when they were
called upon to do so.
Acting Chancellor Bessey has sent a
notice to tho deans that when a stiK
ddnt desires to change his college he
muBt do so on tho approval of both the
deans' concorned. This is a nhirig in
accordance with tho action of 'the fac
ulty in regard to the"chringo of courses
where tho dean ofyttiQ collego is to bo
consulted. It will save much time to
all parties concorned.
Harry Porter,
t 12h STREET,
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