- THE NEBRASKA HESPERIAN M .. k Vol. 28-8, No. 1. LINCOLN, SEPTEMBER 19, 1899. Five Cents, OUTLOOK EXCELLENT. Football Management Finds Encour agement in Prospects for 1 tho Season. . ' Foot ball In the university this fall promises to bo all that It haB been dur ing the past fejy years. Tho first im pression that was gained by tho older students upon their return to the In stitution was that the prospects wore very poor, and that some of the old time rivals would find the game hero more In tho form of play than work. Toward tho latter part of the week it was seen that some of tho older men who woro not expected had put in au appearance and would bo ready for practice as soon as it began. A. Edwin Branch, captain of hlD team at Williams college last year, is the man that was hired by tho mem bers of the athletic board to coach tho team this fall. His arrival on the grounds Saturday at onco put a confi dence in the men that is seldom seen so early in tho season. New men turned out and active practice was begun at once. Added to this was the arrival of W..E. Allen. Instructor in physical training for tho coming year and alao coafch fo the second eleven. . Both' Branch and Allen bear foot 4mll records worthy of comment. Before entering Williams college Branch was one. of tho strongest men on the Philips Andover team. On the college team he woo found to be a hard and an honest worker at all times. His recommend at'ons state that he is aggressive in play, strict In observation "of training rules, and off tho field one of the most perfect gentlemen on the campus. Allen comes here from Earlham col lege, Ind'ana, at which place he spent two years coaching foot ball teams and in other athletic training work. He is a graduate of the International Train ing' school of Springfield, Mass., and v..i3 later a fellow in the institution. The resignation of Manager Pearso and Assistant Manager Andreson- dis heartened the team for a' short while, but tho effect was only temporary. The election of new men at the meeting of the athletic board Monday evening re- and Cortelyou Btands well for an end posi tion. Material from tho high schools seems to bo plentiful and many of the positions will be filled in this way. Tobln and Ringer of Lincoln and Sedgwick are all heady men and ag gressive players. FORMAL OPENING. vlved the spirits of the players started the season with more vigor than ever. A large number of the old players will not be back for work this year. Melford finished tho four vears last season that ho was allowed to play and is at present coaching tho team at Waslfburn college, Topeka, Kansas. Hansen was one of tho metf who grad uated and Is coaching the team at the Kansas Agricultural college, Manhat tan, Kansas. Turner was also one of the graduates and will not bo in school for the coming season. fc - Speculation on tho remalndor of fhe line is of such an uncertain nature that any definite conclusion? aro hard to be reached. Kingsbury and Polimor will not be hero. Plllsbury states that ho is still uncertain. Stringer Is already on the ground ready for work. Behind the lino a guess is also hard to get at. Captain Williams is ill in Colorado. Erwin is In Chicago with Stngg. Bon edict is in school, but so loaded with work that thoro is little possibility that he will be able to come out. Drain is hero and will probably work foi the quarter. Several of last year's scrub - will make available material. Crandall will show up strong at quarter, al though somowhat light for the place, KANSAS AND IOWA PROSPECTS. Judging from tho articles that have appeared in both the Iowa and Kansas Weeklies prospects for successful teams wore never so bright as at tho present time. It is too early In tho season to toll what tho final development will bring out, yet it is all right to have some Ideas on the subject. Tho article that appeared in tho K. U. Weekly Is given in part here. It is as follows: "The prospects have not been so bright for a successful foot ball team for many years as at the present. This is going to be a great year for foot ball everywhere, and wo are going to be right in tho push. There are eno'igh old men back to insure a good team, while there are many now men coming in who give promise of great things on the gridiron this year. "Tho gaps in tho line can be filled, while the backs, already strong, can probably be strengthened. "Coach Yost came in Monday and went to work at once. He is the kind of a man who inspires confidence and this confidence is well grounded. His record in past years proves his ability as a coach, and he evidently knows how to handle men. When asked what system df play he would use, Mr. Yost was rather reticent, but it will probably combine features from different systems. "The training table started Tuesday In fie old hose house, which has been fitted up for the purpose. "Hamlll, Mosse, Smith and Simpson will not be back this year, but proba bly all the other mon who played on last year's team will be out again this week. "Some of last year's second team men show great Improvement and will try hard for places. Among the new line men Mahan of Sallna Is making an excellent showing along with other big men who came In later in tho week. Bcaman is expected to distinguish himself on the gridiron this year, and there are others." In turn, the S. U. I. Quill gives vent to a certain amount of enthusiasm in tho following manner: "Every effort is being put forth at building a foot ball team that shall faithfully and honestly represent Iowa on the gridiron this fall; and with the abundance of material on hand, a com petent and painstaking coach, and per fect accord 'among tho men, we may look for gratifying results. August 22nd Coach Knlpe, with a few candi dates, established training quarters at LInder's. 'Active practice-in passing and falling on the ball, running and klcklnR WOS taken both fnrAnnnn nnrl afternoon. In time the number of mon was Increased to almost twenty, namely: Captain Eby, Captain Hobbs, uurrier, uatcer, Warner, Fred Wil liams, Clyde Williams, Brockway, Mor ton and Griffith of laBt year's team; also some ten men who have shown promising form here or elsewhere at some time. In practice all actual con tact of tho men was carefully avoided to prevent strains that might disable the bodies not yet specially prepared to receive them. Tuesday the candidates came back to the city and appearca upon the field ready to begin al onco the severe work of making a team out of the individuals." Annual Address Doliy,orod In Chapol By Chancellor Wessoy Sat urday Morning. The formal opening of the univer sity for tho year occurred Saturday In the chapel, when Acting Chancellor Bessey gave tho annual address. Stu dents, old and new, crowded Into the chapel to hear the remarks of tho now executive. Tho address was one that will be remembered for many years to come,. for tho reason that It was busi nesslike, clear and struck the proper chord in tho minds of the students. Chancellor Bessey first referred to tho changes that had taken place In the faculty; later to tho new management of the university as laid down to take effect at this time at the spring meet ing of tho board of regents. Continuing his remarks further, ho touched upon the possibilities of the future. Tho true university is one that Is constantly broadening, one that has a continuous session throughout the year, that the student may come and go at the end of each term. If the stu dent were strong enough to work throughout the year, he could complete his course in one-third less time; If, on the other hand, he were not able to stand the wear and tear as it now Is, he would be hotter enabled to lengthen the work. In conclusion. Chancellor Bessey wished to offer some advice from an older to a newer student, as he ex prosed it. It-was necessary for the stiidont to feet down to work immedi ately In order to be better prepared to meet the few trying days that he would find in beginning the year. He drew forcible illustrations from the parable of the sower and left as a part ing text with the students the first verso of Hebrews, 12: "Let us lay aside every weight and sin which doth so easily beset us. and let us run with patience- the race that, is set before us." talion reached a high degree of perfec tion, and under the present com mandant, Major LaRuo Brown, tho high excellence of last year will bo fully sustalnod. Major Brown has soen military service, holding a lieu tenantship in the Lincoln light infan try during tho present war, and last year was lieutenant of tho Persuing Rifles. Ho is every inch a soldier and his promotion is due to his sterling merit. There will be no lack of high privates this year, as tho registration Is large, being at present over three hundred. Tho officers this year will be chosen from a very desirable lot of men and promotions may be looked for within a short time. There has been a change of rooms for convenience, the commandant's office now being located in the old officers' room. Drill began in earnest Wednesday and the com mandant is to be complimented on tho dispatch with which ho has started the wheels of his office going. i DELIAN DEBATING SOCIETY. All now and old students are cor dially invited to attend the meetings of tho Delian Boys' Debating club and to take part in the discussion. The club has already arranged for a joint debate with tho Alpha Omega society of Doane college, to be held during the latter part of October. Several other joint debates are being negotiated for. The officers for the ensuing term are: President, H. J. Theabald; vice presi dent, F. Maxwell; secretary, W. F. Mc Naughton; attorneys, R. Sampson and W. 0. O'ConneU; delegate to the uni versity convention, C. W. Jones. Come out and we will give you a hearty wel come, the srcnRprrATJv MACLEAN TO BE INAUGURATED; It has been definitely settled that the inauguration of ex-Chancellor George Edwin MacLean as president of the University of Iowa will occur Septem ber 20. It is proposed by the authori ties of our sister Institution to make this a day long to be remembered in the history of the state. The program as arranged shows some of the most worthy speakers in the west, including President Northrup of the University of Minnesota and President Harper of the University of Chicago. Upon tho morning of the same day tho annual alumni foot ball game will occur. This will be tho Introduction of the festivities, which will last all of tho day. In commenting upon tho first appear ance of President MacLean before the students of Iowa some of the papers of that state say that it took just thirty minutes for him to win a place for him self in the heart of every man and woman present. Tho address at that time is declared to bo one that will go down In the history of the university. ATHLETIC BOARD MEETS. The first regular meeting of the ath letic board was held Monday evening to fill vacancies on the foot ball team management caused by the resignations of A. S. Pearse and R. D. Anderson. Austin Collett and C. S. Root were unanimously chosen as manager and assistant manager of the team for the coming year. C. S. Story was elected to member ship on the board to fill the vacancy caused by the withdrawal of McDiar mld from school. R. E. Benedict was appointed to act as temporary captain of the team until thoreturn of Captain Williams or until one should be chosen In the regular manner. Tho matter of the removal of the bleachers from the campus was brought up by Dr. Pqund. A committee, com posed of Drs. Pound. Bliss and Bene dict, was appointed to address a me morial to the regents and to secure, If possible, immediate attention to the matter. The board decided that airvaeancles on the student portion of the board should be filled by an election by the board and not by an election among the students. THtf MILITARY DEPARTMENT. In 'the military department the out look for a very successful battalion this year in bright. Under the com mand of Major Weeks, now lieutenant ,Jn tho United States array, the bat- NEW RULES. The following notices have been posted for tho Information of students: Changing groups: "No student shall be allowed to change hlB group or drop any study for which he has been regis tered without written permission from tho dean of his college." (Faculty min utes, May, 1899.) Matriculation fees: "A student shall pay a matriculation fee (?5;00) for I ' i -., ;"'.!, 4 RSWI