The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 20, 1899, Image 7

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u :
Issued Weekly by The Hesperian Association or the University of
One Copy, per College Year, iu advance $1 00
One Copy, one Semester $n
Advertising Rates on A rru cation.
Alnmni and Ex-Stndents.
Special enJeavor will be made to oiafceTnE Hbsfekian iatenfetlne to fonaer t4et5
Please send us your subscriptions. Cootritmtioa t&anfciaDy received.
Subscriptions on our books will be contiatted natil ordered stopped.
Address all communicatioas to The Hesperian, University of Nebraska. Tnrttta Xe
brasUa. Entered in the Post Ofikw at Lincoln as Second Class Matter.
F- E. Edgerton.
J. J. Plowhead.
.Manacinsr Editor
T.. Assistant
R.C. Roper Editorial
F. G. Hawxby News
Bertha Johnston News
FrankMiller .News
G. W. Kline ." Literarv
W. H. O'Connel Debates
Sam B. Sloan Fraternities
Lee Berry Athletics
This issue of the Hespekia is the last one that will appear
for the school year. The year 'OS-' 99 is past (except final ex
aminations), and now is but a memory with us. The manage
ment of the Hesperian wishes to state that the paper closes a
very successful year. The paper has held to its original pur
pose of dealing fairly and honestly as far as was possible.
The Hesperian has always been and ever will continue to
be the organ of the great common people of this Univerdty
world. It has been more of a newspaper this year than ever
before, but has not entirely left out the literary department.
Its news has been reliable. No attempt has beon made at
sensationalism. Its editorials have been thoughtful and earn
est. Its Bixby's Retreat has been, us ever, spicy and delect
able. No effort has been spared to make it a genuine Univer
sity paper.
In this last issue the managing editor wishes to ihanl: those
members of the board and others who have materially assisted
him. The entire management and control of a weekly college
paper is no small task:. It requires an endless amount of time,
energy and worry, and the present editor has appreciated
every assistance that has been given him. He wishes to state,
however, that the literary Bociety members have not supported
the paper as they should. They have thrust the management
of the paper upon one man find have expected him to make a
success of it while they have stood back, rendering at the most
only lukewarm support.
For those persons, whether frat or barb, who for certain
economical (?) reasons have been too stingy to pay the small
subscription price but who have each week taken some one's
paper from the letter boxes, the managing editor has nothing
but unalloyed contempt They are the persons who during
the past years have hung like a dead weight upon the college
Bplrit of our University. They are the persons who sneak in
to see the bane ball and football games and then growl because
the manager doeBn't pay expenses. Oould our University only
be purged of this crowd of tight-fisted bigots there would be
no trouble in creating true college spirit.
As a last word, we wish to commend those who are to come
after us. The Hesperian for next year will be controlled by
Mr. Plowhead as managing editor, Mr. Marsh as assistaut,
Harry Garrett, busiuess manager, and W. H.Warner, assistant.
Last Saturday's competitive drill resulted in a victory for
Co. B. Second place was nion by Co. C. This company
proceeded to paint die town. The Capitol building i? covered
with big C's. This is to bo rogreued. The University ex
pects uinch from the legislature, and it is easy to see that this
prank will turn mauy a legislator against further increase in
appropriation. If Company C has auv love for the University
they will proceed at once and scour off those Cs.
We have the New
Sprinir Styles
in tiie best
$3, $3.50 AND $5
on earth.
One profit from factory to feet
One of the most famous high-grade
bicycles in America. Sets the pace
and also the price for all other
wheels. The most expensively
made high-grade wheel on the
market for the price.
It 1 Xm!L I Xfc 11
We can suit you with any price, and are SOLE ACEMTS tor ftU these bcyleis.
TF -'' -. .. . in i mini tin wi m-w nririwiiniTmn rr-rr iniiii"i iiipt " ,...,.