THE HESPERIAN f MP I nri MP fil it Mr. Schick, of Seward, visited his son, Roy, Sunday, 0. M. Skilea of Ulysoas, spent Saturday ti'ncl Sunday in Lin coln. ' Mr. Parnell of Omaha, was the guest of Burt Christie several days of last week. MiBS SaydeoBurnham entertains the Delta Gammas Wednes day afternoon from four to six. Scott Garoutte came up last week from Kansas City for a few days visit with Kappa Sigma. Lee Edwards is constantly improving. His father hopes to take him home some time this week, v Miss Lottie Whedon entertained the Alumni Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. D. C. Gillespie, of Republican City, has been visiting her daughter and son, Buddie, during the past week. Albert Turpi n will tender a dance to the members of the various fraternities next Friday evening at Courier hall. Miss Minnie Eckel, who spent a week visiting with Miss Douglas, returned to her home at St. Joseph, last Saturday. Phi Delta Theta entertained the young ladies of Kappa Kappa Gamma last Saturday evening at the "Phi Delt" house 1522 S street. The members of the Washburn College base ball team were pleasantly entertained hiBt Friday evening at the Kappa Sigma rooniB in the Courier block. Isaac Gray of Beloit, Kansas, called on Professor BeBsoy, Monday evening. Mr. Gray and Professor Bessey formerly wont to college together. Dr. Bessey has been aBked to lecture before the summer sess sionof the Marino Biological Laboratory to be held at Wood' Hall, Massachusetts, next summer. 0. 0. Grigga writes from Tuscarora, Nevada, that he has been much pleased with the Hesi'Kkian during the last year both in oditorals and locale. Ho says it has greatly improved over proceeding yours in some lines, The Palladia!) society entertained the Orphilian society of Wesleyan last Friday evening. The program consisted of a story by MiBS O'Connoll; vocal boIo, Mr. Martin; declamation, Mr. Talbot; instrumental solo, Miss Poaton, story, Miss Nona Johnston. The social hour was divided between enjoying the refreshments in Palladian hall and frequent visits tc the L. S. 0. which whb being played in the chapel by the Dalian boys. The senior class, at a recent mooting, empowered the com mittee on commencement orator to act with the chancellor in securing such a porson aB they doomed advisable. T. F. A Williams, an alumnus, was present and oxtonded an invitation to all seniors to attend tho annual alumni banquet which will bo hold horo during tho commencement week. The class will' elect a member at its next meeting to respond to a toast at tho br.nquet. ! 1.1. I . - " " ' ' 'I ACTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTWD EVKHYWHKttE for "Tho Story of tho Philip pines," by Murat Ilaltilmul commlmlonud by tho Uovornmont ns oillclal HtHto inn to tho War Dopurtmont Tho book wun written In unny camps tit sun Francisco, on tho l'aolllo with flonerul Morrltt. In tho hospitals at Honolulu. In Mow,' Kong, in tho v Amorlcan trenches at Manila. In tho Insurant cumps with Auulnaldo. on tho dock of -tim nivnitiin witii finit in ihn rnur ni imttlu nt tho fnll. or Manila. Uonunzu for Moms, lirltnful of orlufnul plsturos taken by Kovern&nuphjbioKruphorisSn tho spot . 5Qbook. Low prices. HIprollts. Krolifht paid .C reditu. von. DrOpull trashy jpifflolal war books. Outllt freo. Address II. l. Harbeipcjqu Mngr350Dejy;bom wbjvai, umcayo. A GOOD PLAGE TO BUY GOOD CLOTHING (4 The B L. Paine Clothing Store. 1217 0 ST. It's the Extra Touches that Please No man will excuse a Laundry for a cracked collar. We use Never Break in our starch. Is affected less by dust and damp ness. Keep cleaner longer. The Best Laundry TOWNSEND PLAMONDON Phono 579. Offices, 1010 and 1144 0 SI INTERC8LLECIATE BUREAU OF AGABEMIC COSTUME COTRELL & Caps, Clowns T PDNARn and Hoods to the 1 i-j? L niv x-J American Collides nd Universities 472-478 BROADWAY, ALBANY, NEW YORK ifrySji, 2l PHOTOS :25c TH E) i . STAMP SIZE PrPWlff PHOTOGRAPHER 1 1 V TT IX l 1216 O Street. Silks, Dress Goods, Cloaks, Ladies' Suits, and Furnishing Goods For Ladies and Gentlemen pi 13th Sts. PIILLEB 8 PQ1NE V '7