The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 28, 1899, Image 4

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Issued Weekly hy The Hesperian Association of the University of
One Copy, per College Year, in advance $1 00
One Copy, one Semester GO
Advertising Rates on Application.
Alumni and Ex-Studants.
Special endeavor will bo tnndo to make Thk Hksi'euiak interesting to former students.
Plenso send u your subscriptions. Contributions tlmnltfully received.
Subscriptions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped.
Address nil communications to The Hkspkiuan, University of Nebr.Vfka, Lincoln. Ne
braska. Entered In tho Post Oftlce ut Lincoln us Second Class Mai ter.
1'. L. Kdceuton Managing Editor
J. J. Plowheah v Assistant
H. C. Roper Editorial
F. 6. Hawxby . News
Bortlia Johnston News
Frank Miller News
G. W. Kline Literary
W. H. O'Connel Debates
Sam B. Sloan Fraternities
Leo Berry : Athletics
Contest of 1399 at Lincoln, Ncbr., Mny 5.
Fred B. Hill, president.. .Oarleton College, Northfield, Minn.
J. A. Maguire, vice pres U. of N. Lincoln, Nob.
H. M. Savage, sec-troas. .College of Emporia, Emporia, Kan.
state seoretaries.
G. A. Beuedict Lincoln U. of N
W. D. Schemerhorn !'.. . ., $ . . .'.'. .Saliha, Kan.
H. E. Robertson ;. .,. Northfield, Minn.
J. L. Hopwood ... I ..'.... . .' Marietta, O.
J. E. Thomas Greoncastle, Ind.
Robt. A. Ward Ruthland, Ind.
S. R. Williams Appleton, Wis.
A. Dakan Boulder, Col.
R. M. Oorbitt Hopkinton, la.
0. E. Pendlon f Liberty, Mo.
Manager -Bliss of the base ball team reports a gain of $12.17
for the Tecumsoh game; a loss of 810.15 for tho Washburn
game; and a gain of 20.00 for tho Missouri game.
There is a movement being discussed favoring tho dedication
of tho next new building to tho University men who havegiviiY
their lives for their country in tho war for Cuban Independence
and tho Filipino-American war3. Including Col. Stotsen
burg ten men have been killed by bullets or fever. The Hes
perian hopes that such a policy may bo carried out. It has
been said that our university sent more volunteers into those
wars than any other institution of its size in the country. How
better can wo show honor and respect to these fallen brothers
than by this proposed dedication?
Missouri-Nebraska Debate.
Don't forget the Missouri-Nebraska Interstate debate on
May L2th. ,
Missouri defeated our boys last Wednesday in base-ball,
she won tho decision last year in debate. Wo must return the
compliment on the evening of Mny 12th. Our speakers are
rustlers and by no means novices at the business. Nims made
a fine appearance in the finals and won sixth place. lie is
full of vigor and vim besides he is graceful and eloquent. B.
B. Stull is an experienced orator and will show our visitors a
merry time. Guy Talbot is the hero of many battles. Wo
have implicit confidence in him.
The association must raise about $1 75 v from this contest.
We must entertain the Missouri debaters, pay their transporta
tion and that of the judges; besides the expenses for advertis
ing. The debate will be held either in tho chapel or in the
high school auditorium. Every society and organization is
anxious to help cheer our boys to victory. Missouri must be
YV. F. McNaughton, P. B. Weaver and R. Bollonbach left
for Colorado, Wednesday evening. They will represent the
University in tho interstate debate with Colorado college at
Colorado Springs. Our boys advocate tho annexation of the
Philippines. The Colorado men have done everything possiblo
to make this meeting a great success. They have secured
rates from all parts of Colorado and delegations from most or
tho high schools will be present. It will bo remembered
that our debaters were victorious last year and word comes
that the men from Colorado collego havo been working to their
utmost to secure victory this year. Wo preclict that if they
do win, they will earn it as we havo a groat deal.of, confidence
in the personnel of our team. i
Library order, especially in the west end of the reading
room and in the book room is not what it should bo, and to
better it, the co-operation of every student is expected.
Hereafter tho following rules of tho Library board will bo
strictly enforced:
First offense Admonition.
Second offense Suspension from library privileges.
Third offense Suspension from University..
Points to bo corrected:
1. Talking or whispering together.
2. Stopping in tho aisles or alcoves for talking.
2. Bringing strangers into the library for a chat.
You are welcome if you come hero to study alone; otherwise
please don't come.
Tho above order has been posted by Librarian Wyer and is
now in force. The Hesperian cannot say too much in com
mendation of tho work done by Mr. Wyer this year. Ho
started out with tho chaos of last year behind him, and has
brought order into tho once noisy library. These last rules,
ho intends to enforce to the lottor, and The Hesperian voicoB
tho sontimonts of hundreds of good students when it approrap
this policy. As Chancellor MacLean said Tuesday morning,
any talking or whispering in tho groat libraries of tho world,
such as are at London, Paris, Oxford, Harvard is not tolerated.
The moral code in these libraries will not allow any confusion.