mMswffiPropMM REMEMBER that in addition to removing SAW EDGES, we do the very HIGHEST GRADE of work done in Nebraska. MKSOII LBDHDBY GO. MONARCH BICYCLES.. mm XUBr DR. F. D.SHERW1N. DENTIST Room 17, Burr Blk. 2nd Floor. Are rnoouuised tbe world over as representing the blK-befetlypeofxoellineein blcyrle construction.... Are now witaln reaob of all Defiance $35 OO Monarch Roadsters . . . $50 OO King and Queen Roadsters $25 OO WbyJoofc furtber ben machines of e.Ma01hbed reputation can be had at lbete price Monarch Chainless . $75 OO Send for Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. MONARCH CYCLE IFG. CO., CHICAGO Halbta&d and Fulton streets. Cblcairo. Cbbreli and Ileade M reels, New York. RIDE A nONAKCH AND KEEP IN FRONT A.G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago Official Outfitters to th Leadlnp (3ol!e&es. Schools and Athletic Clubs of the Country ATHLETIC GQQD.N The Spalding Bicycle . . . Hidden by the Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. Champions, and all the leading college riders. SpaloWs Official Lfagne Ball Is tbe Offloial Ball of tbe National Leairue and all tbe leading college associations Every Requisite for HA&E HALL, Foot Hall, Golk. Tennis, athletics. gvmnakiom. Handsome Catalogue of Athletic Sport Free to any address. Spalding Offlcjal Base Ball Guide lor 1HM. ready Marcb 30. 10 Cents. A. G. SPALDING & BEOS. New York Chicago SHORT V LINE TO Si. Louis, Kansas City AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Two Trains daily from Lincoln in each direction. City Ticket Office, 1039 0 Street. F. D. CORNELL. G. P; T. A. vrx