r!S!T7uSSlSSSiikmmim THE HESPERIAN. J. Decker, room 9, First National Bank, needs a few stu dents for summei work. Fair salary. Call soon. Phi Delta Thcta fraternity will give a party Saturday night. This is one of a series that they are tendering the different sororities. Saturday night the Maxwell club met and elected the follow ing officers: H. Halderson, president; O'Connor, vice-president; L. R. Ewart, secretary; and Leigh, sergeant-at-arms. The bulletin of the summer school will be out next week. Summer school begins June 9 and ends July 20. Instruction will be given in ten departments, largely by the heads of departments. The Palladian boys gave their annual program last Friday evening. It was somewhat out of the ordinary form of a boys' program. It was given as a solid program, but was frequently interspersed with humorous selections. T- lhe University of Nebraska, crown of the state's free 4 .public school system, .offers excellent opportunities Collegiate, Technical and University education. The Ag ricultural School for the boys and girls from the district school and the farm. Tuition free excepting small tuition in School of Law, Art, and Music. For the calendar, or other infor mation address GEORGE E. MAC LEAN. Chancellor. Lincoln, - - - Nebraska It is the "STYLE" And Quality about our photographs that make them FAMOUS The most unique and artistic little picture is OUR MAbALEON Miniture. Students always receive especial attention. ELITE STUDIO 226 South 11th St cof &T Ba NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN" is what we think, and so we are continually seeking for the latest improvements of science in optical goods, and can test and fit your eyes in a manner that is only next to giving you a new pair of eyes. We have the finest French crystal and Brazilian pebble lenses, set in gold, steel and nickle frames in eyeglasses and spectacles, to suit any face or fancy. E. HA1-LET, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O Street, Funkc Oprea House Block, Lincoln. "f B. SEIZING Fine... Scientific Watch 'JRefra ctins, "Optician. Repairing. Weak and strained eyes succes..sfu11y fitted, Nd atrophine, bead ache nc lost time 1300CStreet. LINCOLN, NEB, Society Programs .... How about thai program It cost no more t have it prbil-ed neatly and at tractively than to have a poorly gotten up affair that every member it. asllamcd to place in a -visit or' hand. Your jo eluty will lie judged juile largely by tJioVtyJe of its printed stationery. 1 ean make it rlglit. BEDELL, Printer, 77 Brcmncll block. It has made a hit 'WStsi7 It Is seldom that we. or am other nub- lisbers, are able to say truthfully of a bonk that "every mail is bnngingoraersiorit." Yet this is the simple truth regarding Cardjft New PtycJwlegy. Superintendents are ordering it ior their teachers traimnc classes and leading circles Principals arc ordering it ior their psychology classes- -not only Nor rnil Schools, but High Schools Indu idual teachers are ordering it because, as they say, some fellow-teacher has a copy and considers it an indispensable part of the equipment of any teacher who proposes to do liis best SDTDS & KOBLE, Publishers 4-5-13-M Cooper Institute X. Y- City bcltoullxMjI.t tf all jmliluhm at one tlorr. Z ' OF CHICAGO The-Largest and Best-Equipped HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE NEW IN THE WORLD. College and Jiospital Buildings. The Fortieth Annual Session opens September 12, 1S99. New Col lege and Hospital buildings. Clinical Mateiial in abundame. 1-aige, vell-equlpped Laboratories,, Steam Heat and Electric Lights. For and nouncemetits and turther particulars, address JOSEPH P. COBB, n. D., REGISTRAR. 2811 COTTAGE CROVE AVE., CHICACO. Graduate of University Science Courses admitted to advanced standing. 4 J THE HAHNEMANN MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL 4