THE HESPERIAN THE HESPERIAN Issued Wkbklv by The Hkspeiuan Association of the University of Nebraska. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Ono Copy, por Collcgo Year, in advunco $1' 00 One Copy, ono Soinestor 00 Advertising Hates on Application. Alumni and Ex-Studonts. Special endeavor will bo mado to make The Hrspekian interesting to former students. Ploaso send us your subscriptions. Contributions thankfully recoived. Subscriptions on our books will bo continued until ordorcd stopped. Address all communications to The Hespkiuan, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Ne braska. Entered in tho Post Office at Lincoln ns Second Cluss Mattor. BOARD OF EDITORS: . F. E. Edgerton Managing Editor J. J. Plowhead Assistant t, , -o ' ASSOCIATES: ,. . , R. C. Roper Editorial F. G. Hawxby, News Bortha Johnston . News Frank Miller Nows G. W. Klino Literary W. H. O'Connol Debates Sam B. Sloan Fraternities Leo Berry Athletics INTER-STATE ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. Contest of 1899 at Lincoln, Nobr., May 5. Fred B. Hill, president. . .Oarleton College, Northfield, Minn. J. A, Maguiro, vice pros U. of N. Lincoln, Neb. H. M. Savage, sec-troas. .College of Emporia, Emporia, Kan. STATE SECRET ARIES. G. A. Benedict , Lincoln U. of N W. D. Schemerhorn .Salina, Kan. H. E. Kobertson .Northfield, Minn. J. L. Hopwood '. Marietta, O. J. E. Thomas Greencastle, Ind. Robt. A. Ward Ruthland, Ind. S. R. Williams Apploton, Wis. A. Dakan Boulder, Col. R. M. Corbitt , Hopkinton, la. 0. E. Pendlon Liberty, Mo. The remarks by Dr. Fling at tho Athletic mass meeting were well put. Ho said that the student body of tho Univer sity of Nebraska is sadly lacking in college spirit and that the faculty is expected to bear tho burden of the greater part of expenses of athletics. We are sorry to admit the truth of this. Student enterprises of tho University of Nebraska are not well supported. Had tho foot-ball team been well supported there would not have been a deficit of four hundred and fifty dollars at the end of tho session. The cause of this lack of spirit is a hard one to locate. Principally, it seems to bo that too many students are overcrowding themselves -with work. They come here and expect to crowd four years work into two or three and as a consequence are forced to work night and day and when they leave college, they are sallow,round-shouldered, weak-eyed specimens. Such students imagine that they do not have time to think of athletics and if they should ever give way to their feelings and yell, once, they would look back and regret it as wasted energy. Not only iB this lethorgy manifest in athlotics but also in debating, in oratory, in fact, no ono patronizes anything un less ho bo specially interested in it. Tho junior class is croufll ing some excitomont this year in its campaign against senior canes and tho Hesperian bolicvos it is a good thing. Wo want more class spirit. We want more University spirit. The Athletic Mass Meeting. As had been previously announced, a mass meeting was held in chapel Wednesday morning to take action on athletic matters. It was expected that Chancellor MacLcan and several of tho regents would speak, but owing to tho serious illness of Regent Weston's daughter, thoy were not present. Dr. Ward, president of tho Athlotic Board, presided at tho meet ing and reported the conditions. Ho said that tho honor of tho University is endangered by the condition of athlotics. The Board- of Regonts and tho Athletic Board look at the matter from a business standpoint. Financial Secretary Max Westorman has advised that athletics be dropped entirely i tho remaining debt of $250 cannot bo raised at once. At the close of the foot-ball season, the association was $450 in debt. Since then contributions amounting to $130 havo boon received from the faculty and $65 from the student body. Dr. Ward said he would loave the mutter with tho student body. If they do not wish athletics to bo dropped, let them say so. The board cannot go on without better support. These obligations stand against the University and thoy must bo mot. Ho said that the board should havo elected a foot-ball coach somo weeks ago but it did not dare to do so. If the association can not pay its past debts, there is no uso of incurring now ones. Dr. Ward called upon Dr. Pound who responded with a short appeal to tho students and a bank noto as a contribution from himself. He said that the question now before tho University is whether it is to remain in Class A among groat universities or is to bo allowed to slip back into Class B. Rev. L. P. Ludden was called upon and kept the crowd in a roar by his fund of funny stories. A motion was mado and carried that a contribution bo taken at once and the chair appointed Williams, Molford, Story, Andreson, Moore, Barr, Stewart, Abbott and Misses Tukoy and Hammond as collectors. In all a total of $210 was either collected or pledged, leaving still a deficit of about $40. Dr. Wonte contributed $5, Delta Gamma 5, R. A. Emerson $5 and the Y. M. C. A. $10. Union Boys' Program. LaBt Saturday evening tho boys of the Union Literary So ciety gave their annual program in the chapol. Thoy ren dered tho play "Tho Freeman Mill Strike" a comedy in three acts and the boys did justice to themselves in every respect. A crowded house awaitod them as the curtain was raised after a well rendered instrumental solo by Miss Anderson. The first scone was in tho parlor of a wealthy mill owner, Mr Free man. Other scones were in tho woods, and for all the. scones curtains wore specially prepared, and arranged by tho boys. .i,1 fi