THE HESPERIAN v BIXBY'S RETRBHT, n t And once more the droning voice of the bench-worker may be hoard on the campus. If you are short and stout and plump, wear short skirts by all means. Don't forgot to prance through the library; this will cause the boys to rubber-neck. If you are in Omaha and the prayer suits you, don't forget to applaud. People may think you are under the influence of the foaming Lager but that makes no difference. Jocularius Soarson has shaved the whiskers from a 'stale, unprofitable, and antiquated joke. As a result, 2x4 grins, have several times rewarded his painstaking, care and discrim ination. Cdmmencement draweth on apace and Pugh's visage is one , vast, expansive grin. 0. 0. thinks of going on the Chicago Board of Trade, lie will speculate exclusively in Theatre Options. In our last letter, we stated that a certain gentleman's calves were all golf socks. We were mistaken. The person in question uses cotton wadding. Wo are sorry; our life is one, long scrimmage after truth. Wo have the Now Spring Styles in t he best. $3, $3.50 AND $5 SHOES on earth. One profit from factory to feet gg',','' i i NinfcAijfoiijaiggg" WEBSTER & ROGERS, 1043 O St. Several lofty themes are pigeon-holed for discussion in our next letter. Among them are, Kuhlman's Theatre Box, Tuckers Dog-trot, Eggo's Floral Contributions, etc. These and other subjects, wo will Roast with Burning words. The soldier and the orator are men akin. Like the Cuban campaigner, a majority of the sixteen debaters wore in frantic haste to tell. how it happened. After the smoke of the conflct has cleared away, some jaws are still working. The time for effective talking is past. Wa9te no golden moments in ruff words. Besides it is very rude to cuss the judges. So Long," Bix. The senior class book has sold so rapidly that it has been restricted to seniors. Prof. F. M. Fling delivered a lecture before the Y. M. C. A. at Omaha, Tuesday night. Guy Talbot returned from Syracuse, Wednesday, where he has been recuperating from his labors. Miss Mary E. Woodford, '98, is teaching history and litera ture in the high school at Ft. Collins, Colorado. Mrs. F. M. Hall and Miss Theodora Auman represent the University Y. W. C. A. in the International Convention now in session at Cleveland. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERYWHERE for "The Story of tho Philip pines," by Murat Halstead. commissioned by the Government as ofilcial Hlstorica to the War Department. Tho book was written In army camps at san Franclscol on tho Pacllio with General Merrilt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong ICong, In the American trenches at luanlla, In the insurgent camps with AkuIiuiUIo, on the declc of the Olympia with Dewey, and in tho roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Hrlmful of original pictures taken by government photographers on tho spot. Large book. Low prices, Hlgprollts. freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofllclal war boolcs. Outfit freo. Address H. L Harbor, Gen. Mngr 350 Dearborn Street, Chicago. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE jjjnrjra Trade Marks Designs RnavniRUTS Atf. Anyone sending a sketch and description way quickly uscortaln our opinion free whether an iiivuiilH'u 10 I'lffuiiuiy imiuiuuuiu, luiuiuuuiuil tlons strictly contldontlnl. Handbook on Patents sontfrco. Oldest agency for securing jmtonts. I'ntcnts taken tliroimh Jlunn & Co. rccclvo $ptclal notice, without clmrgo, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated wcokly. Largest cir culation of any sclontlllo journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, fl. Bold by all nowsdcalcrs. MUNN Co.3BBfoada New York Branch Office, 025 V St., Washington, D. C. mmmmmmm m & Jlny boy or any flirt In the remotest hamlet, nr ani, -irVir --- - - , wa .... ,WMW.. uruiuciai anywncrc,can secure ol us promptly, secottd-nand cr new. at re- aucea prices, ana sine v or bv the nnin. 4sttt,vir0 t & ttr " School Books of all Publishers Brand new, and complete alphabetical catalogue,?, if you mention this ad Hinds & Noble 4 Cooper Institute New Vork City m wmwmmm ENVELOPES TO MATCH UNIVERSITY STATIONERY ENVELOPES TO MATCH Besides our Elegant Embossed Crimson and Cream pennant stationery, we have an immense stock of UEBV PUCAD j FINE UNIVERSITY PRINTED STATIONERY ) UCDV PUPAD Vtni untHr 1 envelopes, all sizes, printed to match r VCnl UncAr SB''''PW??fiWBWItSTilBWWT3y55T t .ir TE(F?LjlrL Vj Waterman 'Ideal" A Pine Present. See our new line. Get one on trial STUDENTS' CO-OPERATIVE BOOK CO., 225 North 11th St.