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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1899)
THE HESPERIAN E. F. Warner visited at his homo in Oroighton last week. J. E Pearson took advantage of his vacation to visit his homo and the University again. It. D. Kingsbury, who wont homo with a fever last Tuesday, has returned much improved in health. W. It. Thatcher, science instructor in the Beatrice high school, visited Palladian society Friday evening. G. E. Kindler, principal of the West Side Beatrice school spent his vacation among University friends. Norman Shrove, who is attending Gallandet College in Washington, D. C, writes that the Hesperian has kept him in closo touch with University affairs. J. P. Rome, assistant principal of the high school at Butte, Montana, writes his appreciation of the Hesperian for this year. Ho says it has been a very clean shoot. The morning and afternoon classes in 2nd year gymnasium played for the championship in basket-ball March 2A. The game resulted in the score of 6 to 3 in favor of the afternoon class. Phi Kappa Psi entertained at the Lincoln Holol Wednes day evening in honor of the delegates of that fraternity in attendance at the district convention. A cotillion was the recrc ation. The Palladiaii8 elected the following officers for the ensuing term: James Britton President; W. J. Lowry, Vice President; Pearl Hensel, Corresponding Secretary; Blanche Rowe, Re cording Secretary; J.J. King, Critic; Carl Moior, Sorgoant-at Arms. The Delians elected officers for the third term last week. They wore as follows; E. F. Turner, President; Ruth Pyrtle, Yico President; Clara Fleming, Secretary; Flossie Archor, Treasurer; C. W. Jones, Critic; Nora Davis, Slato bearer; C. H. Root, Sergeant-at-Arm8. The Senior class has succeeded in choosing Mr. Kind as chairman of its "prom" committee and Mr. Harmon as master of ceremonies. Quito a fight was anticipated over the report of the nominating comitteo but the great triumvirate was in such a hopeless minority that its scattered forces appeared lu dicrous with an occasional "No," "No," here and there. The Woman's Club mot with Miss Barr March 27. About two hundred ladies were present and greatly enjoyed the exer cise. The 2 o'clock, 2nd year classes gave an exhibition of marching, free-hand exercises, dumb-bells and Swedish exor cises. The 2:30 class played the games, boan bag and pass the ball. The event of the afternoon was the playing between the Midgets and Giants. One team of Midgets under the captainship of Jennie Pontzer played the Giants the first half and Miss Edith Swartz's team the second half. As expected, the Midgots wero beaten by the Giants who wore twice their size, although the latter had to work for their points. After this the Midgots played together, the score resulting in 4- to 2 in favor of Miss Swartz's team. HOW ARE YOU OFF For a Spring Suit. We are leady to meet you with a stock unsurpassed in style, elegance and solid worth. The B L. Paine Clothing Store. 1217 0 ST. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERYWHERE for "Tho Btory of the Philip pines," by Murat Hnlstcad. commissioned by tho Government ns Cfllcial Historian to tbo War Department. Tho book was written In army camps at San Francisco on tho Pacific with Genoral Morritt, In tho hospitals at Honolulu, In Hong Kong, In the American tranches at Manila. In the Insurgent camps with Agulnaldo. on tho deck of Olympla with Dewoy. and In tho roar of battle at the fall of Manila, Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government nhotoraphers on tho spot Large book. Low prices. Dlgprottt. Freight paid, Oredlt given Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address II. L. Uarber, Qon, Mngr., 350 Dearborn Street, Chicago. . It's the Extra Touches that Please No rri2n will excuse a Laundry for a cracked collar. We use Never Break In our starch. Is affected less by dust and damp ness. Keep cleaner longer. The Best Laundry rOWNSEND & PLAM0ND0N ; Phono 579. Offices, 1010 and 1144 0 St. INTERCILLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACABEMIC COSTUME Makers of Caps, Gowns I ' x-j vll xjl.JA.JL American Colleges and Unlvorslttes 472-478 BROADWAY, ALBANY, HEW YORK COTRELL & 2 PHOTOS :25c XH E . , . . STAMP SIZE Prewitt PHOTOGRAPHER 1216 O Street. Silks, Dress Goods, Cloaks, Ladies' Suits, and Furnishing Goods For Ladies and Gentlemen 0 w 13th Sts. . jllER & Mjf . s j.