The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 07, 1899, Image 4

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Issued Wkkki.y my The Hesi'Kiuan Association ok the Uxivkiisity ok
Ouo Copy, pur Collugo Year, in advance $1 00
One Copy, ouo Somoster 0
Adveutisinu Hates ox Application.
Alumni and Ex-Students.
Special ondenvor will bo mailo to inalto The Hksi'KIiian Interesting to formur hliulants
Pleaso send us your subscriptions. Contributions thankfully received.
Subscriptions on our books will lo continued until ordered stopped.
Address all communications to The Hkspkhian. Unlvorsity of Nebraska, Lincoln. Ne
braska. Entered In tbo Post Office at Lincoln as Second Class Matter.
F. E. Edgektox Managing Editor
J. J. Plowhead Assistant
R. C. Roper Editorial
F. G. Hawxby Nows
Bertha Johnston Nows
Frank Miller Nows
G. W. Kline Literary
W. H. O'Connol Debates
Sana B, Sloan Fraternities
Leo Berry Athletic
Contest of 1899 at Lincoln, Nebr., Mny 4.
Frod B. Hill, president.. .Oarleton College, Northfield, Minn.
J. A. Maguire, vice pros U. of N. Lincoln, Neb.
H. M. Savage, sec-treas. .College of Emporia, Emporia, Kan.
G. A. Benedict Lincoln U. of N
W. D. Schemerhorn ". Salina, Kan.
H. E. Kobertsou Northfield, Minn.
J. L. Hopwood Marietta, O.
J. E. Thomas Greencastle, Ind.
Eobt. A. Ward ; Rutland, 111.
S. R. Williams Appleton, Wis.
A. Dakan Boulder, Col.
R. M. Corbitt Hopkinton, Li.
0. E. Pendlon Liberty, Mo.
Swallow ami Poarso secured fourth and fifth respectively. Tho
records made were good in comparison to those previously
made in similar contests. However, but ono record was bro-'lF
kon. This was tho running high jump held by Andreson at 5
foot 4 inchos. Pillsbury succeeded in raising it to 5A foot.
The potato race was won by Poyutor time one minuto and
forty-four seconds. Tho hoop-ball game, though ontiroly now,
was interesting.
The Pentathlon.
The Annual Indoor Pentathlon which took place on the
evening of March 27 was a thorough success."9 The regular
date for the event had been set for 25th but owing to some
misarrangeraent, light had not been provided and the mana
gers were forced to postpone the affair from Saturday to the
following Monday. A lively and interested crowd was pres
ent. The five events were tho shot put, the pole vault, tho
running high jump, three standing broad jumps,and the quarter
mile potato race. Aboat thirty men entered tho contest.
Some excellent work was exhibited in the pole vaulting and
high jumping. Most of the men wore in good condition, some
showing the results of hard training while a few wore not so
well prepared. Tho first prize, a gold medal, was won by
Pillsbury who succeeded in capturing first place in every event
except the potato race. He appeared in excellent condition,
winning with a score of 427 points. Fred Lemar won second
with a total of 300 points. Poynter won third place while
Y. M. C. A.
At a recent business meeting of the Y. M C. A. the follow
ing officers were elected: President, J. J. King; vice presi
dent, Lucian Marsh; treasurer, Chas. Allen; recording secre
tary, Sam Anderson; corresponding secretary, J. E. Boyle.
All members of the Association are delighted at tho efficient
men who hivo been placed in office. Mr. J. J. King comes
as a man of wide experience both in IflisineBS and Association
work. This offico, as it now stands, demands a man of rare
qualifications and all fool that in Mr. King such a man has
been secured. Mr. Allen needs no introduction as a Y. M.
C. A. worker. His record during tho past year as treasuror
has won for him the confidence and estoem of all the young
men. Lucian Marsh is widely known in the University. His
summer in the Y. M. C. A. spent at Chickamaugua has made
him invaluable to the work in the Association. Messrs. An
derson and Boyle have been wisely selected and are compe
tent moil. It speaks well for an organization when such men
are willing to givo their timo. All effort is now to bo put
upon a complete re-organization for tho work of tho coming
Next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock will occur the installa
tion of tho new Y. M. O. A. officers. This has come to be
quite an event in the Association and the service next Sunday
promises to be very interesting. The board of directors will
be present and take part in the meeting. Songs by the best
musical talent in the University have beon secured. All young
men regardless of membership in the Association should be
College of Xaw 1otes.
The Seniors say Bartos is rather particular who has his pic
ture. Judge Maxwell has begun a series of lectures on Code Plead
ing. John Landon was called homo last week on account of the
death of a i dative.
Judge Irvine has about completed his lectures on Dam
to the Senior class.
A largo number of tho "'Laws" took advantage of tho vaca
tion to vieit their homos.