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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1899)
IM New Suits, Waists, Skirts . i r i r s "I Millinery, Dross Goods, Shoes, etc., etc., of the very iinost styles, the most desirable qualities and always and over dependable Then, the prices named always represent a remarkable saving. What more is nocossary? LINCOLN, NEB. 44tf- A A HRPOLfl1inR & CO. fefefefefefe::tt; m b to ft tit to to to to Through Tourist Sleepers to the Northwest, Tlie RurltiiKton Houte has established a twlee-a-week cur lino from Kansas City and Lincoln to Hultt Spokane, Tneoma and Seattle Curs leave Kansas City and Lincoln every Tuos ilav and Thnrsday, arriving at Seattle following Frl dny and Sunday. Tboy aru upholstered In rattan. Tho bed linen and furnishings are olonn and of good quality. Tho boating, ventilating and toilet arrango munts aro all that can bo desired and each car is In charge of a uniformed l'ullmnn portor, whoso solo duty Is to attend to tho wants of passengers. Cars run through without chnngo of any uind and tho berth rate from Lincoln to Taeoma or Seattle Is only $5 (W. To intermediate points It Is proportion ately low. Montana and the Pugot Sound country aro now enjoying a period of unexampled prosperity. As a consequence, travel to tho Northwest Is rapidly attain ing large proportions. As a consequence, travel to tho Northwest Is rapidly attaining largo proportions, This now tourist-car lino has been established with a view of caring for tho Burlington's share of It In tho bust possible manner. For berths, tickets and full information apply at II. & M. depot or city ticket ofllco, cor. 10th and O Sts. G. W. BONNELL, C. P. and T. A., Lincoln, Neb. 'Wk'&H Prices from $1.3 Up. UfefcTS -wfs, Mm (WW ) ssJww 'lSfS'A Best -Tin. er. - jj- -- - - . --. j, . r-y.i CiOLLEGE men everywhere are Invited to send for the Wr bburn Gouvenlr Catalog. It contains near' ;no portraits of artists and collecians, benidei cl'-i- ; rono account of tho conotrc'on cf Washburn ins- mc-ts r -d a completo Hrt c f re. prices First-clano nu-'s dealers tho world over sell Waohburno, or inotrumenta r.Ly be obtained from the makers LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO. The University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery ANNUAL SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 20th. Course of study, four years; first two years devoted to laboratory studies; the last two years mainly to clinical branches. Clinical material derived from tho hospitals and dispensaries of tho two cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. DR. PARKS RITCHIE, Dean, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. m X.--..1 r; U ; 'Ti