igtej ' ' -V . -? tflE HESPERIAN V BIXBY'S RETRERT, I have lately spent a great deal of my valuable time in mus ing and 1 am free to confess that it is a very unprofitable job. When my musing machine is at its best, I suddenly wake up to find myself paying my last dime over the counter of some sloppy chop house in order to continue this dreary existence. Such is the fate of genius. We must live. There is no legit imate way of escaping it. But when the last shuffle, that my friend, Bill Shakespeare, mentions, does come, and I am planted 'neath the weeping willows, etc., I hope the managing editor of the Hesperian will have consideration enough to swipe a two by four from some lumber yard, drive it in at the foot of my grave and inscribe thereon with an indelible pencil: "Here lies Bix, last of his name; His life was simple, uriknown to fame. ' He labored hard at others' call, He lived, ate, drank some and died: that's all." If any light-brained freak attempts to write poetry on my death for the daily papers, I'll send. my ghost around to do business with him. Or if any gogglo eyed fool with his hair combed in the middle, attempts to write verses on my tomb stone, let him beware. I have lately mused a groat deal on what a genuine educa tion is. I wonder if my philosophic friend Blackledge isn't Wo have the Now Spring Styles in the best $3, $3.50 AND $5 SHOES on earth. One profit from factory to foot. -'JM4-'A',WflfflFy fofppn about right when he says that most of it is a d d humbug? I wonder if my friend Lincoln, who is studying for the priest hood, absorbed much genuine education as ho pressed his short haired bull-dog to his "fraf broast and sucked his Harvard pipe? I wonder if the girl in short skirts is getting her education as she parades up and down in the library to make the boys in the alcoves "rubber neck?" I confess that education is a very complex affair. 1 have seen follows come here who worked day and night and yet never get educated. I have seen fellows as popular with the girls as Pugh; as great orators and politicians asOhauncy Warner ;as sentimental as Piper; as wise aB Doc Landis; as babyish as Ed Henry, and I have wondered whether any or all wore educated. It's a tough problem. Yours, until next time, Bix. Y. M. C. A. Opening. WEBSTER & ROGERS, 1043 O St. The new parlors of the Young Men's Christian Association were formally opened last Saturday evening. The rooms have been thoroughly overhauled, and now present a very noat and cozy appearance. About two hundred young men dropped in during the course of the evening and all seemed to rejoice in the attractiveness of the new rooms. A short program was given, consisting of music by tho Darling Mandolin club, and short speeches by Messrs. Tobey, Boose, Dr. Ward, Chancellor Maclean, and Dr. Paine. In the Y. W. C. A. room refresh ments wore served by Misses Forrand, Neidhart, Elenry, Lowrie, Hutchison and Payne. After the refreshments and program, a present of $25 was given the Association by those present, to be applied on now furniture. When this is added the Association will have one of tho most attractive quarters of any similar organization in the west. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IjSbIES Trade Marks DE8IQN8 COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone Bonding a sketch and description may ascoruun our opinion iroo wiieinor an on is probably patentable Communion- quickly ascertain our opinion froo whether an invention is proDauiy rictiyconiidont: o. Oldest noon ts taken tlirouuh Jlunn k rptclal notice, without cliurao, In tho tlons strictly conudontlal. Handbook on I'atenta both rroo. uinost agoney ror socurinKpatonts. iff rocolro Scientific American. A handsomely Ulustratod wookly. Largost clr. dilation of any dclontltlo journal. Terms, 93 a yean four months, f 1. Sold byull noirsdoalors. MUNN&Co.3010"' New York Unwell Ofllco, 025 F St., Washington, D. 0. t n xi 111H.U. .. i r i urup int; wm it? mans uruen and subscribe for a copy of ThJE SOMBRERO to bbMj ittttAtAti ftAtt to Contains Stories, Poems, pictures of all Athletic teams, Fraternities, Societies.and As sociations, besides all the latest Gags, and Roasts. OUT IN APRIL. SAVE YOUR DOLLARS. tototototo totototototo c- H- ROOT and 0. J. COLLETT tototototototo Bus- Msrs. ENVELOPES TO MATCH UNIVERSITY STATIONERY ENVELOPES TO MATCH (l Besides our Elegant Embossed Crimson and Cream pennant stationery, we have an immense stock of UCDV PUC1D J FINE UNIVERSITY PRINTED STATIONERY j. lFBV PUPAD YtKY uHtAr 1 envelopes, all sizes, printed to match r VCiU UntAr znm Waterman 'Ideal" -A Fine Present. See our new line. Oct one oa trial BJB!JnM(gMttfgfetffM STUDENTS' CO-OPERATIVE BOOK CO., 225 North 1 1th St. i. -.V