The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 17, 1899, Image 7
THE HESPERIAN BIXBY'S RETREHT. .) k l' n Perry's Sympathy Abused: Tho first lino foil si plaintive wail "Good bye, iny lover, good bye"! And Perry leaned a trifle pale, "Good bye, my lover, good bye," "When deeper grew the sad lament, "Good bye, my lover, good bye." His anxious eyes were more intent, "Good bye, my lover, good bye." He grasped the seat before his face, ' 'Good bye, my lover, good bye." To keep his quivering form in place, "Good bye, my lover, good bye." And swelling with the grief he heard, "Good bye, my lover, good bye." His own increased with every word, "Good bye, my lover, good bye." His tears fell down like dripping eyes, "Good bye, my lover, good bye." With sigh on sigh his bosom heaves, "Good bye, my lover, good bye." The last line floated laughingly, 'Good bye, my lover, good bye" Wo have the New Spring Styles in the best $3, $3.50 AND $5 SHOES on earth. One profit from factory to feet "And now he's gone for he married me," "Good bye my lover, good bye." Our listener limp as rained-on silk, Good bye, my sucker, good bye. Willi a look that would sour a dish of milk, Good bye, my sucker, good bye. Sat back with a quick, uneasy squirm, Good bye, my sucker, good bye. Like a fish when he's swallow'd a hooked worm, Good bye, my sucker, good bye. -y oaCTifr.T TTrm n nfl, , ifeigaiMBB" WEBSTER & ROGERS, 1043 O St. Smoyer's little sister, from near Syracuse, is visiting him thiB week. The Unions will probably accept the Pall's challenge for a basket ball game tonight. Arthur Maxwell is mourning the loss of his driving nag. She was shot, presumably by hunters. Hawxby has found his cane. All courteous juniors are fore warned. Eemember 0. J. Warner's revenge. P. J. Maguire, M. A. '96, reports law work and journalism booming in Chicago. Phil, is happy and busy as usual. Good reports from G. E. Kindler, '98, as principal of the West Side Ward school in Beatrice, indicate that George is a3 faithful in pedagogy as in debates. ACTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTKD EVERYWHERE for "The Story of the Phllipy " pines." by Murat Hulstead. commissioned by the Government as ofllclal Historian to the War Department. The book was written in army camps at an Francisco, on the l'acltle with General Merritt. in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Honu Konjr, in the American trenches at Manila, in tho Insurgent camps with Aitulnaldo. on tho deck of tho Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for aiients. Hrimful of original pictures taken by government photocraphcrs on the spot. Law book Low prices. Hlt'proilts. Hreljjht paid Credit Riven. Drop all trashy unolllclal war books. Outlit free. Address II. U IJarber. Gen. Mngr., 35J Dearborn Street. Chicago. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE iLWllM Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone Bending a sketch and description may .mlckljr ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Comrnunlca tlonsstrlctlrcouf)dontlal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest aucney for securing patents. Patents tsken tlirouuh Jlunn it Co. receivo $pulal nutUt, without charge, in the Scientific flmcrkm A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tntest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, 1 a rear: four months, VL Bold by all newsdealers. IIUNN&Co.38IB'm New York Branch Office, (125 V BU Washington, D. C. Drop the White Man's Burden and subscribe for a copy of THE SOMBRERO itoito ifcifcilw UWWUUWW www www www www www www www ft Contains Stories, Poems, pictures of all Athletic teams, Fraternities, Socletles.and As sociations, besides all the latest Gags, and Roasts. OUT IN APRIL. SAVE YOUR DOLLARS. tftttittitttttt C. M- ROOT and 0. J. COLLETT W& WWW Wr WWW WWW rF iitAiififiiiAJfiiJ Bus. Mgrs. W&W WW Ww WWW WWW WWW WWW ENVELOPES TO MATCH UNIVERSITY STATIONERY Besides our Elegant Embossed Crimson and Cream pennant stationery, we have an immense stock of ENVELOPES TO MATCH VERY CHEAP FINE UNIVERSITY PRINTED STATIONERY ENVELOPES, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO MATCH ! VERY CHEAP Waterman Mdeal" A Pins Present. See our new line. Oct oho on trial STUDENTS' CO-OPERATIVE BOOK CO., 225 North 11th St.