The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 17, 1899, Image 4

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Issued Weekly by The Hespeuian Association of the Univeksity of
Ono Copy, per College Year, in advance $1 00
Ono Copy, ono Semester 00
Advertising Rates on Application.
Alumni and Ex-Students.
Special endeavor will bo mado to make Thb Hespeuian Interesting to former students.
Ploaso send us your subscriptions. Contributions thankfully received.
'Subscriptions on our books will be continued until ordorcd stopped.
Address all communications to Tnic Hkspkuian, Unlvorslty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Ne
braska. Entored In the Post Office at Lincoln as Second Class Matter.
F. E. Edqeuton Managing Editor
J. J. Plowhead Assistant
R. C. Roper Editorial
F. G. Hawxby News
Bertha Johnston News
Frank Miller : News
G. W. Kline Literary
W. H. O'Connol Debates
Sam B. Sloan Fraternities
Lee Berry Athletics
For aomo time many complaints have come to the Hes
perian that papers and notes have been taken out of the mail
box by some unscrupulous wretch. We have refrained from
making mention of the fact, bocause we thought that such dis
honest work would soon stop, but it continued. Suspicion
pointed to a young man prominent in University affairs, and
he was forced to return a note which was taken from the box.
Anyone who would do such an underhanded deed should be
published far and wide, but for the present wo withhold all
names connected with the affair.
is the fooling that every contestant had, all along, of her trs
interest in each speaker, and her decided impartiality to none.
Not the least suspicion of impartiality to any individual is ex
pressed by any of the contestants. The same is true of the
helpful suggestions and aid given by Mr. Miller in every
instance. For several weeks, out of hours and in hours, ho
has spent his time in suggesting and pointing out defects or
depicting merits in each ono of the orations. In nearly all
cases ho has gone over the manuscripts several times with the
authors, and helped plane off the rough edges or fill up the
depressions, and in all instances his efforts have resulted in
more polished productions. Not only has ho labored on the
manuscripts, but ho has in several cases and whenever so de
sired, hoard the individuals rehearse. His suggestions have
been practical and to the point.
The Hesperian is glad of the chance to commend the work
done this year for debating and oratory by the heads of the
departments of Elocution and Public Speaking, and to prophesy
that with the continuation of the joint efforts of these two de
partments the University of Nebraska will soon assume a more
deserving rank in the art of public speaking among institutions
of its kind.
Many of our students are inclined toward literary matters
of which the Kioto and other publications bear evidence. But,
the groat bulk of the student body does not know what is go
ing on in the stato legislature, saying nothing of affairs in our
national congress or our foreign relations. The classes in
journalism and public speaking are exceptions. Tho students
in these classes are required to keep informed on the issues of
the day A University man often fails on current evonrg in a
teachers' examination. Thoro is no excuse for such indiffer
ence to tho library advantages in the University and tho city
of Lincoln.
Tho sacrificing efforts of Mrs. Manning and of Mr. Schuyler
Miller in tho interests of public speaking in our University,
and especially in bo far as tho recent local contest is concerned,
dosorve, and not only deserve, but, wo believe, receive tho
sincere appreciation of those receiving their instruction and
training. Mrs. Manning was diligont and faithful in her
labors with each and every ono of tho contestants and helped
them wonderfully in their manner of delivery, as was very
'apparent in those who participated in either of tho two contosts
"hold prior to tho local. She drilled them daily for tho last
two or throe weeks, and many times sacrificed her own
'interests for theirs. And what speaks still better of her work,
Tho Oberlin Review thus explains a recent defeat in de
bate: "Last Friday evening Oberlin mot Ohio WeB
loyan in debate and was decisively defeated. Although tho
result was due to a combination of circumstances, with duo
credit to all other elements in the contest, the battle was won
by Miss Mary Boal. Coming into the debate at at opportune
moment, without finding it necessary to extemporize a rebut
tal, she delivered a finished and well worked out oration in
such a winning and tranchant manner that sho won a hostile
audience, confused her opponents and captured tho decision of
tho judgos. But to leave out personality it was the same old
story- form won. It has been a lesson of every dobato in the
league so far that not so much depends on what is said as how
it is said. It is only a common sense recognition of tho fact
that tho mind can bo appealed to on tho side of tho emotions
as effectually as it is compelled through tho intellect by arrays
of fact. Under a just intropretation of tho question Oberlin
presented tho more solid argument, and yet when tho judgos
wore called upon to decide which team had done the most ef
fective debating they had but ono choice to make. Oberlin
has gained ono dobato through oratorical form and has lost
two bocauso tho greater form was on tho other side. In this
lies a suggestion for tho future." Nebraska can furnish a sim
ilar testimony. Thoro is no question but that tho speaker who
has an easy and graceful bearing on tho stage will, as a rule,
receive a bettor mark from tho judges than will ho who con
fines himself to simple facts, paying no attention to his deliv
ery. With tho numerous facilities that wo have in tho shajfy
of debating clubs, literary societies and classes in public speak
ing and elocution, there is no excuse for anyone who neglects
his manner of delivery. Wo do not want sot speeches in do
bato but wo do want careful and forceful ennunciation, easy and
graceful gestures.