THE HESPERIAN I with tho apnrGssivG outward vivacitv. Tho innor world is. circumstances while others make erroat circumstances. William after all, the greater and more real world, as it must perceive Loyd Garvis'on never retreated. He drew the nation over t Wm him. H. R. Tucker was the last speaker. Ilia subject was uTho New America." He advocated expansion. Ho said that we should annex the Philippines in order to carry to them our civ ilization. To stand still would be tho policy of China. Ameri ca nas starroa in a way mat sne muse pursue. The markings of tho judges were as follows: Rowlands Noubo" Hntllold Shophord Borgo ohF"' 0. u. Taiiioi Too i oii 3 So fi yli 5 88 5 os T P. B.,EdBOon. 05 U 00 5 SO 6 05 1 00 1 03 2 Ii. K. Tucltor 100 1 05 J 55 a 77 7 78 0 85 6 Leo Barry U0 4 02 4 00 2 78 0 85 3 80 7 Komi Aldormiui.. 0 0 0-1 2 02 1 80 4 75 7 80 4 C. W. Jonos 85 4 87 7 82 4 82 3 80 5 85 0 G. F. Horner 85 4 88 0 71 7 70 5 81 4 00 3 and interpret tho outer. Religion and ethics are worth noth ing if not practical. But everything cannot be measured in dollars and cents. There are some things that have a more profound meaning." " India has learned from all the nations of the world, but it also has something to teach to the world. Tho toiling, cease less, Sabbathless pursuit of wealth is wearing on the outer as well as the inner man. Tho Anglo-Saxons have need to learn from the calm, restful and meditative spirit of India. "It often seems to us that tho xnglo-Saxons are too solf centored, too assertive, or too egoistic to learn from others. We should understand each other better. Whether you are protectionists or ireetraaers in tne commercial world, 1 im plore you to bo free-traders in tho spiritual world. Shako- - speare was born in time not in space. Ho belong to India . and America as well as to England. In like manner India $ T ,, , s -zjfc. has something to contribute to the world's civilization." $ The baseball tossors and track athletes are continually pre vented from outdoor practice by the severity of tho weather. Perhaps nearly half of the forty-one men, who are now in hard training for tho annual Field Day event, will enter the Indoor Pentathlon which occurs March 25. This will bo an ovent of tho season and no one at all interested in university atholtics can afford to miss it. Tho Basket Ball players of the Palladain and Union societies will havo a match game in the gymnasium this afternoon. No admission will bo charged. On April 8 Iho University will contest with tho Y. M. O. A. While the audience was waiting for tho decision of tlio judges "inoto emu or umana in an intioor dual rontntnion. lne Miss Lilian Chase rendered some readings that captivated tho mooting will take place in Omaha and tho events, with tho crowd. She was ropoatedly recalled. exception of the standing broad jump, will bo about tho same Miss Rena Alderman was tho first speaker. She spoke on 8 of u' "no Pentathlon. Five men will constitute the the "Mission of Democracy." She said that a government tm which will represent tho University in this contest. Dr. exists but for tho sake of the governed. Democracy will in- 11,lHti,1g8 "9 boon chosen referee for the occasion. Omaha is stil great truths among tho people and thus tho state will bo t0 furi,lsh tho silk bm,Ilor for tho winners and ii1ho tho S0,d. bettered si Ivor and bronze module. Leo Berry eulogized Charles Sumner in tho "Faithful Abol- Among those who havo already registered to contest in tho itionist." Mr. Berry's delivery has improved much since tho Pentathlon of the 25 of this month, are tho following: G. M. Palladian contest last month. Ho has in him the material for Oowgill, C. M. Story, M. P. Pillsbury, R. D. Androson, W. a strong speaker. II. Hart, Fred Lomai, R. O. Wallace, A. S. Pearso, F. D. O. W. Jonos chose as his subject "Tho Hour and the Man." Burr, Harry Folmer, P. W. Popoon, I, E. Kollogg, O. Hoard, It was a very strong characterization of William Loyd Gam- Hewitt, Elmer Berry, R. L. Waterman, W. J. Mauck, G. E. son. Mr. Jones has an excellent voice for public spoaking. Walker, E. B. Brook, A. J. Weston, E. Hall, M. S. Mooro, C. F. Horner gave a splendid description of tho "Battle of 0. C. Morrison, Ohapin, Richards, John Horman, H. M- Quoonstown." His word pictures wore oxcollont. Mr. Horner Garret, S. V. Cortolyou, and G. Morton. Tho events are tho is easy .and graceful on the platform. F. E. Edgerlon had for tho subject of hit, oration, "Mira beau." , G. D. Talbo spoko on tho life and charactor of "William The Local Oratorical Contest. The lower floor of chapel was well filled last Friday night to listen to the seven orators who had been chosen to orate. Tho result of tho decision of tho judges was that G. D. Talbot was given first place and F. E. Edgerton second. Mr. Talbot is a junior law man and has been in tho University only this year. Tho hall was decorated with tho colors of the three literary societies and of the University. Four of tho contestants were Palladians and three were Delians. These societies kept up enthusiasm by singing and yelling for their favorites. Excel lent music was furnished for the occasion by the mandolin club and also by Miss Reynolds, Miss Cave and Mr. Boostrom. shot put, polo vault, running high jump, three standing broad .' jumps and a quarter mile potato race. Gold, silver ana' bronze medals will bo awarded to tho throe standing highest in each ovent, Tho winners of those medals aro to constitute Loyd Garrison." He said, that somo men aro made groat by a part of tho team which goes to Omaha April 8. r I