MNtta A Chance for Bargains A few days ago we purchased the entire stock of Hub Clothing Company at forty cents on the dollar and are disposing of it tremendous cut prices. Buy now and you will save big money. All goods: Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps At 33 to 60 per cent. Less than Hub Prices on this basis. All goods bought by them Inst season 33 per cent off. All goodsnbought previous to that 50 and 60 per cent off. ::tC-ttfC-: Linen Collars - - - - 5c 100 Hats .... Linen Cuffs - - - . - 10c -.i Pi..:...fe -,i 150 Gloves .... iiuivc ui ouapcnucis - IOC 300 Hats - - - . $ 2 00 IO Gloves - - -. . 66c 200 Hats - - - - 1 38 All Gloves, size 71-2 .66c 1 00 50c Everything else 30 to 60 per Cent oft" Hub prices. Special this week, 200 Spring Overcoats, all good goods, worth from $8.00 to $15.00, all different kinds, this Week $4.75 each. Choice of any colored bosom shirt in Hub stock, 33 cents. 500 pairs of Hub shoes, all good substantial goods, all sizes, all kinds, black and tan. All at discount of 33 off. BUY NOW VI oyer Bro. THE UNIVERSITY f SCHOOL OF MI ISTC Is located directly opposite the Campus on the south. The most complete and thorough Conservatory in the west. Personal inquiry is recommended as to the advantages offered. PUPILS CAN ENTER AT ANY TIME. The next Term begins April 10th. Tuition the lowest commensurate with artistic instruction. WIL-L-ARID KIM B ALL, Director. K 1 VI I V 1