The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 17, 1899, Image 1

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No. 24.
Nature Untamed
One day I sought the wild pine wood,
Where shadows ever lie,
Where oach moBsed trunk immobile stood,
A straight shaft to the sky;
Where a loosened cone on sudden drops,
To make a wild heart-beat,
And the anxious breath quick-bated stops,
And swift fear halts the feet;
Where the cry of the lone owl gruffly comes
Through the gloom at mid of day,
Or the mating partridge joyous drums
On a prone log, barked and gray.
I sought the forest's subtle spell,
That thrills the languid blood,
Till I found its source in the farthest dell
Of the dim and lonely wood.
From her haunt mid shed leaves everywhere,
'Neath the dark spines over head,
Whore rarely wakes the fragrant air,
Or wing, or rabbits tread,
I startled nature from her lair;
Untamed like a scared gazelle,
And wondering thought transfixed methero,
When her beauty round mo fell.
For it seemed I marred a chastity
That bade mo not intrude;
And I turned abashed and silently
From her sacred habitude.
Tea Kellogg.
Address of Dr. Nargarkar.
Dr. Nargarkar, of Bombay, India, gave an interesting and
scholarly address in the Chapel last Thursday. The doctor
spoke good English and was listened to with keon interest by
a crowded Chapel.
He mentioned the mistake that Columbus had made in
in naming the islands ho discovered, India. Through that
mistake the Hindoos of India had become confused with the
American Indians. A little girl of twelve in Massachusetts
had been surprised not to find him in feathers and war paint.
An old dame of seventy-five in California, whoso notions of
the Hindoos evidently had been taken from the Bengal tiger,
had not dared to come within twenty-five feet of him,
"The Hindoos," ho said, "are cousins, brothers and sisters
of the Anglo-Saxons. They have all sprung from common
Aryan ancestors. The Anglo-Saxons need not be ashamed of
their Hindoo cousins. The Hindoos bask in the sunshine of a
glorious civilization. They have given to the world a great
religion and a grand moral code"
Then he spoke of the origin of the words Hindoo and Hin
doostan, being from Sanskrit and which had been mutilated
by the Greeks. "The Hindoos,'1 he said, "prefer to be
called the Aryans of India."
India had possessed a high civilization before the tenth cen
tury, but had degenerated through the Mohammedan invasions.
The Mohammedans had introduced the harem system, through
which the women lost their liberty. But the Hindoos are
advancing. In Bombay the harem does not prevail; there the
women are free, though they do not indulge in "shopping"
as the American women.
"Rudyard Kipling has said: 'The East is the East, and
the West is the West.' That is indeed true. It cannot be
otherwise. But it is not true that the east is standing still. It
is making progress under English rule. I think it might have
been bettor for the English and bettor for the Hindoos to have
developed under their own political systems. They might still
have enjoyed all the privileges of commerce. But it is not
for us to shape the course of history. Perhaps all has been
for the best."
Then he spoke of the influence of the English in Hindoo
stan. India hus more dialects than Europe, and though the
people love their mother tongue and will not give it up, the
English is the groat common medium, the language of com
merce, of their colleges and universities. If ho, from the
Bombay district, wore to go to Bengal it would be necessary
to speak English to his educated countrymen. "Shakespeare,
Milton, and Bacon are household words among us. English
and American writors are well known and eagerly road in
Ho spoke of the quiet meditative character of the Hindoos
and how they wore being influenced by the vivacious and business-like
Anglo-Saxons. "But," ho said, "the motto of In
dia is to adapt, not to adopt. Wo are not like the Japanese
who adopt western ideas bodily. Wo are evolving a now
civilization, harmonizing the quiet speculative introspection