The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 10, 1899, Image 3

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Union Program.
To bo rondorod in Thoo-Oro hull, "Wesloyan University,
March 11, '99.
Piano solo, "LaFortaino, Lysbory. Miss Anna Anderson.
"Natural Law and tlio Philippines," Ohas, Kuhlman.
Vocal solo, "Magnetic Waltz," Arditi, Miss Lilian Ohaso.
"Poetry of War." Bertha Pinkerton.
Vocal duot, "The Angels," Rnbonstoin. Eva and Julia
Rocitation, "The Mule and the Bees". Elsie Mao Blandin.
Vocal solo, selected. Mr. A. T. Hubboll.
Farce, "Obedience".
IIa-novbu. Germany, Feb. 18, 1899.
Editor Hesperian:
Dear Sir: Please rocoivo one years subscription from my
brother Henry and credit the same to the account of B. G.
Dr. Guernsey Jones has rocovored and taken 'charge of his
classes again.
Mrs. McOuno of Stromsburg is visiting her daughter Miss
Eva McOuno.
Prof, Fossler was unable to attend his classes Friday on ac
count of sickness.
Miss Oontryman of Weeping Water has been visiting with
her sister at the University.
Mr. W. T. Strcck has loft school and gone to Denver whero
ho expects to secure a position.
Misses Jaynes and Tuckoy wont o Omaha Saturday to
spend Sunday with their parents.
Tho Y. M. 0. A. will opon their now parlors tomorrow
evening. All young men are invited.
Alpha Theta Ohi gave an informal dancing party to' a few
Almy. The paper will reach him at Salomon Str. 25 pt., "ds last Saturday ovoningat Walsh's hall.
Leipzig, as form illy.
After the Hesperian is road in Loipzig it is sent to Berlin
whore it is porusod by tho Nebraska boys there. 0. B New
comer, J. E. Almy and C. A. Skinner are now attending tho
University at Berlin.
America may well be proud of her Nebraska sons who are
studying abroad, not alone for tho excellent work they are doing,
but for tho high moral standard they maintain as well. Not
Unions are practicing yells for their trip to Wesleyan to
morrow night, whero they will visit tho Orapholian society.
Ralph Saxon, of Edgar, and V. P. Sheldon, of Nehawka,
visited with tho Sigma Ohi fraternity Saturday and" Sunday.
Ray Elliott, who played quarter back on the foot ball team
last season., has left tho University to accopt a position as a
topographer on tho Burlington.
Speculation as to the winner of tonight's contest has been
one of these young men from tho University of Nebraska who tne theme of much conversation this week. There are as many
aro attending Gorman Universities, smokes tobacco or drinks favoritGB hB thorG ar0 contestants.
beer, and this moans a groat deal in Germany whore water for A. G. Hoagland has boon employed as chief draftsman of a
drinking is hard to bo found and the greatest conveniences aro surveying party by tho B. & M. railway company. Ho will
provided for smoking. 80on begin his work in tho western part of this state.
B. G. Almy is succeeding well with his work at Leipzig. The girls of tho Union Literary society entertained those of
Ho intends to take a Ph. D. in Philosophy. All throe of tho tno Dolian and Palladian societies at a library party last
men at Berlin have finished their thesis and now only await Ducuruuy """ " oi ioim vvuson. jacn gin
.1. . ........ -n ttt ,, represented a book.
Miss Helena Rodford '97, has accepted tho position of
science teacher in tho Wymore high school. She will fill the
place lately hold by E. D. Banghart. On account of her
mother's ill health Miss Rodford recently resigned a similar
position at Plattsraouth.
their examination.
The Union club will discuss at thoir next mooting Saturday
night, "Resolved, That tho advantages of tho jury system out
weigh its disadvantages."
Miss Geneva Erisman entertained a few friends at cards
Satnrduv nvmiinfr nfc hor homo. Aftor Miss Aldnrmnn nnH
mi. T..ll.. ,1 1 ... . .:ii I i ... . il ... i . i -
xiiu xiiiiiiuiuii uuyH win uuuiiiu mu proposmon or rno uzar Mr. Benedict had boon declared tho winners, refreshments
of Russia in regard to tho disarmament of tho great military
Tho debating association hold anothor interesting meeting
Monday afternoon. The question of the selection of judges
for tho second preliminary was discussed. A long wranglo'was
entered into. Some desired that tho sixtoon debaters should
take the selection of tho judges out of tho hands of tho oxocu
wore announced. Tho company were then entertained by in
strumental music and at a late hour loft for homo. Those
present wore, Misses Butler, Alderman, O'Oonnoll, Oowgill,
Shivoly, Messrs. Perry, Benedict, Roper, Pearson, Funk, and
Mr. E. D. Banghart, of tho class of '98, has recently been
appointed to tho position of science teacher in tho Oroto schools.
Previous to his recent appointment, Mr. Banghart hold a simi-
ive committee as provided for by the constitution. This was hir position at Wymore. Mr. Banghart has made a remarkable
ruled out of order, as being in conflict with the constitution, rQCOrd for himself at Wymore, having built up tho chemical
being in effect an amendment. It was decided that five judges lhoioy fm ?nG, of comparative insignificance until it is
, ,. . . , , , ,, . , , e . , . surpassed by few in tho high schools of the state. Mr. Bane:
should bo selected from the seven provided for by tho ccnsti- lmr't ja qnaliiod for foB nQW uon ftnd h;8 fri(mds Q
tution, which provides that all five or throe may bo solocted. confident that ho will bo no loss successful.