The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 10, 1899, Image 1

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No. 23.
From Manila.
Extracts from a recent letter received from a University boy
in the Philippines.
I have a. groat deal of time between duties, but army duties,
aB you know, do not leave a man in shape to do any very vig
orous mental work. Night work, broken sleep, and the extreme
exertions required part of the time in campaigning, have dulled
my keenness for reading and study, or at least have made it more
difficult, for I have kept at it nevertheless. Those things, to
gether with the climate, tax a man's vigor. A man starts out
well but in a short time is ready to quit. Ambition seems to
shorten a good deal. x
Personally I have been opposed to the United States enter
ing upon a policy that would bring subject territory undor its
control. From what I have seen hero among the natives, aB
well as from my beliefs and settled ideas, I have felt that we
ought not to assume more than a protectorate of sufficient
duration to insure good stable self-government among thov
natives. We have been Bhutoff from the world's current events,
save as wo got a faint idea now and then over the cable. But
wo feel that in many respects wo hero in Manila ought to know
more about the advisability of keeping these islands than others.
Ono thing however works against the impartial judging of this
question from the ranks of the army, viz: the anxiety of the
men to set foot on United Stntes soil again, and that right
Three things I have feared on our assuming control over
these islands as subject territory: First, a leap into that wild
whirl known as Impotialism; second, the distraction of our
statesmen from internal needs and problems by these outside
burdens of responsibility; and third, that the natives might re
sist and causo us a war for the supproBsion which 1 should look
upon as a groat misfortune, for wo did not enlist to subjugate
a foreign people, but rather to free the oppressed and vindicate
the principles wo have so proudly Btood for throughout our
national life.
I believe wo noed men as citizens, citizans working and oven
fighting for the true interests of our country, as much as wo
needed soldiers for this war. I believe I did only my duty in
coming into the army, but 1 am equally certain that I have as
groat a" call to bo an active American citizen with all that that
moans. I ought to make a bettor citizen for my experience in
the array and I know I shall. I would not take a good(deal
for the experience even if it has already lost mo one year in the
old University.
1 have enjoyed studying the natives here at odd times. They
are a peculiar people, but capable of rapid development. They
are low in morals and religious ideals as wo would expect from
their past condition. But they are eager and apt at learning.
The leaders are politicians of little dependence, but I believe
the country can be brought to a stable condition in twenty-five
years; not to a high state of civilization, but to a good firm
Life in the Philippines has been interesting although not al
ways a scone of comfort. In regard to climate, it was hot
when we got here in July, a humid suffocating steam heat.
But the excessive boat was greatly reduced by the Hooding
rain storms which raado our little dog tents seem like sieves. It
was drier in September, and hot, especially in these narrow
streets. October and November were more rainy; December
brought in relief from the heat and very little rain. January
is warming up in rapid jumps and rain storms are also
During the past ton days wo have had considerable interest
aroused oyer a possible fight with the natives. But they are
far from wanting to fight us. The only trouble resulting in
shots was about a week ago. Two natives tried to knife a sen
try and ho killed both of them. Wo have slept on our arms
some nights all ready to spring into line, but we have been
saved the disagreeable experience. Personally, 1 have heard
all the bullets whiz past my head that 1 care to; in fact I
would like to return to the good old United States and end my
days there. But above and beyond mere personal safety, I
long to have the natives helped to a higher plane, not killed
on the plane whore they are.
The Delian Oratorical Contest.
The Dolians hold their annaul oratorical contest in the chapel
last Friday evening and it was well attended. There werofour
contestants, C. F. Horner, C. W. Jones, F. E. Edgerton and F.
A. Bartos.- By the decision of the judges Mr. Edgerton was
awarded first place and Mr. Jones, second place.
Mr. Homer's oration was an elegant' discription of the
"Battle of Queonstown." Ho has been over that memorable
battle-field and was able to portray it vividly. Ho has a very
graceful and easy delivery.
Mr. Jones spoke on "The Hour and the Man." His oration
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