The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 03, 1899, Image 8
HESPERIAN Mr. Campbell, the newly elected member of the Palladians has quit school for this year on account of sickness. Mr. McCuno, from Nebraska City, has been visiting with his sister, Miss Eva McCuno, for the past week. uEag" Rilby has sent a voluntary contribution of live dol lars to help reduce the deficit in foot ball finances. If the alumni would all remember us, and the present students would do the same, that debt of three hundred and fifty dollars would soon be cancelled. Bound Books at 10c each; Paper Covored Novels 6c each; Boxes of Writing Paper and Envelopes 3c each; Sheet Music lc; Folios of all kinds 25c each; Now Copyright Music 10c, and a 20 percent reduction on picture frames next week at the Great Dissolution Sale. Horpolshoimor & Co. It is the "STYLE" And Quality about our photographs that make them FAMOUS The most unique and artistic little picture is OUR MADALEON Miniture. Students always receive especial attention. ELITE STUDIO 226 South 11th St. !0 University of Nebraska, crown of tho state's froo ssj public school system, offers oxcollont opportunities Collegiate, Tochnical and University education. The Ag ricultural School for tho boys and girls from tho district schoo and the farm. Tuition free excepting small tuition in School of Law, Art, and Music. For tho calendar, or other infor mation address GEORGE E. MAC LEAN, Chancellor, Lincoln, - Nebraska BEAUTY GLASSES somo people call tho fine Brazilian and- French pebble eyeglasses that improve tho appearance of a pret ty face, while aiding tho oyeslght as well. Wo adjust glasses to tho eyes with this object in view also, while litting tho vision perfectly with our fine Gold or Nickel oyo glasses. E. HALLET, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O Street, Funke Opera House Block; Lincoln. B. S. KING Fine... Scientific Watch Refracting Repairing. Optician, mm Weak and strained eyes successfully fitted. No atrophine, head ache or lost time. 1300 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB. Society Programs .... How about that program ? It costs no more to have it printed neatly and at tractively thari'tb have a poorly gotten up affair that every member is ashamed to placo in a visitor's hand. Your so ciety will bo judged quite largely by the stylo of its printed stationery. I can make it right. BEDELL, Printer, 77 Browned Block. WR$&mmmm SkQ m translations Literal Interlinear 05 Volumes Dictionaries German, French, Italian, Spanish Latin, Greek tutorial Series vols, specially designed for coaching for exams, in all college studies fii(H & Ml boolbooka of all PubM 200 Z 4CflierlB8tltBjte,HewYcrkcaty -n- W- jr- r. W-. a "S F r ft Jt Yvj)jS VPJ)J Publishers THE HAHNEMANN MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL jta.OF CHICAGO The Largest and Best-Equipped HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE NEW IN THE WORLD. College and Hospital Buildings. The Fortieth Annual Session opens September 12, 1899. New Col lege and Hospital buildings. Clinical Material in abundance. Large, welUequipped Laboratories, Steam Heat and Electric Lights. For and nouncements and further particulars, address JOSEPH P. COBB, H. D., REGISTRAR. 281 1 GOTTACE GROVE AVE., GHICACO. Graduates of University Science Courses admitted to advanced standing. mmmkilmmSfE & 1 d '