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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1899)
THE HESPERIAN At , . fK h h ' ri o ! - V. nvr ' ( ft BIXBY'S RETREHT, Spring ? Well I guess not. "Aptly has the practical joker been tor mod an inspired idiot." Senior. The season of Easter bonnets and spring poetry will only too soon bo upon us. I'd rather pound the kettle drums in Sousa's band than be Ozar of all Russia or military governor of the Philippines. One of our Seniors was recently requostod to explain why ho was not calling on a certain young lady any more. Ho refused, but the fact is, the reason is apparent. THE GOAL REACHED. We sat upon the front door step; Just Mary Jane and I, She talked all "fads" and' fashions' down, And, kind-like, so did I. She said she hated etiquette And all these city ways, I said I, too, like home-spnn style, Her face was all ablaze. I took her at her word and stooped And kissed her; then to next explain But Heav'n forgive! The mask was off, And one would not suffice, 'twas plain "From Pall. Girls and Other Poems" by P. C. Roper. Wo have the Up-to-date styles in the best $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES iu the world. LINES WITHOUT A FORETHOUGHT. I'd like to see our Wilhelm Meier, Once more to note that Bryan pose; m To hear that pompous voice, and see Those Hamburg feet, that Poman nose. I'd like to see "Cap." Oury too, As well our Jonas Lien, His classic head, and statesman pose, , Likewise his talk machine. I'd like to sep "Cap." Hollingsworth, Eager, and other boys in blue, To shake their hands and give them thanks For what they've done for me and you. "ii J Ca MfTiI'1 mi ,,' SI B , iSmmr WEBSTER & ROGERS, 1043 O Street. The Delinns and Palladians enjoyed sleigh-rides Tuesday night. Mrs, Jackson of Omaha, was in Lincoln last week, attend ing her daughter Edith, who has been sick. Pictures, Easels, Music, Musical Instruments, Picture Mouldipgs, Yocul and Instrumental Folios at Dissolution Sale prices next week. Horpolshoimer & Co. Some forty or fifty Unions took advantage of the snow Monday evening, in an extended sleighing party, which began early in the evening and lasted late into the night. 0 If you want Books and Stationery at prices never before seen in Lincoln, attend the great Dissolution Sale of Horpol shoimer & Co., which commences Monday, March 6. Professor and Mrs. Caldwell entertained the members of the class in American History 4, last Friday and Saturday evenings, at their homo 511 North Sixteenth street. A large crowd was presont on Friday evening, but the blizzard kept many away on Saturday evening. Those who did venture out were ropaid by having a most pleasant evening. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE jjjnrTa Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. An yon o sending a sketch and description may lulokly ascertain our opinion froo whether an Invention Is probnuly patentable Communica tions strictly contldontlftl. Handbook on Patents sont froo. Oldest agency for securing jiatonta. Patents tabon through Munn & Co. rocolvo tpeeiai nonce, without cnargo, in tuo Scientific American. A hnndsomoly Illustrated wookly. Largest cir culation of any sclontltlo journal. Terms, $3 a yoari four months, fL Hold by all nowsdcalors. MUNN XCo.381-. New York Branch omco, 025 V St., Waabtngtou, V. O. Have you got to speak a piece? .vWelI'wie.J?0,n'f.kno!'.?,.ny k,n(1 of "effort," om B the schoolboy's "recitation" or the schoolgirl's "read. tng," and along through the wholo school and college career, down to the "response to tosiu" at the last "clan dinner," that it not provided for among i Commencement Partt, including ''efforts" for all other occasion!, (1.A0. Ptrot and Com. lloth sides of llvo questions. IMO, Playable Play: For school and parlor. fl.M. College Men' t Three-Minute Declamation!. $1,00. H College Maiili' Tliree-Mmute Heading!. 11.00. J'leccifor Prnt.SpeaklngContettt. SI.O0. Acme Declamation Hook, Paper, 30c. Cloth, SOc. Handy Pxecei to SiKak. 108 on separate cardi. i0o. m List of "Contents" ot any or all ot abovo free on rv quest If you mention this ad. IIIITDS & H0BLE, Publishers H 4-8-13-14 Cooper Institute H. Y. City Schoolbookiqallpubluhcrt at one ttore, ENVELOPES TO MATCH UNIVERSITY STATIONERY ENVELOPES TO MATCH Besides uur Elegant Embossed Crimson and Cream pennant stationery, wo have an immense stock of UCDV PUP13 J FINE UNIVERSITY PRINTED STATIONERY J UPUV PUCAD V till UlltAr 1 ENVELOPES, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO MATCH Vtill UtltAr jsj-n xrw Tir?r,PiTTvrji" rt j W3P jsjjy. w-"' ' liwfflrt"y 7? w n y " gl J J " " m uj ? Waterman 'Ideal" A Pino Prcaent. See our new line Qet one on trial STUDENTS' CO-OPERATIVE BOOK CO., 225 North 1 1th St. ESK5