The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 03, 1899, Image 6

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Mr. Lynn Robison spent Sunday at his homo in Omaha. .
Miss Herbert Jay lies spent Saturday and Sunday in Omaha.
Miss Gertrude and Maudo Macumbor spent Saturday and
Sunday at their homo in Omaha.
Mrs. Robert Bridge of Fremont, spent a few days in Lin
coln last week visiting her daughters, Laura and Mona.
A new class in Physical training has been organized to meet
at 8 o'clock in the evening Mondays and Wednesdays, and on
Saturday at 2 p. m.
Frank Rain is doing some excellent drawing for the Junior
Annual. He has done some artistic work in colors which will
add much to the appearance of the annual.
Mr. Smith, who was hurt in the gymnasium Charter Day, is
rapidly getting better. The bones in his log have begun to
knit strongly, and under the care of Dr. Graham he is doing
Attorney 0. M. Skilos, '92, one of the original founders of
the "big rock" on the campus, was down from Ulysses on bus
iness Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mr. Skiles and
Mr, T. F. A. Williams, '92, are the donors of the first prize in
the Skiles-Willituns Palladian contest which was recently insti
tuted in the Palladian Society.
Recent letters from Mr. E. G. Woodruff and J. A. Sargent
of the Third Nebraska at Havana, state that material is being
gathered together there for use in the Junior Annual. The
editors of the Annual are making an effort to give the Uni
versity boys who went to war a good representation.
The P. K. D. Society of Doane, havo proposed the question:
Resolved k 'That the so called trusts in their workings and opera
tions are a benefit to the public" for next contest with the Union
Boys'- Debating Club in April. This is to be the last in the
series of debates between the two clubs for this year, and will
bo held hero at the University.
The English Olub hold its bi-monthly services in its now
room in University Hall last Saturday ovening. Harriot Cooke
and Clyde Hull, aided by contributions from the members of
the club, havo tastefully decorated the now retreat with posters,
drawings, and other oddities. The place is a sort of combina
tion Haydon Art Olub and museum.
0. M. Funk paid 0. J. Warner $2.50 for tho privilege of
looking at his senior cane last Saturday evening. Tho latter
party, realizing tho generosity of Mr. Funk and his eager
ness for information, felt it his duty to treat sixty boys and
girls to candy on Sunday with the said two dollars and fifty
cents. An interesting and instructive time was had by ull the
parties concerned.
Ruy Bias, Yictor Hugo's groat play, was rendered last Mon
day evening by tho Nebraska College of Oratory. The house
was fairly well filled, and applauded frequently. JJr. Edward
Maggi assumed tho title rolo, and it is needless to say, played
it well. His magnificent voice and graceful bearing added
much to tho rendition of tho play. Miss Ella M, Crawford
played tho part of tho quenn.
ilk pines," by Murat Halstoad. commissioned by tho Govornmont b ofllolal IliHtoi Ian
to tho War Dopartmont Tho book was wrltU'n In army camps ut Bun FranclHCO,
on tho Pacific with Qonornl Morrltt, In tho hospitals at Honolulu, in Honjf Kaatt, in tho
Amorloun tronchoH at Manila, in tho Insurant camps with Amilnaldo. on tho duel; of
tho Olympla with rewey, and ln'tho roar of battle at tho fall of Manila. Howuizu for
a?oitR. Brimful of ordinal pictures tulton by Kovcrnment photographers on tho spot.
Largo book. Low prices. UlKprollts, ! reign puld. Credit given. Drop all trashy
uncfllolal war books. Outllt freo, Address II. L Harbor, Oon. Mngr., 850 Doarborn
Street, Chicago,
with plenty of new things to show you.
The B L. Paine Clothing Store.
1217 0 ST.
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Good Luck . . .
and the reason he looks so happy
is because he has found a Laundry
that docs not tear his shirts not
send his collars home with rough
edges or broken folds.
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