fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa The Great Dissolution Sale . . Begins Here Monday, March 6 Owing to a dissolution of partnership in the firm it is necessary for us to raise a large sum of money at once. To do this speedily and successfully we have inaugurated a Dissolution Salt. This is not an ordinary special sale, but an event instituted for a purpose for the purpose of turning merchandise into cash with all possible speed. It is therefore unnecessary to say that profit is not considered, that regular price is not considered, nor that anything but the fact that we want a very large sum of money in a very short time is taken mto consideration. Every department is rep resented and every line of merchandise has been subjected to an unmerciful sacrifice. Watch papers for further announcements. LINCOLN, NEB. A 5. H6 Hi iHi HERPOLHEIAER & CO. $ i..j.iii.iV'St. 'J. S ft 1 0 tp 0 i i 0 0& flp 1 4fr y fr 4r i C? ? 1 1& 1& & 7 &r 0 gf fc'K, ' N '"S ' S " ' k ' i l ' '" Ri'fv V K "t ' "fc't ' "t ' fc WHEN YOU HAVE A HURRY UP TRIP Vfttt JB Utefcfe Prices from $15 Up. USE THE It is tho cheapest bocauso you save time, and time- is money. Solid trains, Lincoln to Denver, Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City. G. W. BONNELL, C. P. and T. A., Lincoln, Neb. j&PSma& ffl s- MtM nk ryJCr avla'i J ffl A &3L JkMZSSSs n J v M - -slt ffiL yM. JEnaH the World COLLEGE men everywhero are Invited to send for the Woohburn Souvenir Cntalog. It contains nearly 300 portraits of artists and collegians, besides giving como nccount of tho construction of Washburn instruments and a complete list of net prices. First-class music dealers the world over sell Wo. burns, or instruments may be obtained from the makers LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO. The University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery 1 ANNUAL SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 20th. Course of study, four years; first two years devoted to laboratory studies; tho last two years mainly to clinical branches. Clinical material derived from tho hospitals and dispensaries of the two cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. DR. PARKS RITCHIE, Dean, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn, H A V.I fc I r -Cl ;?? n .,