The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 03, 1899, Image 11
Ir 16 r. U ii .. rv !r. A ir. k.Ti ) J The Hesperian. j ? ' WEEKLY JOURNAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. $ffi YA 2lv 'Ksc -" tJ r 11 iwr wf V?iw A 2$$J ' WHEN THE H.BGIMBNT OAMIJ BAOK, U m All the uniforms wero bluo, all tbo swords and rifles now, VVbon tho regiment went marohtng down tho stroot. All tho men were halo and strong, as they proudly moved along Through tho cheers that drowned tbo muslo of tholr feet. Oh, the muslo of their foot, keeping time to drums that boat! Oh, tho glitter and tho splendor of tho sight 1 As with suordB and rifles now, and In uniforms of bluo, Tho regiment wont marching to tho light I When the regiment came back all tho guns and swords wero black, And tho Uniforms had faded lnto'gruy; Ami the faces of the men who marched through that street again Seemed like faces of the dead who lose their wag. For tbo dead who Iuko their way cannot look more gaunt or gray Ob, the sorrow and tho anguish of the sight! Oh, tbo woury, lagging feet, out of step with drums that boat, When the regiment uarao marching from tho light I -ELLA WHEELER WILOOX, In Harper's Weekly. y 7R -. - rssss