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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1899)
hataMHlk THE HESPERIAN Tho Physics department has recently received a largo sup ply of apparatus from Germany. Tho eight o'clock gymnasium class is growing. Babsun and Maxwell are looming up as promising men. A number of Doano students who come to attend tho Del iau and Doano debate, remained in tho city over Sunday- We are soiling supplies as cheaply as over. Fountain Pons, G9c, 89c, 98c; History and Thomo Papers, 8c per 100 shoots, 35c per 500 sheets; Reversible Note Books, one half leather, 21c each. All other supplies at equally low prices. Text Books for second semester at cut pricos. Book and Sta tionery Department, Horpolshoimer & Co, i It is the "STYLE" Arjd Quality about our photographs that make them FAMOUS The most unique and artistic little picture is OUR MADALEON Miniture. Students always receive especial attention. ELITE STUDIO 226 South 11th St. jho University of Nobraska, crown of tho stato's froo Ji public school system, ofTors excellent opportunities, Colloginto, Technical and Unlvorsity education. The Ag" ricultural School for tho boys and girls from tho district school and tho farm. Tuitlpn freo excoptlng small tuition in School of Law, Art, and Music. For tho calendar, or other infor mation address GEORGE E. MAC LEAN, Chancellor, Lincoln, - Nebraska THAT HEADACHE that annoys you so much doesn't always come from a disordered stomach, or state of your nerves, but from defective eyesight. Don't neglect the warning that Nature gives you and be sorry to late. We will test your eyes free, and fit them with fine French crystal or Brazillian pepple eyeglass or spectacles, at a reasonable price. E. HALLET, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O Street, Funke Opera House Block, Lincoln. "0- - If i . ill Oil l B. S. KINO Fine... Scientific Watch jR ef r a ctin g Repairing. "Optician.. Weak and strained eyes successfully fitted. No atrophine, head ache or lost time 1300 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB. Society Programs .... How about that program 1 It costs no more to have it printed neatly and at tractively than to have a poorly gotten up affair that ovcry member is ashamed to place in a visitor's hand. Your so ciety will bo judged quito largely by tho stylo of its printed stationery. I can make it right. BEDELL, Printer, 77 Brownell Block. Like to ', learn Spanish? -" yy ' llonfM't Simnlth ihthcxl. Hclf-tcochlng. $1.00 y SimnUh-Kniim.EnutM-Stmnhh Dictlon'y. 81.00 ' oftUV Italian iltthiul. 8i-IMracMnK. jl.OO atrman.EolM,Enalfh-ntrmanpitUonaTy.w,m s iii'm rrnicri jiinnuiii ph-hmv .-.w Z' Jfat.fela Italian jirinan. ni'ii'iraGiuuK. XVXX r Italian. Kntllltli. J.nvll.h-llaltun Dictionary. 81.00 iiit.w. n,r, nan Method. Be Mfar itnit. 81.00 y 2 . JlrooW Ut Greek Letfont i Herman Mtthotl. BelMearlitntt. 81.00 inglM,Enpllih.fia trench Metliotl, Z t-tne.Entllth, F.nnWh-rrem (roola' 1 Lntln Hoot. . M ct y LatlifKiigllth, Kunlhh.Latfn ' llouftl Ss "tnXKnuUK EnqlUh-French nictlonaiy.9a.00 . 'Dictionary. $3.00 y , Jlrookt' Ut Greek l.effnn, Mcl. a ' Qntk.KnolM, EnnUih-artck Dictionary. 88.00 ' ' Literal Tranilatlpm of the'cUulca Latin, UieeK, uwinan, i m.i. r.,B...,, .- - . , 0 ', I ' told teoaratcly, W cu. each, bcmlor lUt. muDS & HOBLE, Publishers ' 1-5-13-HCooptrIiutltuto N. Y.Clty s orsomeomer Scnootbools afallpid Uihen at oia iture. language? the Hahnemann medical college and hospital OF CHICAGO. The Largest and Best-Equipped . HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE IN THE WORLD. I i . " !l NEW College and .Hospital Buildings. The Fortieth Annual Session opens September 12, 1899. New Col lege and Hospital buildings. Clinical Material in abundance. Large, well-equipped Laboratories, Steam Heat and Electric Lights. For an nouncements and further particulars, address JOSEPH P. COBB, fl. D., REGISTRAR. 2811 COTTAGE GROVE AVE., CHI CACO? Graduates of University Science Courses admitted to advanced standing. vC fc 2S0STW1 v