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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1899)
THE "HESPERIAN BIXBY'S RBTRERT, i. a (& We needs must take the burden now, I'd say, in language terse, Or miss the matchless meaning of Our Rudyard Stripling's verse. What though wo have guerrilla war, I care not one iota; For Kipling now has writ his piece; The die is cast, KlOTE. SYMPOSIUM. EXPANSION OE NO. With reasons by our numerous correspondents. . . Let's add the islands to our farm And make them fit to use, And civilize the Cannibals With steroscopic views. I'm sure the business can be If we begin it early; I'm yours to take an agency And work the natives, done BuRLEian. Our destiny is manifest, We're bound to farm creation And make all human brotherhood An Anglo-Saxon nation. Wc have the Up- to-dato stylos in tho best $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES in tho world. WEBSTER & ROGERS, 1043 O Street 0 What though our soldiers furnish food For jungle-wolf and vulture, Tho natives will bo coming to Our school of agriculture. Then let no Anti-jingo rise To check this great advance And throw dust on our enterprise, Yours, unofficially, Oiiano. I'm for expansion, first and last With philanthropic spirit, Imbued with business enough To over see and steer it. I'm ready now to qualify And seek that mission field, And stake my reputation on The harvest it will yield. I'll teach the savage Igorote To worship Prince Emanuel; To force my precepts further homo l'llsell a Junior Annual. Besides while I am busy with Humanity and tradin', I maybe can get solid with Some Philipino maiden. I'm for the project, heart and soul And pocket book to boot. Mean while, allow mo to subscribe, Yours for expansion, Root. t n rl W 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ijmrjn Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. julokly ascertain our opinion frco whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly conOdontlal. Handbook on Patents sent f roo. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents takon through Munu & Co. receive tptciai notice, without cnargo, in tin Scientific j&Krkau. A h&udsomoly illustrated waokly. Largest dr. culatlon of any sclonttfla Journal. Terms, 93 a roar : four months, ?L Sold by all nowsdoalors. MUNN & Co.38'8. New York Branch Offlco, G2S F St, Washington, D. O. School Books inaliurry And at Nctt York jjrlee. ulngl ( cr by l!io dozen, may bo obtained seeottd-Ztend or ttrsu, by any boy i r ciri m liio remotest iinmisi, or nay teacher or official anywhere, and Delivery prepaid Stand new, complete alphabetical catalogue,?, of school boolcsofotf ( Hurt, u you mention thia ad. jnHDSfcUOHS '4CeeperIatJ'ait9 Hew Terk City ENVELOPES TO MATCH UNIVERSITY STATIONERY ENVELOPES TO MATCH Besides our Elegant Embossed Crimson and Cream pennant stationery, we have an immense stock of UCDV PUCAD i FINE UNIVERSITY PRINTED STATIONERY ) lcnv PUEAD Ttltl UnLrtr 1 ENVELOPES, ALL SliZES, PRINTED TO MATCH f V till UlltAr sSGBl 'if ry m Waterman Mdcal" A Fine Present. See our new line. Oct one on trial. STUDENTS' CO-OPERATIVE BOOK CO., 225 North 11th St. r F it