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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1899)
THE HESPERIAN ' Miss Harriot Packard is spending Sunday at her homo in Wilbur. Miss La Solle is onco more attending classes after an illness of several days. Tickets on sale at the Oliver Sattrday morning, February 25 for "Ruy Bias." Martin Lewis was formally pledged to Kappa Sigma last Thursday ovoning. Miss Nora Davis has entirely recovered from the tonsilitis and is again at work. Miss Gotner and Miss Paddock entered a number of friends at cards last Friday evening. Mr. Z. E. Crook has recently been elected to, the position of assistant in the Physics department. B. R. Gordon is enjoying much better health. Ho is sup plying the people with lato views of the war. MisB Countryman has gone to Harvard to supply the place in the high school of one of the teachers who is sick. Dan Sherman and Ed Walsh gave an informal dancing party last Saturday ovoning at Walsh's hall, corner of 12th and N streets. Later reports from Manila boar tho assurance that ihe wounds of Oapt. Hollingsworth and Liout. Whoodon are do ing well. In tho absence of the Dolian president, Miss Wiggins, who who wont to Boston, Mr. Ohas. Root, the vice-president, tills tho chair. Tho class in Recent History is growing deeply interested in tho fight between Prosidont Johnson and Congress over re construction. A Gleo Club of sixteen voices has at last been organized. Practico has begun and an entertainment in the near future is hopod for. Messrs E. V. Oapp, B. R. Hill and R. A. Cook,- assistants in tho Physics departments, wore raised to tho position of follows, at tho last mooting of tho Board of Regents. The "Now Members" program of tho Dolian society which is to bo given tonight promises to bo very entertaining. Tho society is to bo congratulated on getting so much talent this year. A goodly number of programs are planned ahead in tho Dolian society. After tho contost and the farco there will bo given a Riloy program a musicalo, and tho boys' and girls' contost programs. Miss Efflo Prico, inter-collegiate workor in tho Y. W. 0. A., is in rosidonco at tho University this wook. She gave an ad dross in Chapel Monday on "The Ploasuro in Common Things." Sho gavo an address at 4 p, m. Tuosday in Dolian hall. ACTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTED EVERYWHERE for "Tho Storv of tho Philip plnos," by Murat Halstoad. commissioned by tho Government us ottlclnl Historian to tho War Depurtmont. Tho book wub written In army camps at Ran Francisco, on tho Paolilo with Gonoral Morrltt, lc tho hospltuls at Honolulu, In Hong Kong, in tho American tronohOB at Manila, In tho Insurant curnps with AculnuUlo. on tho deolc of tho Olympla with Dowoy, and In tho rour of buttlo at tho fall of Manila. Bonanza for agontH. Itrlmful of original pictures takon by government photographers on the spot. Largo book. Low prices, Dig profits. Krelght paid. Credit given. Drop ull trashy unofficial war books. Outtlt freo. Address H. L. Harbor, Gen. Mngr., 350 Dearborn Streot, Chicago, OUT OF THE OLD HOUSE INTO THE NEW Tho coming week wo will move into cur now location at 1217 0 street. Our now spring stock will then be in. As in the past wo shall en deavor to koop in tho load. The B L Paine Clothing Store. The Brownie's Good Luck . . . and the reason he looks so happy Is because he has found a Laundry that docs not tear his shirts nor send his collars home with rough edges or broken folds. The Best Laundry TOWNSEND & PLAMONDON Telephone 579. 2259 0 Streot ' NTERCILLE6ATE BUREAU OF ACABEMIC COSTUME COTR.ELL & Caps, downs T "FTOTSJ A T? T an( Hoods totue JLX1V-1I Jr.l.X-J American Colleges and Universities 472-478 BROADWAY, ALBANY, NEW YORK 2, PHOTOS 25g THE.... STAMP SIZE PfPwHf PHOTOGRAPHER IT I W W HL 121G O Street. Silks, Dress Goods, Cloaks, Ladies5 Suits, and Furnishing Goods For Ladies and Gentlemen 0 wd 13ii Sis miLLER J PHIKE MMMn BBB