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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1899)
' & m vt- 'i Si THE HESPERIAN Dr. Hastings will address the Lincoln High School this afternoon on the subject of Physical Training and Develop ment. Students will do well to remember that Westorfield is yet in business, at his old stand, 117 North 13th. Latest styles in .hair cut. A large screen will be placed in front of the big organ the first of next week so that basket ball and other similar games can bo resumed. Mrs. Alkinson of the cityHigh School, has resigned and will accept the position as teacher of history in the High School at Omaha. Students who desire to enter the evening classes are re quired to register at the department of physical training and not at the register's office. The physicial strength test examination will .be. given only at the hours of 2 and 8 p. m. Other examinations will be given from 9 to 11:20 every forenoon. The board of athelotic managers met Fob. 16th and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: A. S. Pearse, foot ball manager; E. D. Andreson, assistant manager; N. A. Johnson, assistant manager of the base ball team. 0. E. Willians was elected to represent the University in a meeting of the Western Inter-State Foot Ball Association. Following pieces of New Music published at 50 cents will bo sold at our Music Department next week at 15 cents per copy: "Moonlight Serenade," "Nay, Nay Pauline," "Hur ricane March," "When the RoseB are in Bloom," "Dar's Somethin' About YerlLike," "Coon's Tradomark," "Lullaby to Baby Dear," "Belle O'Dell," "Mamie Green.' Book and Music Department, Herpolshoimor & Co. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERYWHERE for "Tho Story of ttao Pblllp- pines," by Murat Halsteud, commissioned by tho Government as ( 'Illcial Hlstorlun to the War Department. Tho book was written In army camps ut San Francisco on tho Pftolllo with Gonoral Merrltt, In tho hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Koiw, In tho American trenches at Manila. In tho Insurant camps with Agulnaldo, on tho doolt of Olympla with Dowoy, and In tho roar of battlo at tho fall of Manila. Iionanza for agents. Urltnful of original pictures taken by government photographers on tho spot Large book. Low prices. IJlgprollt. Freight paid. O rod It given Drop nil trashy unofficial war books. Outfit frco. Address II. L. Harbor, Gen. Mngr.. 350 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Kent College of Lawa Marshall D. Ewell, LL D., M. D., Dean. School year opened Septombor 5, 1808. Three year course. Improved methods uniting theory and practice. THE BOHOOLOF PRAOriOEIS THE LEAD INa FEATURE. Evening sessions of ten hourB a weok for oaob olass. Students can de belf suppoutino wiiim; stddtino. Arrangements made for supple mental preliminary education. For catalcguo, addrosH W. F. Momeyer, LL. B., Secretary, 018-010 ASHLAND BLOCK. CHICAGO, ILL. Men's Odd Pants. At this time of year there are not many men who do not need an extra pair of Pantaloons just to patch out the season with, don't you know. We have an exceptionally attractive line not only in regular sizes but those which will fit the hard-to-fit man as well. They are commonly called "stouts," "slims" and "extra sizes." Mere is what you May Expect to find And if you avail yourself of the opportunities we offer you will save big money. 100 200 150 300 Pairs Men's Pantaloons, marked in plain figures . regular value $1.25; are 400 $1.00 $1.49 plain blue or black worsteds; every Aft PA 1 with silk: as finely tailored as though 'I II .00. In thissale they are marked plainly tyl sL luU $3.50 Pairs Men's Pantaloons (practically all wool), regu lar value $1.75; are marked in plain figures Pairs Men's Pantaloons; strictly all wool, extra heavy weight, splendidly made; was marked $2.50; now marked Pairs Men's Fine Pantaloons; come In stripes, plaids and plain blue or black worsteds; ever seam seved theycost$5 Pairs Men's Fine Tailor made Pantaloons; come in fine cassimeres and worsted effects; thoroughly made and nice fitting; good values at $6.00; marked in this sale ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMPANY 1013 to 1019 O Street. J. H. PETTIT THE SHOEMAKER Has moved his shop to 1439 O, on south side of street, and will be glad to sea old customers, also new ones, CAMERAS PHOTO SUPPLIES OP JLXjXj KI27S8. AND D. E. DE PUTR0H, Room 5, 1041 O St., Lincoln, Neb. . Northwestern University , . , MEDIGA12 I SGH00L1 The high standard and progressive methods which have given this School Its enviable reputation for over thirty years are carefully main tained. For circulars of detailed Informa tion address the Secretary, Dr. N. S. DAVIS. 2431 Bcariom St., - - CHICAGO, ILL. TURKISH Candy Kitchen, For Fine, Homc.Made CANDIES 1321 O Street. - - II