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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1899)
f&'u ffsesssehf sr5f5l3h V& 9999 9 C&$ . r m 1 , The Annual Sale of Undermuslins Begins Here Saturday, Feb. 24. The very best productions of the very best factories, employing none but the very best workmen, will be on sale here Saturday morn ing creating an output of the very best values in high-class under muslins for women and children we have ever offered. A H i fc to it to it it it it it) it it it it it) it) HERPOLJIIEinER fir CO. $ WHEN YOU HAVE A HURRY UP TRIP Vtfftf Prices from $13 Up. USE THE BM9 It Is tin clioapt'st l)cc'iius( you suvo tlmo. mid tiino is money. Solid trains, Lincoln to Dunvur, Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas (.Mly. G. W. BONNELL, C. P. and T. A., Lincoln, Nob. BUSN& ..clSts,' M -. ff& M . -fff -SLL JfeMW the JSESTOFa3i wor,a W.SY. -. - -?'Z 1-1 -r. -$..5 2?r-,' COLLEGE men everywhere aro invited to se.jd for the Wpshburn Souvenir Catalog. It contain!! nearly 300 portraits of nrtl8t3 and collegians, besides giving como account of tho construction of Washburn Instruments and n complete list of net pricoo. Firat-cluss music dealers tlio world over sell Waahburns, or instruments may be obtained from the makers LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO. 98 &5m The University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery ANNUAL SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 20th. Course of study, four yours; iirst two yours dovotod to laboratory studios; tlio lust two yours mainly to clinical branolios. Clinical materia! derived from tlio hospitals and (liaponsarius of tlio two cities of Minneapolis and St. Paid. DR. PARKS RITCHIE, Dean, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. V rV' i-f f