&vw wjj.t!ujm-j. jj Aulagjatt. m j THE HESPERIAN R. B. Thompson law, '97 has returned to the University to do some work in the Agricultural department. Mr. Wilson a blind student who is educating himself for the min istry led the exercises and gave an interesting talk in Chapel Tues day morning. Daniel Gutleben who left last week with a civil engineering crew for Wyoming writes that he enjoys his work very much but has never experienced such cold weather. "We are selling supplies as cheaply as ever. Fountain Pens, 69c, 89c, 98c; History and Thome Papers, 8c per 100 sheets, 35c per 500 sheets; Reversible Note Books, one half leather, 21c each. All other supplies at equally low prices. Text Books for second Bemester at cut prices. Book and Sta tionery Department, Herpolsheimer & Co. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyono Bonding a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether on Invention Is probably patentable Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent freo. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. rccolvo tpeelal notice, without clinrgo, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clr. dilation of any sclonttfla journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, (L Bold by all newsdealers. HUNN8Co.36'B-dNewYork Branch Offlco, 025 F St, Washington, 1). C. Aho University of Nebraska, crown of tho stato's freo j public school system, offers excellent opportunities Collegiato, Technical and Univorsity education. The Ag ricultural School for the boys and girls from the district schooj and tho farm. Tuition freo excepting small tuition in School of Law, Art, and Music. For tho calondar, or other infor mation address GEORGE E. MAC LEAN, Chancellor, Lincoln, - ' - Nebraska 1!1 J? A HAPPY MAN is one whose eyes have been troub ling him and has had his eyes fit ted by us with a pair of glasses that suit Ids sight to a T. If we can't fit your eyes with perfectly adjusted glasses, that will both aid and ben efit your eyesight, no one in Lin coln can do it. E. HALLET, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O Street, Funke Opera House Block, Lincoln. B. S. KINO Fine... Scientific Watch Refracting, Repairing. Optician.. Weakjand strained eyes successfully' fitted, No atropbine, head ache of. lost time. 1300 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB. Society Programs .... How about that program '! It costs no more to have it printed neatly and at tractively than to have a poorly gotten up affair that every member is ashamed to place in a visitor's hand. Your so ciety will bo judged quite largely by tho stylo of its printed stationery. I can make it right. BEDELL, Printer, 77 Brownell Block. School Books ijn a finny And a Nc-r York rcw,. ?ng!r r by no duzcu, may bo obtained girl in t!w remotest hamlst, or soy tiacher or official anywbare, and Delivery prepaid f)Jl . . 1. .1t.-1 .. fl " warm vunipscio fUfluweTlol auloene,?, of school booksofs fuiHi&nert, u you Bicnuoa mil bo. EUDIfclOBLB '4CMferIustlt8ta Ifew Twrk city ' THE HAHNEMANN MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL OF CHICAGO. The Largest and Best-Equipped HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE The Fortieth Annual Session opens September 12, 1899. New Cob lege and Hospital buildings. Clinical Material in abundance. Large, well-equipped Laboratories, Steam Heat and Electric Lights. For an nouncements and further particulars, address IN THE WORLD. NEW- JOSEPH P. COBB, n. D., ft College and " Hospital Buildings. REGISTRAR. 2811 COTTAGE GROVE AVE., GH I CAGO. Graduates of University Science Courses admitted to advanced standing, v, H v . H v o i