The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 18, 1899, Image 6

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Steve Langworthy visited University friends yesterday.
Miss Florence Shank is again at her place in class after a week's
Frank Rain returned from Fairbury yesterday where he makeshis
usual-weekly trip.
Mr. G. E. Baker has sufficiently recovered .from the measles to be
again at his work
I. S. Cutter, of Beatrice, visited Saturday and Sunday with his
Alpha Theta Chi brothers.
Company B will meet Friday at i o'clock to have their pictures
taken for the Junior Annual.
Miss Louise Tukey, of Omaha, attended the junior "prom" and
visited with her sister while in the city.
The Phi Gamma Delta boys gave a chafing dish party to their
young lady friends last Saturday evening.
Ralph Saxton, of Edgar, attended the junior "prom" and visited
over Sunday with his Sigma Chi brothers.
The large attendance of expectant students at chapel Monday
morning was indicative of a coming holiday.
Rote Farwell and Steve Brock both of Lincoln, have pledged them
selves to join Sigma Alplia Epsilon fraternity.
Miss Nellie Holdbrook has been entertaining one of her young
lady friends from Falls City during the past week.
The members of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority held their annual
banquet at the home of Miss Emily Weeks last Saturday evening.
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The flag on the University building was at half mast Saturday for -OTERCILLEeATE BUREAU OF ACAIEMtC COSTUME'
the death of Guy Livingston of Plattsmouth, who died from the
effects of wounds received in the battle at Manila.
The .Young Women's Christian Association and Young Men's
Christian Association of the State University, request the presence of
all students at a reception given for Miss Effie K. Price, inter-collegiate
secretary of the Y. W. C. A., at Lincoln hotel, February 20, 1899,
8:10 p. m.
One of the most elaborate social functions of the year was given
by Pi Beta Phi sorority last Tuesday evening at the Lincoln hotel.
A goodly number of representatives from all the fraternities as well as
a number of young people from out of the city were present.
The address of Chancellor MacLean Sunday afternoon in the
chapel on the subject "Old things are passed away, behold all
things are become new," was applied especially to the University and
served the double purpose of an observance of the day of prayer for
students and of a mid-winter Baccalaureate sermon.
The Journalism class has been devoting considerable attention to
the early newspapers, and to a comparison of the papers of an eany
time with the present. The result has been very surprising to those
uninformed. Even the newspapers to-day show great differences;
Those of France are very inferior to ours in news arrangement and
m ingenuity.
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nines." by Murat Halstead. commissioned by tho Government as O racial Historian
to the War Department. The book wus written In army camps at ftan Francisco,
Amorlcan trenches at Manila, in the lnsurgont campt with Aguinaldo, on the deck of
the Olympla with Dewey, und-ln the roar of battle at tho full of Manila. Bonanza for
agents. Brimful of original pictures tuken by government photographers on tho spot.
Large book. Low prices. Dlgprotlts. freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy
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