The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 20, 1899, Image 4

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The Rhyme of the Unions. '
Before the Unions came to view,
The Nebraska State was all askew,
And things were looking mighty blue,
To all the students of the U
nivorsity of Nebraska.
Years ago our friends were few,
And, I confess, wo hardly know, '
Four was composed of two and two,
When wo first entered at the U
nivcrsity of Nebraskar
Great Morse, the king of wire and screw,
Master mechanic of this crew,
Became a "Union" so wo grew,
After we started at the U
niversity of Nebraska.
There's Anna A. and Charley Ku-hlman-Wilkinson
and Shivoly too,
Levers and hub of S'ciety "U,"
Who help to make the glorious U
niversity of Nebraska.
Loyal Juniors Plowhead, Eva Modi, (nu)
Such lighters now are few,
Who make the earth seem black and blue,
For the "barbarian-frats" at U
niversity of Nebraska.
Behold Jim Searson onco anow,
As rushing now his thesis through,
I guess I liko don't you,
To see him back horo at the U
nivorsity of Nebraska.
And Boostrom, Storvo and Miss Chase too,
Wo hardly can accept adieu,
But have to encore all way through,
When they are singing at the U
niversity of Nebraska.
When Maxwoll-Magulro oratory pursue,
And garlands all about them strew,
The sun becomes a bloody hue,
In jealousy of the great U
nivorsity of Nebraska.
To crown the wholo with ample queue,
Brown, Blandln, McCuno for Klocu, (tlon)
As members of tho "white and blue,"
Rcclto tho pleasures of tho U
nivorsity of Nebraska.
In futuro years when onco I viow,
Tho days gone past for mo and you,
I'll think of thosu companions true,
Who aided mo while at tho U
niversity of Nebraska.
CUJton J, Piatt.
Tho Missouri debaters wore unable to pick a question from
tho five sent by our association, and a now list of five will bo
Tho Delians 'took for their text, ''Resolved, That tho go
eminent of tho Philippines should bo given into the Hands or
the people without restriction."
The Maxwell club did not have their regular debate Satur
day evening. At that time a reception was tendered tho law
boys by tho University Y. M. 0. A.
The question chosen for the Kansas-Nebraska debate is,
"Resolved, That combinations and pools of railroads to estab
lish rates should bo prohibited by law."
The Union club debated tho question, Saturday evening,.
"Resolved, That an offensive and defensive allianco should be
formed between the United States and England."
The Palladian boys have been evidently watching the move
ments of tho legislature. They discussed the topic, "Resolved,
That the legislature should establish a bounty on sugar boots."
The Delian-Doano debate, which was postponed, will take
place in Lincoln, February 17. The question is, "Resolved,
That party allegiance is preferable to independent action in
The hall was not crowded Friday evening but those who
came to Palladian enjoyed a good program of moderate length.
Miss Nettie Henry read a story which might woll have been
called "Ask Dad!" as that was its thomo. It was a very in
teresting romance of college life and home agaiu. Mr. Britton
interpreted some quaint negro folk stories. It was difficult
work, and tho success of Mr. Britton was appreciated by tho
audience. Grace Wheeler read some short poems published
in magazine form. Cora O'Connoll road some sketches of her
own. Tho ono about an old Indian iwoman on Midway was
especially good.
Y. M. C. A. Reception.
Last Saturday evening tho Y. M. 0. A. gave a reception to
the law students at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hall,
1040 D Street. A largo numbor of both the law and academic
students wore present fully as many as wore expected to
Mr. and Mrs. Hall have tho reputation of being ideal enter
tainers, and they fully sustained thoir reputation Saturday
evening. Thoir large and beautiful home was at tho disposal
of tho guests, and much of the pleasure of the evening was
gained from admiring the beautiful collection of sketches and
paintings which has made tho Hall homo so well known in tho
Tho early part of tho evening was spent in entertaining and
profitable amusement that had been providod by tho cntortain
mont committee. Twenty or moro advertisements had been
placed in different parts of tho house, and each guest had to
identify and name as many of those advertisements as possible.
A prize ono of Drummond's books was offorod to tho i
successful guest, and Mr. Talbot, a law student, received it.
Aftor refreshments had boon served, Miss Turtolot and Mr.
Maxwoll gave roadinge, which were very much appreciated.
REGENT SHOES 8.50, UNI SHOES 88.00, 1030 O S'J