The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 20, 1899, Image 3

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No. 16.
shoe. Aid this upon one of the most favored islands of the
The people here seem naturally quite intelligent and they are
at present the happiest people on earth. One lady where wo
stopped to rest Bpoko English quite fluently but most under
stand only Spanish. One word of English all seem to know
but they have reversed its meaning; that is good bye. I tell
is not my purpose however, to toll you of my trip though at you a fellow's heart sinks when some pretty young lady looks
VtJ Camp Columbia, Havana. Cuba, Jan. 7, '98.
!L J. F. Boomer, Lincoln, Neor. :
Dear Joe and Dolian Friends: 1 am out of stationery and
JJ must fall back on government issue but if that may be par
ly doned I will send you a few long delayed notes.
, I arrived in Havana harbor New Year's night. The first
battalion of our regiment camo on the transport, Obdam. It
times my feelings were intense enough. Yes! I was seasick.
At 7.30 Sunday night we sighted the lights of Moro Castle
and one hour later we were just beneath its massive walls. I
cannot toll you the impression it made on mo. There surely
is no ship which could pnss it when its guna are in action.
After cruising for an hour outside of the harbor a pilot camo
to us. Here we heard our first Spanish. We passed the
channel and anchored in the harbor for the night.
upon him .with a smile and a pleasant courtesy and then says
"good bye." Oh! Joe, war is terrible, but that is worse.
Tho prettiest women I ever saw are in Havana. 1 cannot
describe them, but I am sure I can never bo content in the
north now.
Yesterday I was in a peasant's house and saw a modern
clock aud an old sewing machine of an early pattern. On a
table lay a spear and the ever present machotte. The machette
Havana harbor is a broad expanse of water connected with is about the shape and size of a corn knife. They carry them
the ocean by a narrow channel. Along this channel are high when they work.
precipices, strongly fortified. On going on deck in tho morn- This is tho mecca of naturalists. Numerous species of flow
ing I found that during tho night our position had been ors are in bloom here now, January. Bugs and insects are
changed and wo were close to tho wreck of some ship, everywhere. The ocean shore only three miles away is a
"Maine," "Maine," was tho one word that morning. The solid coral reef.
massive steel plates and beams still remain above tho surface. Well, Joe, I could write all night but there goes "taps"
Two masts may still bo seen. You in your prairie Nebraska and lights must be out. I would like to hoar from tho Dolian
cannot realize what a terrible thine that must have been. Just friends as well as you.
beyond tho wreck of tho "Maine" lay our battle ships, Texas,
Brooklyn and Cincinnati. Pictures only give you a faint idea
of what they really are. But I started to tell you of Cuba. At
2 p. m. Jan. 2 wo left the transport and began our march
through Havana to Camp Columbia eight miles beyond.
Havana is the i.iost picturesque "Midway" imaginable. Tho
Joo Sargeent is in the city with tho engineers.
Yours truly,
E. G. Woodkdff,
First Sergeant Co. B, 3rd Nobr.
W mhUnn,n ;a fi. n! oi t , nninnna or in f-f plans for Sunday. Tho Sunday meetings are increasing in in-
T , . .' t i i. torest and attendance, and next Sunday promises to eclipse all
A committee of the Y. M. 0. A. has boon busy making
oupported by massive stono pillars. In tho interior is an open .. n P,nfnU;WUp(nil natnr U hn Rr pimi J...--1.
, 1 I .. . mi L ! . VHH.IO. -. J. ....w. If ...... f.., U..w. w- ... ......... U w ..,
i court upon which uic vnrious rooms open, xne uunuings arc w;n mffo0 tj10 uddrcsB. Special efforts are bo"sg made to so.
Mpk rarely over two stories. There are no "skyscrapers." Iho
UUIIUIIIliO UIU WUIlllUU 1U Ull UlllllUllt UUIUIO. X 1IIJV U1IU Jlftlll.
' Li i mi . i i i
oiuo predominate, xne streets are paveu wuu coouie stones.
Tho filth is terrible. From two to three inches of the most
horrible sowerago is in the street. The foul smell is almost
unbearable. Flocks of vultures hover over the city and har-
cure good music. All young men should plan to attond, Sun
day, 4 p. m.
Prof. Hodgman expects to resume his class work next
semester. Ho will offor an elective in Taylor's Revised Cal
culus. The class will recite five hours a week and a credit of
one course will bo given. An elementary knowledge of trig-
bor. You know .to . , n,u8 bo to attract carrion blrde. rZSftSTll STJK
SJ HI UU ff 111 JJ J. J UKU M (til J UM SS V a aa w w mm pa w wa a ft
courses and will bo especially valuable for those students who
expect to teach, and desire a general viow of this most unique
mode of mathematical reasoning. This class will meet at nino
, No wonder dreaded diseases lurk in such places. Children
rely naked are seen in the streets. I saw one woman
standing on tho sidewalk with no apparent embarassment hold
ing a child about one year old entirely nude except for one