VU t One of Our "Gems" $ ft ft ft ryryC'S'C''PPpyS'Flfc'pS'tl m'S'ff'fla C'iC fc C'ly v Jit (ft '.T THIS IS A NUMBER 8 ft Troy Collar and Cuff Irolr CALL AND SEE IT WORK. THE "EVANS" TELEPHONE 199.. (ft (ft (ft $ (ft (ft vft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft (ft THE COLLEGE STUDENT... Will save timet Keep his health, and Enjoy his studies By riding1 a 1899 Monarch Roadsters . $50 00 1899 Defiance ... 35 00 Send for Catalogue MONARCH CYCLE MFG, CO,, CHICAGO Lake, Halstead and Fulton streets A. ft SPALDING & BEOS. New York Chicago Official Outfitters to the Loading Colleges, Schools and Athletic Clubs of tho Country. Athletic g'qqd. The Spalding Bicycle . . . Ridden by the Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. Champions, and all the leading college riders. Spaldlnc's Official Leagnc Ball Is tho Official Ball of tho Nuiioual League and all tho leading college associations Every Requisite for base Ball, Foot Bali.. Golf, Tennis, athletics, Gymnasium. Handsome Catalogue of Athletic Sparta Free to aay address. Spalding's Official Daso Dall Guide for 1800, ready March 80, 10 Cents. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago TEACHERS "WANTED UNION TEACHERS' AGENCIES OF AMERICA. RBV. L. D. DAS5, D. D., Manager. Pittsburg, Pa., Torouto, Can., New Orleans, La., New York, N. Y., Washington, D. O., San Francisco, Cal. Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Mo., and Denver, Col. There are thousands of positions to bo filled. We bad over 9,000 vacancies during tho past season. Unqual ified i acuities for placing teachers In every part of the IT. S. and Canada. One foe registers in 0 offloes. Address all applications to IHREAU IF C'VJL SERVICE INSTRVBTI1N, 128 Fifth Street N. E., WASHINGTON, D. 0. Wo aid tboso who want government positions. 65.000 places under Civil Service rules, 0,000 yearly appoint ments. War creates a demand for 7,000 employees within six months. Half iates for the Holidays via MISSOURI PACIFIC. On December 24, 25, 26, 81, and January 1 and 2 tho Missouri Pacific Trill sell tickets to all points within 200 miles at ono faro for tho round trip, good to return until January 4, 1899. Two daily trains from Lincoln to Kansas City and all intermediate points. City Ticket Office, 1029 0 SI. F. D. CORNELL, C.P.&T.A. Kent College of Law. warsnaii d. ewoii, ll. D., M. D., Dean. 1808. Three iHOOL OF PRAOTIOE 10 THE LEAD- School year opened September 5, juu. vuurnc. iiuyroTCU meim practice. THE) INQ FEATURE. .Improved methods uniting theory and .. vwr.www wr rnnu i uc iu iHb L-FAn. Evening sessions of ten hours a week for eaoh class. Students can be hem1 suproirriNO rmn.H BTDDTrwo. Arrangements made for supnle mental preliminary education. For cataloguo, address W. F. Momeyer, LL. B., Secretary, 618.610 ASHLAND BLOCK. OHIOAQO, ILL.