(vTWtfXrTWr THE HESPERIAN TT T rp T T rp O TD "O1 TD T A "NT that n considerably greater per cent of the junior class of th LX S-Li J7 XHi O X X-j JTV. 11 IN lttW BCi00i jn scholarship above the junior class in the Issued Weekly by hie Hesperian. Association) of tlhte University of academic college. A largo per cent of the members hold de- Nebraska greos, and many of them degrees from our own University. V TERMS OF SUBSCRlFriON. The same is true of the senior class. There is no reason for - o 2& X155S?. .ta. ?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"1Z tins enmity, tins Met which now exists between this depart- , Advertising Rates on Application. ment and the rest of the University. AltimnS amd Ex-Students. SpecfM onddavor -will be made to make the Hesperttm inftarclsting to fomor studontts. Please send us your subsoriiptdonis. Contributions Uhtamkfully ireooived'. ouuoaripwtraia era our otoks wiu oe continued uniui oruiereu siwppeu. Mgj . - -- & A. Address aM commun'icaltlonb Do The Hesperian, University of Ne- 582 (kOllCC$C Ot JLEIVP TWOlCS (Entered in the Postfofllce at Lincoln ois &&axcA dads nntrtteir. BOARD OP EDITORS. J.' J.' PltowtootaH ! '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. ! '. ".".'..".'.'.'.'. Aissasteunit Several of the seniors will work on their theses during the ASSOCIATES. Christmas vacation. k. C. Ropar Editorial .,,.,. , , . ,. . .- r i F. G. HnTTxby News Prof. Bobbins conducted an examination in Domestic item- r , rankMmo"3!'?!1;;;::;;;;;:; tions la8t Satrdfty at 10 'clock- W..taVl'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. Dr- Groon bg,m his course of lecturos on Insanity before 6am B. Sloan Fj-atcrnatfies the Junior class yesterday afternoon. ' l ' The State Legislature is soon to meet, The University is Tho Junior cla88 has raoro tbftn its ahar0 of froaka among - to bo given an appropriation. How much shall it be? What whom Lincoln and Blackledge are not tho least, are our needs. What do wo deserve? These are questions Tho Seniors finish Common Law Pleadings this weok under which wo as students should think about. Every student who Prof. Bobbins. Equity Pleading will take its place after this knows a member of tho legislature should take the first oppor- week. tunity offered to impress upon such representative the needs Tho Maxwell club met Saturday evening and installed the and desires of tho University. following officers: President, Humphreys; Secretary, Shel- . What is student enthusiasm? What is student loyalty? Is burn0' and 0ritic' flarris- . it being loyal to attend a vulgar ten cent Streets-of-Cairo Dr. J. L. Greene of University Place began hie course of dance, just because it happens to be conducted in tho chapel, lectures this week on "Medical Jurisprudence." DrjSreen and tho Rtnr nntnr is rpnnrffid to ho n. frnuk insr nvor from will bo followed bv Dean Reese With a series of lecturesllOn Harvard? Is it being loyal to sanction with our presence tho "Law of Medical Jurisprudence." say nothing ot lady company a hum drum leg show, simply At a meGting of the Sonior class last Monday it was voted. because it appears upon tho campus and within tho chapel to iasu0 a Senior Law Digest. Tho book in all porbability will walls a show at which in a downtown theatre wo would bo contain cuts of all tho Alumni of tho collogo and tho nroBont abashed to recognize oursolvfts even in disguise? This is no Senior class. It will bo a book of some 200 pages and well more than many "loyal" students did with clear conscience Doun(j and untouched sensibilities last Friday evening. And why? Simply, loyalty. TnK Christmas windows of tho city are beginning to bIiow up artistically, but in none is there so much art diBplayod as in ' xuaiu, ..B ua.oicu iu. Bu,ii tuu Wu u.uv;,. ui BH u w,. that of Kimban Br08 Marblo Works, at 1500 O street. Tho the college of law and tho rest of our University. This feeling boautiful fltatuottes in marble composition aro worthy of true or mua enmicy nas cropped out in several instances, notaoiy m admiration. Thoy will adorn any hom0, and will make beauj oibbb relations. 100 many initio university iook upon tno ..-. nhrintmRfl nresontfl whether destined for tho nalaco or th law school as a sort of detached auxiliary department, as cottQr,0 "g " is the School of Music. Too many, also aro ignorant in this very respect, and allow traditional prejudices or tho buncorabo iy " of self-seeking college and class politicians to form their opin- Hian Class Excursions uudor superior conductorship. VVa- ions, cation Party" for proachera and teachers arranged for 'iTuneL An alleged ground for this abnormal rivalry between tho July and August, 1900. Select parties. First class travel. 'T department of law and the rest of the University is the require- ?0 h? ' f ln order l 8ecur cbo(lP ratB in advance, write l e A . ,. , , . , g t 7 n immediately to Paeis Exposition Touhist Co, ,i monts for admission into the classes of tho former. But this ' Washington jr of is not so serious an objection when investigated. It is true "" ' . o ONE PROFIT FROM MAKER TO WEARER, REGENT SHOE CO.