The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 16, 1898, Image 4

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The Preliminary Debates, the debating spirit of tho University, Foot-ball, debates and
A much greater interest is taken this year in debating than oratory are the factors which, if properly developed, WA
heretofore. Many of tho debaters have friends who are much create a university spirit.
interested in tho outcome, In order that all may be posted
as to tho questions and time of debate, we publish the follow- A New Fraternity. Y
ing in regard to the preliminary debutes: The Nebraska chapter of Delta TIpsilon was formally in
Tho divisions that debate Friday night are I, II, IV. stalled last Friday evening at the Delta Upsilon rooms in the
Tho Question of division I is, '-Resolved, That tho United Brace buildiner. corner of Fifteenth and O streets. The cere- '
x tJ
States is justified in a policy of territorial expansion." Tho
speakers are, G. A. Johnson, Tom Maxwell, W. R. Hoartt,
R. H. Ewart, G. A. Benedict, W. F. McNaughton, G. E,
Hoger, 0. J. Piatt.
The question of division II is, '-Resolved, That the
Philippine Islands should be annexed to the United States."
The speakers areF. G. Hawxby, A. A. Stoll, 0. J. Warner,
P. B. Weaver, Wra. Morrow, 0. A. Pollock, J. W. Graham,
E, J. Motis.
monies wore conducted by Geo. F. Andrews, Brown, '92;
Arthur H. Jameson, Mass. Inst, of Tech., '92; Dr. H. O.
Rowlands, '92; Colgate 72; and John Wilson Battin, Cornell,
90. '
Judge M. B. Reese, Joel Stebbins and Harry G. Shedd
at the banquot. Scarlet and cream, and the
fraternity colors, blue and gold, wore prominent among the
decorations. Red carnations graced the banquet table. A
The charter members of the local chapter are: Thomas D. Y
Tho question of division IV is, "Resolved, That tho Philippine Lunn, '98 (deceased); Alvin A. Miller, '98; Hiland B. Noyea,
Islands should bo annexed to the United States." The speakers '98; Reno A. Magney, '00; R. D. Elliott, '99; Fred H. T
are C. E. Matson, H. Halderson, R. M. Harris, T. O. Brye, Kuogle, '99; P. H. Thomson, '99; Clinton Barr, '99; R. W.
O.J. Mastin, Clint Burr, C. F. Theobold, A. Bollonbach. Bliss, '00; W. L. Hall, '00 Eugene Brookings, '00; Charles
The divisions that debate Saturday night are V, VII, IX. L. Wray, '01; E. L. Rhodes; '01; A. T. Strahorn, '01; E. M.' .
The question of division V is, "Resolved, That party Heffner, '01; S. D. Clinton, '01; Oliver Chambers, '01; J. )
allegiance is preferable to independent action." Tho speakers Emory Lester, '02; R. O. Pollard and Charles Peterson, both "f
aroD. C. Hilton, R. D. Andreson, B. R. Gordon, H. E. Flom- of '02, are pledged.
ing, Miss B. Stall, Henry Meier, H. A. Kohu, John Boose.
The Foot-Ball Vaudeville.
Tho foot-ball vaudeville show of last Friday evening was
The question of division VII is, "Resolved, That it is for
tho best interest of the United States to form a political
alliance with Great Britian for offensive and defensive pur- a success. Ail numbers wer.o well rendered and most of them
poses." The speakers are A. E. Henry, R, E. Dale, H. H. full of fun and jokes.
Hanks, C. F. Horner, J. F. Boomer, D. I. Pope, E. B.
Perry, F. B. Humphrey.
Tho question of division IX is "Resolved, That tjie ad
vantages of tho present jury system outweigh its disadvant
ages." The speakers are O. F. Craft, S. O. Hawthorne, W.
At eight o'clock Wehn and his bandcommonced playing.
Their music showed training and ability, andwell, deserved the
appreciation of tho audience. After four well resctered
selections tho stage was cleared for Mr. Stebbins who jgave
some excellent exhibitions in club swinging. McKillip,
on bottles.
Tho next number was startling in
tho extreme. Mr. Lin
Rice, R. B. Steele, Dell Stull, O. S. Wilson, F. A. Ninas, Gillespie, and Beghtol then played some old familiar hyma
Fred Brown.
The divisions that debate Monday night are III, VI, VIII.
Tho question of division III is, "Resolved, That the
government of the United States should own and operate all
tho railroads within its boundories." Tho speakers are W.
coin as Mile'. Noir in a beautiful black costume decorated witk
yellow ribbons and a fow large red roses came suddenly upo
the stage. Her dancing was excellent and kicking superb.
H. O'Connoll, S. Auker, R. L. Ewart, J. D.Dassonbrock, H. Professor Tukey, tho rouownod ventriloquist with hiB black
J. Theobold, John Studovillo, R. Sampson, H. Landis.
baby and boxed nigger next entertained, tho audience. fiiiL
The question of division VI is, "Resolved, That tho United best hit wob tho hitherto unexplained dialect of Professor
States government should establish a postal savings bank Fossler. He said tho Professor climbed upon a building th
system."- Tho speakers are Geo. Towno, G. D. Talbot, Roy first thing after landing in America and had tho misfortune jto
Waterman, E. F. Warner, G. E. Toboy, J. M. Paul, Ohas. fall off. Tho result was, ho has boon speaking broken English
Crouch, A. H. Maxwell. over since. Wood, the banjo fiend, gave a selection which
Friday night division I will debate in Union hall, II was heartily encored, Hill and Hooper followed with some
in tho Delian hall, IV in the Palladian hall. excellent balancing on bicycles, which ended tho first part of
Saturday night division V will debate in Union hall, tho program. "
VII in Chapel, IX in Delian hall. Part second came immediately afterwards with Summer 1(
Monday night division 111 will debate in Delian hall, VI Sherman acting tho Blind Bard and French artist as a starter,
in Chapel, V11I in, Union hall. They were well received by tho audience. and, all fell ob, they
All intnrnRtnri In dobntinff nllOllld turn out and Oncouracro unnir flioir Innf. antur. "Qnf- vnn'uM'onnv Wntli ttiut flinw
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song, "GotyowwMonoy Worth," that they
rsnoEco. 'vJv'