The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 16, 1898, Image 2

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Men's Holiday Furnishings -
m ".. if.'
Men's Merino Socks, double heel and toe, 1 5c values, a pair. . . . ,, ...9c .
Men's All Wao'l Hose, 25c values, a pair. .-.".?! ." '. 15c-
Double' Fleeted Shirts and Drawers, 50c values, each 37c
Fancy Suspenders at 25c, 29c. 50c, and upward to $2 00
Neckwear, all shapes, styles, colors and designs, an exquisite assortment, prices range
10c, 15c, 25c, 50c and up to $1 00
Men's Oxford Mufflers at , 75c and I 00
Men's Full Dress Mufflers ' 1 00 to 1 50
Outing Flannel Nightshirts 50c, 75c, 1 00
Mocha Gloves, silk lined, $1 .00 values 75
Kid Gloves, silk lined, $1.00 values , ,...., 75
Mocha Gloves, silk lined, $2.00 values..: '..... 1 75
Leather Bags and Dress Suit Cases', upwards from 50c to 8 00
L Ji Sh S4ri H 91 ?mhE' jI
A Dictionary of ENGLISH,
Biography Geography, Fiction, etc
It excels in tho caso with which tlio cyo finds tho
word sought; In accuracy of definition ; In effect-
tlvc methods of indicating pronunciation ; In tcrso and
comprchcnslvo statements of facta and in practical uso as
n. working dictionary.
Hon. D.J, Brewer, Justice of U. S. Supreme Court, says l
"I commend it to all as tho ono frrcat standard authority."
It is tho Standard Authority of tho U.S. Supremo Court,
all tho State Supremo Court, tho U. S. Government Print
ing Ofllco, and of nearly all tho Schoolbooks Warmly
commended by State SujKjrlntcndcnts of Schools, and other
JJducators almost without numwr.
f2TSiccinu n jHioat .nl on application.
. , G.&C MERRIAM CO., Publisher!,
Lf Springfield, Mass.
"toft'S'R rjfehfc
Prices from $15 Up.
( "IbMWifer m J SZMjLrmSSr7A Best
' ' KrW A jyifi' the
X" OLLEGE men everywhere arc invited to Bend for tho Wprhburn Douvcnir Catalog.
J It contains nearly coo portraits of artists and collegians, bosldos rjivinj cotno account
V of tho construction of Washburn lnst-uments ar.d a complete list r f net prlccc
Hlrst-clacs dealers tho world over sell Washburns, or instruments may be
obtained from the makers
The University of Minnesota,
College of Medicine and Sur
. ; ..-.. .. c?
ANNUAL bbbblUN UHtiNi? .SfcKi tsmutSK 20m. f
Course of study, four-oars; first two years devoted to laboratory studies; the last two years mainly
to clinical branches. Clinical material derived from tho hospitals ana dispensaries or uio iwo Wi
:: r.t M;.w.mni:I, nl Kf Pniil 0$
UlllUD WI iUIKIIUIifllMID " -'- !.
!!:..- I8.w C UtAcf. Ulnnnrnlle" Minn
Jiiiwrziv.y j iwiiMifvj-fijfiKv,,v1"''