Z THE HESPERIAN ' An elegant lino of silver ware for Christmas at E. Fleming's, 1211 O street. H. F. Gage, J98, is Pratt Institute correspondent for the New York Herald, J. W. Searson has charge of the high school at Ponder, Nobr., during the sicknoss of tho principal. Dr. Hinman lectured on "Christian ty and Philosphy" at the Congregational church last Sunday evening. 0. H. Root was elected business manager of tho Junior An nual last Friday in place of F. Van Yalin, resigned. The law department library quarters are entirely inadequate to growing needs, and tho department i . oking now quarters. The junior law class is studying Lawson on contracts, giving particular attention to contractual liabilities along the matri monial lino. Professor Bessoy is to dolivor an address at Palmyra on Do comber 9th on "Some Features of tho Nebraska Flora, Past and Present." L. V. Patch, '98, passed through tho city Saturday evening. He spent a few hours with Kappa Sigma before leaving for his school at Bartley, Nebr. The Phi Kappa Psi boys wore entertained by Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnham last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Burn ham have a son who is a member of this fraternity. Roy Sawyor has been olectod to represent tho Lincoln chap tor of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at tho national meeting of tho or ganization soon to be hold in Nashville, Tennessee. Tho Doano debaters who wore to meet tho D. B. D. 0., tonight, have sent word that tho debate will have to bo called off as they wish to attend tho Y. M. 0. A. convention at Fremont. Miss Jane Douglas of St. Joseph, Mo., spent Thanksgiving with hor sister. Kappa Alpa Thota sorority gave a delight ful sleighing party in hor honor, followed by dancing at the homo of Miss MacFarland. Tho law students had a lively mot court Monday night in tho law room. Messrs. Davis and Hoogland won tho case against "MnHnrs. Perry and Hagcr. Attorney Hatfield jiciud as judge. Miss Stull was district clerk. Frank H. Robertson delivered a vory instructive and enter taining lecture on "Manila and tho Philippines" at tho Oliver Tuesday ovoning. Noarly all of tho dobators on tho expansion question wore present and secured many facts. Money Saved Our store is now in tho midst of a 0 to 33 per contdis count salo, and while a discbunt salo conducted as wo always do tho ones wo advertise yet thoro is a groator saving in buy ing tho high grade of goods wo offer. THE B. L. PAINE CLOTHING STORE. FOR SALE- Vi S$r- K-rnREy -, . -"-- - The tcair-Iir.e. of Shoes for ladies andygentle men in the city. tr teT f SDaiso 1213 O STR66T, The Grand Hotel. W. C FLEURY, Prop. Exceptional accommodations for Banquets, Parties and Dancing, Special Rates to Students and their Friends of $1.60 Per Day. COR. TWELFTH AND Q, LINCOLN, Are you ready Leonard H. Bobbins, lato of Princeton, 1ms just taken a placo on the staff of tho Philadelphia Press, one of tho largest papers in the country. Their recognition of Mr. Kobbins abili ty is vory gratifying to his friends in tho University and city. $ ry Notice has boon posted of an examination for ontranco to tho Botanical Seminar, to bo hold on January 13th. Tho ox- - . r arainors announced are: Dr. Roscoo Pound, Dr. F. E. Olora- CnriStlTVclS onts, and Dr. Bessoy. It is understood that several advanced students in Botany have boon cited to appear for examination. REGENT $8,50 SHOES ARE FOR MEN. 108G O ST. If not, please remonYbor 'that we can please you wliotlior you wish to invest one cent or one hundred hollars. Every department of our store is filled with goods suit able for Christmas gifts. Wo invito you to como and see for yourself. IR1LLER J NINE , Vl 1 1n vAO SI