iM & of .! 4 THE HESPERIAN Williams was elected enptain of next year's football, team, yesterday The Athletic board passed resolutions last night, censuring manager Bischof and Captain Molford of the foot ball team. Ffrink Edgcrton spent a very pleasant Thanksgiving with D. L. Wilson, '97, who is principal of schools at Riverton Iowa. The U. of N. pins at E. Fleming's, 1211 O street, make a nice Christmas present. Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired. Gardner's Suit orium. Phono 708. R. A. Tyuan has been sick for over a week and took the opportunity to rest up under his mother's care during vacation. Leave bundles for the Clarkson laundry at the Students' Supply Store, 1129 R street. The big three-foot Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen in the window of the Co-operative Book Store, 225 north 11th street, is a novel attraction.. But its most too big to write with. XAho University of Nebraska, crown of the stato's frco Jit public school system, offers excellent opportunities for Collegiato, Technical and University education. The Ag ricultural School for the boys and girls from the district school and the farm. Tuition free excepting small tuition in School of Law, Art, and Music. For the calendar, or other infor mation address GEORGE E. MAC LEAN, Chancellor, vk &' Lincoln, Nebraska F you wish your Refreshments of the BEST, at reasonable prices, for your receptions, parties, etc., you should call on HYHTT 3t HYHTT, Confectioners and Caterers. Successors to Sutton & Hollowbush. 135 South 12th Street Christmas Foresight in choosing gifts will lead you to examine tlio exquisite stock of handsome opera glasses, from the best makers, in iVory, leather, sil ver and gold, our fine stock of lorgnettes in gold and silver, for those who onlv need eye help for near use. For those who re quire glasses or spectacles for de fective eyesight wo have a choice selection, and wo will test the sight and adjust frco. E. HALLET, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O Street, Funke Opera Houso Block, Lincoln. B. S. KING Fine... Scientific Watch- Refracting Repairing. Optician.. Weak and strained eyes successfully fitted, No atrophine, head ache or lost time. 1300 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB. NSBRftSKft. (9LLESE RAT9RY IMss Iln Crnwforo, prin'l. Oratory, Elocution, Phyiscal Culture, Dramatic and Fencing, Etc. Lyric Art. Union League Club Building, LINCOLN, NEB. Society Programs .... How about that program V It costs no more to have it printed neatly and at tractively than to have a poorly gotten up affair that every member is ashamed to place in a visitor's hand. Your so ciety will be judged quite largely by the stylo of it printed stationery. I can make it right. BEDELL, Printer, 77 Brewnell Block. iiiillif THE WAY TO BO TO CALIFORNIA is in a Tourists Sleeping Car person ally conducted via the Burlington Koute. You don't change cars. You make fait time. You see the finest scenery on the globo. Your cur Is not ho expcnHlvcly flnlhhccl nor so flno to looV at an a palace hIccdct. but are Juit us clean, JUHt as comfortatili', Jut aM wood to rlilo in AND NKAHLY f-WUHKAPEK. Tho Burlington ExcurtOonH leave Lincoln at 0:10 i m every Thurnday. reaching San Fran cisco Sunday and Loh Angles Monday. Porter with each car Excursion manager with party. For folder giving full information call at Ticket offlco II. &M. depot. 7th and P Btn.; city onice corner 10th and O Stn.. Lincoln, Neb. G. W. BONNELL, C. P. and T. A., Lincoln, Neb. Don't... Fail to attend the 20 per cent discount sale on Suits and Overcoats this week at the Ewing Clothing Co., BEST LAUNDRY Does the best work. 2249 O ST. We are cleaners of Linen. Bring your laundry to us, or we will call for It. DR. F. D. SKERWIN, DENTIST A Telephone 570- TrtUJMCCWn S. Dl AMAWnnW Prnn'e A, I UiIIIwImII v wfc I Mnimniiuvii i i mm ' . Room' 17, Burr. 131k., 2nd Floor. jj4 f 1