SSgfe-y-."-'- t-1 '(OHp'lWBP THE HESPEKIAN i I I I ;X- Zb I' Jtwssaa?.? The Gnrdnor Tailoring Co. Oor. 11th and O. This ovoning the FroBhmon givo n dance nt Pntfiarch's hall. Fill your fountain pens froo at tho Students' Supply Storo, 112911 stroot. Hugh Walhor, '00, who is attending tho Theological Som inary at 1'rincoton, romomborcd tho oditor last wook. Robatos to students on watches, jowolry and repairing. 1140 0 stroot. D. T. Smith. Members of tho advanced class in Elocution are rehearsing dialogues and short plays which aro to bo produced in tho near future "Midgot" Basket-ball team is being reorganized. Thoir practice hour will bo Wednesday, 9 10, This was tho most popular basket ball team in tho University last year Tho Soniors hold a mooting last Thursday afternoon, at which it was docidod to levy a tax of ton conts upon each mombor of tho class. This money is to bo usod to defray tho exponsos of procuring a class play. Several Uni. pooplo aro teaching at McOook. Among thorn aro Misses Mosorvo and Elizabeth Thompson. Miss Thompson has boon employed for two years in McCook and has bocomo vory popular as a teacher. Tho "Mausor" Mandolins and Guitars aro unequalled for tone and finish. A throe years' guarantee is given with oach instrument. Mandolins $13.00 to $75.00 oach. Guitars $14.00 to $90.00. Music Dopartmont, Herpolshoimor & Co. Solo agents for Lincoln. INTERCQLLECATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME COTRKLL & Caps, Gowns T RTVT A P Pi and Hoods totho JLXIV-1M xTlXv J Amorlcun Colleges and Universities 472-478 BROADWAY, ALBANY, HEW YORK SJ- PHOTOS 25c stamp size THE PrPWlff PHOTOBRAPHER i I t TT 111 1216 O Street Novelties in ... . FALL and WINTER ...NECKWEAR We carry the Largest Stock of Men's Furnishing Goods in Lincoln. Selling so much enables us to keep on hand at all times the newest and brightest productions We Place on Sale this Week 500 Dozen Full Puff Ties at 25c 150 Dozen New Shape Teck Ties at 25c 300 dozen New String and Four In Hands at.. 25c Tho nbovegoods aro now, bright and cntchy, and aro absolutely cheap at 50c. Call and sco for yoursolf. AraKoiiG. Clothing Co.. 1013 to lOlQ O Street. VY J. H. PETTIT THE SHOEMAKER, 127 N. 12th St. Aro here for business par ticularly your business THE IVY PRESS BINDERY Has moved his shop to 1439 O, on south side of street, and will be glad to see Lincoln, Neb. old customers, Iso new cnes. TRESTER Lumber and Coal COWPHNY Solicit your next order for HOT STUFF. Try them once. 103 so. nth st. CAMERAS PHOTO SUPPLIES AND OF AXiXj ICXNXJS .& n G nc tBm Hal B9b H UlllVni Eootn 5, 1041 O St., Lincoln, Nob. TURKISH. Candy Kitchen, For Fine, Home-Made CANDIES. 1321 O Street. nHnMIMNMRMI