THE HESPERIAN J. E. Ponraon is expected to apond a few dnys in Lincoln soon. Clothing cleaned, pressed and ropairod. Gardner's Suit orium. Phono 708. Say! E. Floming, 1211 0 strcot, has somo very noat U. of N. Pins for 75c, sterling silver, fine enamel. Tho class in Political Economy recites in the now building instead of in tho band room as was fomerly the case. Manager IBischof is very anxious to see all of thoso who have unsold foot-ball tickets. See him and settle up. Your feet would fool bettor and look bettor if you had a pair of llegent $3.50 or Univorsity $8.00 Shoes on them. Lieut. Carl L. Shuflf, '98, of the 3rd regiment, Nebraska vol untcers is home on a furlough visitng his parents of this city. Ilavo your clothing repaired, cleaned and pressed at Gard ner's Suitorium, under Rock Island ticket office. Phono 708. The foot-ball team left on their western trip Wednesday night. All of the regular team except Stringer, Elliot, and Williams went. r F you wish your Refreshments of the fcsfcbT, at reasonable prices, for your receptions, parties, etc., you should call ou HYHTT & HYHTT, Confectioners and Caterers. suttinT&Kush. 135 South 12th Street gW&ho University of Nebraska, crown of tho stato's free i public school system, offers oxcolloiU opportunities for Collcginto, Technical and University education. The Ag ricultural School for tho boys and girls from tho district school and tho farm. Tuition frco excepting small tuition in Suhool of Law, Art, and Music. For tho calendar, or other infor mation address GEORGE E. MAC LEAN, Chancellor, Lincoln, Nebraska oa " Awy.wVWT'i"s.vs.:r,-irT;'"ii nfwRWWiw BROKE ! Well, you need a new pair, or possibly wo can fix them up all right for you. Any how, bring them in and seo. Without your glasses you can't see right. We will test and tit your eyes with a new pair of cither line French crystal or Brazilian pebble oyo glasses or spectacles, at such rea sonable cost that you will bo pleased to have them. E. HALLET, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O Street, Funkc Opera House Block, Lincoln. B. S. KING Fine... Scientific Waich Refracting Repairing. Weak and strained eyes successfully fitted, No atrophine, head ache or lost time. 1300 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB. Society Programs .... How about that program ? It costs no more to have it printed neatly ami at tractively than to have a poorly gotten up affair that every member is ashamed to place in a visitor's hand. Your so ciety will bo judged quite largely by tho stylo of its printed stationery. I can make it right. BEDELL, Printer, 77 Browaell Block. Ewing Clothing Co., FINE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. 1115 1117 O Street. Lincoln, Neb. NEBRASKA (College . up . . RAT9RY BMss Ella Grawforo, prin'l. Oratory, Elocution, Phylscal Culture, Dramatic and Fencing, Etc, Lyric Art. Union Leaguo Club Building, LINCOLN, NEB. HHI'IHTinSH THE WAY TO 60 TO CALIFORNIA is in a Tourists Sleeping Car person ally couducted via the Burlington Route. You don't change cars. You make fast time. You see tho finest scenery on the globe. Your car Is not so expensively finished nor so fine to looV at as a palace sleeper, but are just as clean, just as comfortable, lust as good to rido in AS J NEAKLY $20 CHEAPER Tho Burlington Excursions leave Lincoln at 0:10 p m every Thursday, reaching Sun Fran clso.i Sunday and Los Angeles Monday. Porter with each cur Excursion manager with party. For folder giving full information call at Ticket oltlce U. &M. depot. 7th and P Sts ; city office corner 10th und O Sts.. Lincoln, Neb. G. W. BONNELL, C. P. and T. A., Lincoln, Neb. BEST LAUNDRY Does the best work. 2249 ST. We are cleaners of Linen. Bring your laundry to us, or we will call for it. Telephone 579. T0WNSEND & PLAMAND0N Prop's. DR. F. D. SHERWIN. DBlsTTIST Room 17, Burr Blk., 2nd Floor. 4i m , Ut 42