L r A i! I i i" 7J jiran The Hesperian. WEEKLY JOURNAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Tho Southorn-crONs shines fair to-night, Honouth tho tropic moon, Tho Ixiotlo uhoiiH hln phosphor light Upon tho mill lngoon; Uut tu:, from whoro tho orange blows, Flout soft us snow to mo. A thousand leagues my spirit goes Uoyond my eocou-treo; And nslcH as It follows tho winged light AcroKh tho fragrant sou, " On tho other slao of tho world to-night Does some ono think of me?" UNDER THE IPAIUMS, Cun tho leaguo-long linos of uorf and foam Whoro thoy guthor In tho buy, E'or chock tho thoughts that hasten homo Llko gulls with tho full of UayT Thoy Ray Mint tho pulso of tho ocean wldo Will thrill to Its fnrtbONt strand: If so. I'll sing to tho rising tldo 'Till It throbs on my natlvo land; And ask till tho fading ot tho light Whoro tho moon sinks In tho son, "On tho othor stdo of tho world to-night Docs no ono think of me?" I hour my fato in tho tnollow wind That frets my fragrunt doll, And read In tho htur-shlno, soft ami kind, Moro tulos tli u n the wizards tell, And, though I Ho 'neuth tho drooping palm Whoro tho soldiers' eamp-llro glows, Mybeart still trusts and throbs as calm As tho sou tliut around mo Hows, And I know by tho thrill of fond dollght Thut 11)1h my rovorlo On tho other side of tho world to. night Thoro's one who thinks of me. Ira Kelloiju, Co, Ji, ut Neb, mmwiamipWiw mM&m