iBB THE HESPERIAN , ATTENTION, CADETS! We make a Fine TAILOR-MADE Uniform, with a TRY-ON before finishing, that the fit may bo satisfactory, Tho past two years we have mado the Cadet uniforms, excepting a few who preferred to go to other dealers, as the students havo always been privileged to place their orders with any firm, regardless of any recommends that havo been mado. Our order book for the past two years, with but few exceptions, indicates that only the better class of goods and workmanship is wanted by tho students, and this is what we now offer, PAINE ft WARFEL, OUR STUDENTS 3.00 Ui $3.50 SHOES Aro the Best on earth for tho money. t-SEE them before buying. wwww v PuHlHttbwwBtftfHS "wwm-i HSEW 1213 O STREET. m Our $3 nnd $3.50 shoos are tho boBt. Wobstor & Rogors, 1043 O St. Rebates to studonts on watchos, jowolry and ropuiring. 1140 O street. Tho Palladian Litorury society is arranging for a hallowo'on party for Saturday evening, October 29. Frank L. Rain has boon holding down Ed. Oramb's place in tho StudontB' Supply Store tho past wook. There is a noat letter stamp caso for you at tho Regent Shoo store, 103G O stroot. Come around and got it. If you want thoso U. of N. pins that you havo boon looking for, call on E. Floming, 1211 O streot. lie has some oxtra fine ones. Tho Gorman department is very popular this year among tho students. Noarly five hundred and fifty Btudonts aro rogiBtorod in this work. The namos of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. King and Miss Walton wore proposed for membership in tho Palladian Socioty last Friday evening. Tho young ladieB of Delta Delta Delta fraternity had a theatre party last Thursday ovoning when Modjoska appeared in Lin coln. Thoy woro chaporonod by Mrs. James Manahan. Last Saturday night "Satan" Erwin, the big full-back on tho foot-ball -team, was pledged to Kappa Sigma. Monday ovoning Scott Garouto of Lincoln, was initiated into tho fra ternity. U. S. Commissioner of Education W. T. Harris addressed tho students in chapel from 11 to 12 last Friday. Ho spoke encouragingly of tho project to have a great national univer sity in the nation's capital. Ed. JD. Banghart, '98, teacher of science in tho Wymoro schools, found time to como up to Lincoln last Saturday and Sunday. Ho is very well pleased with his work at Wymoro. Yes, of course ho comos to Lincoln on business. R. A. Emerson, '97, who is now employed in tho bureau of horticulture at Washington has boon elected associate professor in horticulture in tho University and will begin work next year. This is tho chair formerly hold by Prof. Card. Attornoy O. M. Sidles, '92, of Ulyssos, was in Lincoln a few days last week on business. When Mr. Skilos went to Ulysses to locate a year or so ago, ho found another lawyer in possession of tho town, but ho has succeeded in driving him out, and now has everything his own way. Managor Bischof is trying to arrange an excursion to Law ronco, KanBas, on November 5. If fifty namos can bo secured a rate of one faro can bo had. If more than fifty go, a less rate may bo secured. Tho train will loavo Lincoln Friday and return Sunday. If you want to go loavo your name with Managor Bischof. A book social will bo hold Saturday evening, October 29, under tho auBpicos of tho city and University Young Women's Christian Associations, for tho purpose of collecting literature for tho soldior boys at Manila. Tho admission will bo a book or magazine of good reading matter. A short program will bo rendered during tho ovoning. Every one is cordially invited to bo present. WE SELL MEN'S SHOES DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY TO YOU. 1080 O STREET. Metchant Tailor, Clothiers and Furnisher. IH iHlBM f 1213 ITT) PTOfV street. w u inn The Brand Hotel. W. C. FLEURY, Prop. Exceptional accommodations for Banquets, Parties and Dancing. Special Rates to Students and their Friends of $.50 Per Day. COR. TWELFTH AND Q, LINCOLN, For good SHOES and Low Prices, see S3. A. & F. J, 1236 O Street. Student Trade Solicited. m